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Posts posted by berna2vm

  1. I think that this is one museum that is a must see. I will be planning a trip to Switzerland in the near future.... Won't tell the other half about the museum yet though :-).

  2. I have not seen the 'Top Gear' programme but the results are completely at odds with what I see everyday in my garage!!! Modern Land Rover products cannot hold a candle to Toyota's vehicles. Unfortunately they are no more AEC,s Scammells or Gardner diesel engines and there was a time when the early Land Rovers were the best in the world but sadly that is just not the case anymore. I am pleased that people buy LR products because it keeps British people in jobs.. And me busy repairing them :-).

  3. I am angry that a woman in Blackpool defiled the War Memorial. I cannot believe that she has escaped a custodial sentence.This hideous creature should have been birched. I would have come to Lancashire and implemented the punishment myself. I sometimes lose confidence in the judicial process....

  4. I do personally believe that Dieppe was a political rather than a tactical mission to appease Josef Stalin and many fine men lost their lives in what was a futile attempt to sugar the Soviet leader. I cannot honestly believe that anyone in the War department actually thought that this 'invasion' or experiment would have a successful conclusion????

  5. Hi there, my name is Lee and looking to build up my 110 into a wolf, any pictures, ideas and bits gratefully recieved! Based just outside silverstone, my 110 is my 21st landrover in 6 years.

    Unfortunately they do wear out rather rapidly !!!!:-)

  6. Hi there! Firstly they say the camera never lies, my militant looks ok in a photo, but in the flesh, well :) Your cab looks in very good nick, particularly at the front by the windscreen, mines all parting company.

    You could still run her without a back body, which wouldn't look too bad, the back on mine is rotten, and I had considered removing it, running without and doing the body up indoors.

    I know what you mean by a civvy paint job, given that your body is missing, but come on now, you can't beat green :)


    Let me know what you're short of, I might have or know the bits you need. BTW you'll find most peope on here obliging, so just ask :)


    Just looking at your pics, I think I have some brackets so you can put your headlights in the right place, all that wiring on the floor looks familiar, mine was all pulled out when I got it, every wire yellow, and most with no markings legible! Do you have your clocks and start panel? I have a spare of both if you're interested, also the frame that they sit in which bolts to the front of the cab. Do you have the bonnet side and bonnet top?


    If you can, get it on the road, do a few shows, then, in my experience, people will come forward with the stuff you need if they see the wagon in the flesh, much better than trying to reach people with your pleas with the wagon tucked away in a barn somewhere.


    Do you have a manual for it, I can copy you a few pages if you let me know what you need.


    BTW, I still have the wooden former in the garage that I made for the lower corner panels, your O/S front look a bit thin, is it? Let me know if you want a panel making.

    As Gordon Gekko said, Green is good... Or was it Greed????

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