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Everything posted by Marmite!!

  1. sounds like a good idea for a poll.."How often do you visit this Forum"
  2. Ever wondered why Prince Charles has got so many medals when he last saw active service 30 years ago? here's the answer.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/6147544.stm
  3. This lot posted on behalf of Chris Aldous, great pics Chris :thankyou: http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/ca1.jpg[/img] http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/ca2.jpg[/img] http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/ca3.jpg[/img] http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/ca5.jpg[/img] http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/ca6.jpg[/img] http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/ca7.jpg[/img] http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/ca8.jpg[/img] http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/ca10.jpg[/img] http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/ca11.jpg[/img] http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/ca13.jpg[/img] http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/ca14.jpg[/img] http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/ca15.jpg[/img] http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/ca9.jpg[/img] http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/ca15-1.jpg[/img] http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/ca17.jpg[/img] http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/ca18.jpg[/img]
  4. & I've only just found out that my Fox is in the calender, July, bottom right Beltring Advert :-)
  5. Just a quick one because I'm knackered :roll: There were 10 of us in total & what a brilliant day & a real eye opener.. hats off to the guys for giving us the FULL tour...photos & a fuller report to follow... I think richardrosser (The Ferret) is a secret drinker, all we saw him do all day was fall over, thanks for that, great entertainment, must admit we all took a tumble at least once but Richard was at it all day long :rofl: he's also very good friends with rapier rob now :-o :wink: :-) :-) Rob I would of helped you out but there were to many cameras about :-) Neil, you didn't miss anything & not meaning to be rude but you wouldn't of got in to a single place we visited...it was a wee bit tight to say the least.. I found a WW2 item in one of the underground magazines dated 1941, I will post of photo tomorrow.. Can't wait for the next one :-D
  6. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  7. From a distance it looks like it says HIV... :-o
  8. We have Ignition...Windscreen. First class article Mr. Elliot well done :-)
  9. to post photos you can to use a photohost like photobucket. http://photobucket.com/register.php When using Photobucket or similar you should have a page like this once you have uploaded your photos: http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/photohelp.jpg[/img] what you need to do is highlight everything in the Img Box underneath the photo you want to post then copy & paste it in to your message, your photo won't appear untill you post or preview it..
  10. http://www.estpak.ee:80/~uv226a/action4.htm More photos on the website... http://www.estpak.ee/~uv226a/Images/Kiev2.jpg[/img]
  11. Still trying to find an in-service photo, found loads of 32BA76 & 32BA78 but can't find mine 32BA77 :-(
  12. Yep it's the oldest surviving Ferret, I was at Detling two years ago when an old chap came over asking "Who owns that Field Mouse?" it turned out to be the my Ferret's driver who was stationed with it in Cyprus 1952, he recognised the reg, he was the first one to explain to me why my Ferret had no center bin or studs on the escape hatch for it.. The Ferrets in the early days in Cyprus were unloaded by fork lifts but the forks weren't long enough so they use to ram the bins, they took the bins off & never replaced them, I have been told this several times since so presume it true.. Unfortunately I lost the guys contact details that weekend, he was going to let me have all his photos.. :-( It's handy having no center bin as people can get a good veiw of the inside easily..
  13. No Clive I can't, clutching at straws, Just came across a Photo of an EOD Pig so thought I'd give it a go :roll:
  14. It got to be the Ambulance version then??.. I've ran out of options..
  15. A wild guess.... Bomb disposal purposes???
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