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Posts posted by eddy8men

  1. richard you are a mine of knowledge !

    but do you have any info on how to work the sodding thing :) i am winging it at the mo and the potential for disaster is quite high :) a manual or a link to where i could purchase one would be great

  2. back on with the resto.

    we hit a problem last year with a missing coolant pipe that runs from the pump to the rad. it's a 5ft long 2" pipe and has several complicated bends and was beyond my fabricating ability :) i won't show you the failed attempts ! the pipe is now being made in stainless by a tube bending firm and should be ready next week.

    while waiting for the pipe we had a look at the clutch and gave it a clean and lick of paint, the friction linings were very good and the pressure plates showed only a little surface cracking. the slave cylinders were knackered but i have some NOS seals and will rebuild them next week.

    once the coolant pipe is fitted the engine can go back in




  3. it doesn't matter what happens to me, only the tank matters and if it gets restored then great. it just takes a bit of the enjoyment out of it.

    it will be interesting to see if the vineyard will yield more tanks from the magnetometer search and if it does we will see how many others try to muscle me out, i have no doubt they are watching the thread closely !

  4. chris i was thinking the same thing and it would be a shame if i had to go underground with my activities.


    i did a deal on an A10 tank last year and told a few people about it before i had paid and collected it, next thing i know one of those people bought from under me !

  5. "rick's flying circus" would sound about right.


    anyway the TV want to do a bit on the recovery, which will cock it right up but also raise awareness so maybe not a bad thing. unfortunately i doubt i will be able to recover the tank this month due to every man and his dog now getting involved. god only knows how long it will take the TV types to get their act together. it'll be a case of hurry up and wait ! patience is not a virtue i suffer from but i'll just go along with it and do my best. i'll keep you all up to speed

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