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Posts posted by marvinthemartian

  1. Hi Simon, you're right that Unipren is no longer manufactured, you'll also find that there are also short lengths of Unipren 50, between the generator and generator panel, and from there to the distribution box, which is coloured blue, also possibly 1 length of Unipren 18 too, also blue which comes from the distribution box to I think the instrument panel feed. Not sure if Champs are the same, but would presume so, then Unipren 135 may be used for the battery leads.

    What I have been doing is buying up NOS electrical leads for other vehicles, then simply stripping them. Lots of conduits around for Saracen, Saladin & Ferret. Whether Tim Vibert at Empire Disposals has anything suitable, it may be worth checking.


  2. Now we've had a few days decent weather, I've managed to get a few more things done. The coil is now reassembled, and I have nearly finished repainting a spare junction box.



    Also found a brand new cover for this too. Got it painted, and then had a visit from a suicidal fly!



    Got the battery boxes and lids back from blaster with a bit less metal on them, which I have started to work on.




    The blasting did uncover the Fv number on the side of the box.

    Started on the rusty lid by cutting out a decent chunk, and taking it to good metal.


    I did weld it a bit at a time, to try and avoid excessive heat, but still managed to warp the lid a little bit. But when I eventually got it to fit on the battery box, I can't believe just how blooming hard they are to get on,lots of silicone spray needed, jumping on it, plastic hammer, it didn't look to bad.


    A good sanding, a small amount of filler, a quick spray over of primer and all looks good.

    I have finally found a decent kigas tank, I have been on the lookout for one of these for ages, as my original one is past it. So another item crossed off my shopping list.


    Cleaned up it does look in very good nick.


    Thanks to a bit of sun today, also managed to get a few small items painted.


    Lots of bits on the go here, another horn unit, door handles, lamp and switch brackets, pipe clamps and other sundry bits.








  3. Just came back from a short holiday on the Isle of Wight, filled up with diesel at Sainsburys in Newport, petrol @ 129.9p per litre, diesel 134.9p. Back home, close, petrol 130.9p, diesel the same.


  4. Finally had a few days of sunshine, suppose thats now summer over! Spent some time outside doing bits and bobs. Got a few items sorted out and sent off for shot blasting, battery boxes being the main items as they are very rusty, do have spares




    Also managed to save the brass plates off of the lids, and clean them up, oddly, for the same plate the wording is different.



    Also on the blasting list are spare front brake cylinders, unfortunately when these were taken off the donor vehicle, the mounting flanges broke, due to the electrlytic action of steel and aluminium, so will need to repair these afterwards.



    The old brake hoses were also stripped, and the springs were put into the blasting box, and the other bits were clean up in the shed, the swivelling nut was also freed off, as was totally seized, which makes removal of the pipe blooming awkward.



    These hoses were original parts, even down to the Westinghouse logo, the pink piece on the hose, not seen that before, but then not honestly looked at them too closely on my truck.

    Have also aquired more palm couplings, and have got these stripped and sent off for blasting.


    Last job I have been on with is refurbishing another coil, handy to have a spare, so got stripped and started painting.



  5. Progress is currently slow due to blooming wet & cold weather, but I have been beavering away in my shed doing the odd little bits, and on the very odd occassion we have had a bit of sunshine, a very small amount of painting, though only undercoat. One job I have redone because I wasn't overly pleased with the original finished result is the junction box to switchboard cable, first time I covered it with heatshrink tubing, but that seemed to spoil the look, so have stripped it completely and finished it off with braiding, now looks a proper job!


    Original finish.


    Repairing again.


    Sliding the braiding over.


    The finished look, much better!

    The only other things I have been up to is remaking the rifle butt block securing surrounds, and finishing off cleaning up and undercoating the removable floor panels.


    The original surrounds looking a bit shabby.


    The new ones made up and sanded smooth, ready for undercoat.


  6. Random thoughts......


    Except for maybe a few battleships I was trying to think of another piece of kit that has done 50 years service with UK forces whilst still retaining its basic design.


    I could`nt think of a single item of uniform, personal kit, weapon system, aircraft, or other vehicle that can lay claim




    English Electric/BAe Canberra comes to mind, first flight 1949, left service 2006.

  7. Feb 18th 1944, RAF Mosquitos attack the Amiens prison. Quite a number of French Resistance prisoners escaped from the Gestapo run gaol. Unfortunately, this resulted in the untimely demise of Gp Capt P.C. Pickard and his navigator, Flt Lt Alan Broadley, amongst others.

  8. Duncan, they do come up on ebay once in a while, or the components required can be got separately, ie cheap no plate lamps, use the back half of that and the trumpet cone side lamp lens. It's quite possible that I have some extra in the shed, as I seem to aquire things that may be of use in the future.

    As for brake pipes, the book says thay should be copper tubing, but that's b*ll*x, the pipes I've removed for cleaning/stripping have been steel, so I would guess bundylin, so any steel tube would suffice, just need to get the bends correct, or as near to. I'm pretty sure the brake pipes were finished with olives at the ends.

  9. The side lights were origainally like these.


    Though I think maybe the FV1110 and FV1119 were of that type, or the larger 4" diameter lense.

    The handbrake shoes have a material thickness of 5/16", not a lot, but then they shouldn't really do a lot of work.


    I think that outrigger lamps are a legal requirement on vehicles over a certain length, whereas on your truck they have been retro fitted on the cab sides just behind your back doors. I have found a slightly better shot of the location, circled in red.


    This is the type fitted, made by Britax or similar.


    The entire trafficator system would've been removed at the time of upgrade, I don't think that I've ever come across any decent pics of any before the upgrade.


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