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Chris Suslowicz

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Everything posted by Chris Suslowicz

  1. T26E1 with 90mm gun. My excuse? At least I've got the complete radio fit for that one. Chris.
  2. Without digging _too_ far into the document pile, I think the roof aerials were only used with the very early "number" sets, WS.2, WS.3 and WS.9. I suspect the sets are rather more scarce than the Gin Palaces, these days. There's a whole supplement to Signal Training Volume III Pamphlet No.25 that deals with the WS.9 in a vehicle. There's also an Installation Print from March 1942 detailing how you fit a WS19 Mk.II Truck & Ground station to a 15cwt truck, and it has all the necessary parts listed on the diagram. Chris.
  3. Yes, it's 44-pattern webbing for the Wireless Set No.88. ZA.33126 is the set carrier with the hole in the top for the aerial. ZA.33127 is the battery carrier (for a large 90V/1.5V brick). Chris.
  4. You would. (I don't speak Polish though.) (You can blame Josef and Adolf (in that order) for that.) Chris.
  5. I fall off bicycles! And don't get me started on horses: they sit down in the middle of a ford when I'm on them. Bah! Chris.
  6. It's not that bad. Most of the hoop-jumping is because some little scrote was trying to download the entire archive, presumably to flog "collections" of manuals off on eBay and elsewhere. That's what introduced the "no webmal/free email accounts" and the "6 docs in any 14 days" limits. We don't bite (much) unless Gnome Central is having a particularly bad day. 8-)> Chris (Junior Password Gnome)
  7. Ah! There's a carefully-concealed Installation Print for 15cwt Truck & Ground station on the WS19 group files section. This will probably solve your "how/where it all goes" problem, merely leaving you with the "simple" problem of accumulating all the mounting hardware(!). You need File 1811 (which calls itself "WS19 Mk 1, Various diagrams" for some bizarre reason). Hope this is some help, Chris.
  8. ...nor do I drive. (FX: cries of "Burn the Heretic" as pitchfork wielding crowd assembles) "Keep death off the road" is basically my motto, as I don't think I'd be safe behind the wheel. Anyway, I'm in Birmingham/Solihull, and mainly interested in WW2 Signals kit. I joined mostly to be able to drop the occasional bit of information into discussions. Best, Chris.
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