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Posts posted by TooTallMike

  1. I find modern heavy vehicles slurp the diesel a bit enthusiastically too. My engineering education leads me to think that this is solely due to the higher travelling speeds involved and associated generally heavier demands for acceleration. If modern 40 ton lorries were running around at 20m.p.h. with Gardner 6LX's they would be a good deal more economical on fuel but I don't think that would be a step forward really! I would still hope that a converted heavy like Mack NM6 should return 10 m.p.g. running about light at 30 - 35 m.p.h. Would anyone who has done such a conversion comment please?


    Having completed 3 diesel conversions to Ward laFrances (14 tonnes) and being in the final stages of the 4th I can categorically state that it is perfectly viable to do this kind of work, and it can change a previously underpowered, unreliable and thirsty truck into something that will start every time and will return 13mpg (calculated) all day at 35 - 40mph. My conversions will pay for themselves in fuel savings in only 3 show seasons.

    I would rather see an originally petrol vehicle fitted with a diesel engine than see it relegated to the shed or broken up because it's too expensive to run.

    - MG

  2. Hope this info helps, just a question of waiting now and hoping they don't miss any groups off the new licence.
    Please don't leave this to luck - lots of people have permanently lost entitlements when their licenses have been returned and unless you have test pass certificates to back you up you haven't a leg to stand on as old licenses are destroyed. I would strongly recommend getting a good quality photocopy of your existing license before you send it to Swansea.


    - MG

  3. Assuming the above hypothesis is correct, and having previously researched dieselising CCKWs myself, I would remove the compressor from the engine and blank off the hole. I'd then install a vacuum pump to run off the engine and fit a modern servo in place of the hydrovac. I'd also fit a twin circuit master cyl. GMC brakes are pretty good when set up right and I don't believe it would be worth the effort of converting to air brakes.


    The alternative if you are determined to go air/hydraulic is to install an air drier with an unloader valve and let that deal with limiting pressure. It means the compressor is running constantly but the Knorr Bremse units run this way as standard.


    - MG

  4. is this a W L F guys?



    I don't think so; if it is, it's very very modified.


    I think it's a commercial truck of some sort although there are some oddities such as the exhaust coming out of the top of the bonnet, and the bumper and brush guard. It might also have a front winch hidden under the guard below the front bumper. It seems to have wartime NDT tyres on the front but looks to not have front wheel drive.


    - MG

  5. I bought a "repro" wiring harness for my GMC CCKW 353 , at Rex Ward ;


    I 'm working with the genuine plan as it's described in the original TM , but the colours of the wires don't seem to be equal


    as in the TM ,


    Has anyone ever fitted a Rex Ward repro harness , and if yes would it be possible to post a proper plan ?






    I fitted one of these harnesses to a GMC last year and it was not as straightforward as you might expect. You will need a good understanding of the truck's electrical system and its layout before you start. The proper diagrams are in the TMs - if you don't have them then please get a set as they should always be your first port of call. You need TM 9-801, pages 249 onwards. However even with the TMs it took some work to establish what was what.


    The new harness does not use the correct junction blocks on the firewall, some colours are incorrect on the accompanying instructions and the looms are not in as many sections as the originals. I was not very impressed with it but it was easier than making my own. Oh, and it doesn't use the circuit breakers. In his defence I think they may have tried to make one harness to cover all models, but what they have ended up with is a poor compromise in my opinion. It could be modified to deal with the omissions but that would defeat the point of buying a new one. I have heard that Vintage Wiring of Maine do a very good set of looms but I have never seen or used them.


    I made some notes on the instructions as follows:


    Cab harness:

    line 5: fuel gauge to sender wire was blue not green

    line 8: right hand flasher wire was black with 3 white


    Sorry if this wasn't the news you were hoping for...


    Regards - MG

  6. Hi Jake,


    Please pass in my apologies to Kevin for not sending these sooner. I'm posting them here for future reference.


    The top side of the socket housing has two screw conenctions; one is intact and can be seen, the other has corroded and the wire has become disconnected. The socket is secured to the bumper gusset with a pair of 1/4" UNC nuts and bolts. The cover is just a simple rubber thingy.


    The socket type is familiar to me but I cannot think where from. Maybe the guys in the US can identify it?








    Apologies for the poor photos but it's a tiny thing in a poorly lit location.


    - MG

  7. John,


    Congratulations on your purchase, the contents of the lockers could be straight out of the TM's!


    The spares box still intrigues me as none of the trucks I have immediate access to have any holes or evidence of anything having being mounted there. I was talking to another owner recently about this and a number of other detail points that differ between trucks. We concluded that although they were a standardised vehicle, there must have been numerous variations introduced on the production line during the run.


    Regarding the vice, it certainly couldn't have lived in its bracket as it would have stuck out the side by about a foot! Also, the triangular bracket on the locker is clearly designed for rapid installation and removal. I doubt it would have been kept in the rear body as it would have been exposed to the weather so it must have lived in a locker.


    - MG

  8. I've been speaking to a major national specialist oils supplier who say that GL1 is the spec to go for as even GL4 can attack yellow metals when in the presence of moisture (condensation). They said to avoid EP oils altogether as the additives that make it extreme pressure are those which can attack the yellow metals. We were trying to identify a lube that could be used universally throughout the drivetrain as I wanted to bulk buy. I am awaiting their conclusion but the essential requirement is something as close to GL1 SAE 90.


    - MG

  9. £1500!!! thats dedication!!


    Do you have to pay entry for your mv's?


    I'm afraid that's the sort of money quite a lot of us fork out each year to get multiple exhibits to the show. It rapidly adds up when you factor in fuel, food, beer, last minute repairs etc. Those not fortunate enough to have a transporter may well spend that just in haulage. This 'investment' is one of the reasons some people can feel aggrieved if the facilities etc. are not up to scratch.


    - MG

  10. Interesting read, especially the distance.


    From the Dartford Tunnel it is just another 24 miles further on for visitors north of there, or 28 miles further from Clackett Lane on the M25


    More like from Tunnel 52 miles & Clackett 51 miles, according to google maps

    I read this as those being the distances 'further on' from the exit for Paddock Wood from Dartford or Clacketts.


    Unless I missed it there is no longer any mention of free entry for IMPS members. Is that now not being offered? As a member I appreciated being able to take an unlimited number of vehicles as a perk of my membership. We used to make several runs with more than 10 exhibits, but with only a small number of human attendees accompanying. It wouldn't make financial sense to pay £25 for each of those vehicles if there were no extra people coming to make the 'free' entries worthwhile. - please ignore this, there is still free entry for IMPS, sorry.


    For us this doubles the distance, travelling time and fuel costs to attend so the change of venue will probably preclude this former level of attendance anyway but we will have to see nearer the time.


    Nonetheless it looks interesting and we will support it and see what it becomes. It will be interesting to see if it reaches the levels of 'old' W&P or whether it ends up being only a scaled-down version.


    - MG

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