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Posts posted by berni

  1. hi green jacket,

    welcome to the site, its good to have another MW owner on here. My other half Russ has got one ( i've got a GMC)

    the more the merrier & please feel free to post little hints & tips as I'm sure we can always learn more .


  2. we didn't get home till 11.45 last night & i am so tired.

    it was real good & i enjoyed it , even in the rain.

    will say more when i wake up proper but we had loads of compliments about what a fantastic time peole had had & also how rocking the band was on saturday night. they kept the beer tent overflowing till closing time.


  3. russ & myself will be there wednesday helping with the set up, popping home & then back up to stay thursday lunch time

    my Jimmy reg is OFF 716, so if you see it parked up near a very tidy half track please say hi, if i am sleeping feel free to wake me up ( i can sleep loads so don't feel bad about waking me) otherwise i will be the one dancing the night away with copious amounts of alcohol in my system( hopefully).


  4. they also collected a dingo from our treasurer ( george rilon) from bisley. the Army were also supposed to collect a saracen from outside the Soldiers of Gloucester museum & drop it off at the TA centre. between us & Severnside we are trying to get it up & running ready to bring to shows and it needs a new home in order to get her sorted.

    we waited for 3 hours but sadly they got lost so will be doing the move on the way back either wednesday or thursday.

    i missed out on my lie in this morning & because i have to be at East Midlands Airport for a meeting on wednesday , that will be the day they choose.

    thats life though



  5. if you get itv/htv west there should be a piece on it tonight about our trip.

    we have been in our local paper,the gloucester citizen,the bristol evening post & the western daily press,

    i now know what it feels like to be famous, we had an itv presenter, a camera man, a reporter & photographer from each of the paper named above, all taking photos etc all day every day.

    they were all really sweet actually & we got chatting a fair bit ( as those who know me can testify to )none of them had been over to Normandy before & were surprised at how emotinal it made them feel.

    any way i will do a full report later but we will be on the news at 1.50 & also in tonights main news .


  6. oh enigma,

    you have just bought a little tear to my eye.

    i to had a renault van like yours untill it died a week ago friday & had to go to the scrapyard in the sky :died:, it was like an extension of my being.

    why do we get so attached to them :-(


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