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Posts posted by TooTallMike

  1. I'd suggest we meet at 9am at the cafe at the junction of Woodplace Lane and the A23. There's a big layby there so we should be able to park up easily. (http://www.viamichelin.com/viamichelin/int/dyn/controller/mapPerformPage?ie=utf-8&strArrivalDate=&strDepartureDate=&strPersons=2&strCountry=EUR&strAddress=woodplace+close&strMerged=coulsdon&x=0&y=0)


    From the top end of the M23, continue about 1 mile on the A23; cafe is on the right just before the 3rd set of traffic lights. You may prefer to carry on and turn round more safely at the roundabout a little further on.


    - Mike

  2. I thoroughly recommmend POR 15 as a fuel tank sealer. It can be obtained from Frosts. I can see right in to the MUTT tank and it still looks as good as when I first did it.


    Nuts and bolts should be put in and shaken with oil, diesel or soapy water, not petrol!


    - Mike

  3. sorry if this is already covered but what sort of driving do we actually do on this trip:

    - mainly on tarmac

    - mainly on level/rolling dirt tracks :sweat:

    - mainly on graded off road type things :shake:



    Hoping for lots of number 2 & a bit of 3:)


    There'll always be someone willing to climb out and attach a towrope to you if you did get mired down - his name is Grasshopper and if it's wet he'll be issued with snorkle, puddle-jumping, 1 for the use of.

  4. I carry two 3/4 full cans of diesel on the WLF as well as a full 5-litre petrol can 'cos it's much easier to just give someone a top-up than tow them. I keep a diesel can in the 110 and have a 5l petrol one in the MUTT. Running out of fuel is very embarassing - trust me I've been there several times - and it's not always as simple as just keeping an eye on the gauge. I would always make sure any cans with fuel in are well strapped down or secured in holders.

  5. A couple of slightly better views in the book "Hills of Botley" by Jack Hill/Bob Tuck, they show a home-made A frame for the jib - if I remember I'll put it in my truck for you to look at. Some great ex-military truck pics in this book, well worth a view, especially for the Antar pics.


    I am not sure that the Tele jib is actually on the Mat, I always took it to be on a truck behind the mat????


    Thanks Tony - I'd be interested to see that.


    Antarmike - I've looked again at the photo and I can see what you mean, but it does look like it's connected at the top of the jib, although the front end seems very high up behind the cab. There doesn't appear to be anything parked behind it.


    - Mike

  6. The AA route planner says Hooley to Fleet services is 42.2 miles - this is based on the Hooley start point being the junction of Church Lane and the A23 in Hooley and is 1.04 miles from the M23 junction!


    I leave you to guess how long a circuit of the M25 during the tail end of the rush hour will take


    That is the correct location so 42 miles at 40mph is give-or-take 1 hour, not counting traffic. It's only about 4 junctions to the M3 and it's not THE worst bit of the Mway.


    I was wondering anyway if that was a little early...? Grasshopper's alarm clock doesn't do single figures, and the M25 can be hellish. Perhaps we should work backwards - what time do we want to arrive at the Plains?


    - Mike

  7. Hi guys,


    We are 5 minutes from the top end of the M23 and there are a number of laybys where we could meet. We could then meet the M3 group at Fleet or nearer as suits. The more the merrier!


    Far too early to talk about times though:). We'll have to discuss and come back to you.


    Anyone else?


    - Mike

  8. Well done guys, and I really like the slick new look. :)


    But could I also have my username back? :(




    - Tootallmike...


    ps. well done on making NOS paranoid :D


    pps. I found the smilies so I'm basically happy again. Just proves how easy I am to amuse.:o (don't even know what that one signifies but I'm tipsy so I don't care and I like the colour...:D)


    ppps. how do I 'mark posts as unread'?

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