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Posts posted by montie

  1. Will try and get some pics next time, too busy keeping eyes on the road, dials and mirrors!


    It's funny how you can trundle around the garden as much as you like, but it's a whole new ball game when you get out on the main road and get some speed up.


    In top (4th) gear you notice every slight incline. Only 140hp pushing 7 tonnes! Makes the Landrover seem positively spritely.


    We have a wide river ford near here, so might give that a go next...


    I might take a run over to the Tank Museum too. Would make a good photo opportunity.


    Sounds like you are planning heaps of fun!

  2. I am speaking out of turn but my backyard approach would be as follows; get a UNC bolt with the correct dimensions, threadwise- length and shank. Obtain a nut / fitting suiting the pipe fitting. Cut the nut to the correct lenth to suit the pipe fitting depth and trail fit it to fit the bolt head. Tig weld (or have it done) the nut to the bolthead. This would destroy the temper of the bolt. I suppose silversoldering would also work. Put the bolt assembly in the lathe and drill a 1/8" straight through the bolt shank. Machine,or preferably polish the bolt / nut flats to remove evidence of welding. Restore the temper if possible (unless silver soldered) by heating and quenching if really required. Practice extreme care when refitting to the manifold.

  3. Sadly I was unsupervised for a short time on the weekend and came home with this.






    Do you have a helmet? Wear it, sounds like you're gonna need it! Nice bike, though.

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