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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. Perfect thank you Clive (FV1609). At least I now know they do have M+S on the sidewalls, that's really helpful. Now I can be sure running them here in winter is, for now, legal as an all seasons tyre.

    Even the Mitchelin website doesn't state this, that's why I wanted a literal image. Perfect.




  2. Hello all,

    I was wondering if some of you have recently sent any radio equipment to the EU from eBay sales and the like?

    I have been reading German forums and note strange items being refused by customs -  for example a NATO Land Rover first aid kit.

    Now I wonder if buying items such as a Bowman antenna base will either land me in hot water, or it will get confiscated even though they are in common circulation and sold within the UK.

    Has anyone recent experience exporting Bowman, Clansman or related military radio equipment or encountered problems?




  3. Ruxy, I agree. The Snatch Land Rover book that came out had loads of private ownership additions added to some of the vehicles, giving a false impression of what a vehicle might have looked like in service. Artistic licence I guess.

    As for my Wolf, as it is direct from MOD/GPSV we can rule that out.

    As Richard pointed out - TFSU (G) which is Stored Equipment Fleet, Germany, would supply vehicles when required for exercises in Germany to all units. So although Rifles/Yorks were the initial likely units for the decal, we cannot rule out any unit that was allocated the vehicle on loan from 2013>?.

    I might make a Freedom of Information request to see if I can get the TFSU (G) vehicle/unit allocation logs for my Wolf. This would give more information if such a log is available.

    I did find a Vodaphone top-up receipt from Paderborn dated 2016 - which does suggest the vehicle was in use there, but cannot rule out that someone just emptied their rubbish inside the vehicle while inside for whatever reason.

  4. Hi Robin, thank you for you reply. Yes, no problem to share the image at all.

    I attach the service history from KB 93 AA, TUL Wolf 90.

    From my understanding of the history it was attached to 4 Rifles, then deploying with UK BG 1 (CSAT)  to Bosnia/Serbia conflict with 4 rifles and ending at QM DEPT MNGB BLMF.  Still with 4 Rifles, and later 5 Rifles. I am unsure if the codes for the last two with Rifles are a Germany deployment.

    From 02/11/2009 the Wolf was attached to 1 Yorks at Munster, Oxford Barracks. I found paperwork inside to also confirm this. From here it moves to TFSU which is Mönchengladbach and also, from paperwork within, at some stage in Paderborn 2016.

    I am sure the orange strip has not been on the vehicle since 2001 when deployed to Bosnia as it would be in much worse condition, and likely have been removed.

    My guess is related to Germany - maybe an escort vehicle, range or command observation, etc. But I cannot confirm.

    Any ideas would be great - or service pics if you know anyone in the Rifles and Yorks, especially WO2 Brownsword as I have his Oxford Barracks bar bill in the Wolf! I wonder if he has paid it 🤣

  5. I was just curious if anyone can explain why this vehicle has a large orange sticker (although now very faded) on the front slope of the roof?

    It was active in Germany for the last 10 years of its service, but I cannot think as to why it would have this addition?

    I hope someone can help, as I would really like to know





  6. I actually sold my old 110's doors as they would never stop rattling, but that was back in 2005, when I was somewhat less mechanically minded. I regret trading them for some civilian ones that just rot out, but we all make mistakes. 


    I have just bought a Wolf90 and the door top glass adds a certain musical theme when driving, which I would prefer was not there. I have the AESP for the parts, but I am curious for those of you who have completed this task what is are the essential parts to change. Before I just replace all seals, gaskets and runners!


    Many thanks



  7. I have been studying various images I have of Land Rover Wolf 90/110 and wondered why the rear hub flange on some vehicles appear different?

    I can find no reference to these parts in the AESP which shows the more tradition flange and centre plastic cap, whereas this part looks to be more rounded and omits the centre plastic cap.

    Can someone explain as to why some vehicles have this modification as it does not appear uniform throughout the fleet of MOD vehicles?





  8. I am trying to decipher "UK BG 1 (CSAT) which I think is Command Air Support Transport? But where is this deployment likely to during late 1999?

    Also "QM DEPT MNGB (UK) BLMF" I am unsure what this unit title is?

    The rest appears to be associated with 4&5 Rifles - but can the RIV and RCP code tell us if this was in the UK, or Germany?

    Lastly "1YORKS MUNSTER" I presume is Oxford Barracks, Munster, Germany? As the next entry is TFSU which is Ayrshire Barracks, Monechengladbach, Nr. Dusseldorf?]

    Thanks in advance



    Unit history.jpg

  9. Hello everyone,

    This topic is not so much about the law change, views of politics or if you agree, but advice for MV owners in a similar situation to myself.

    In Germany you have winter and summer tyres, which has been commonplace for a long time. Usually in October you change your wheels over to winter tyres and remove them again for the summer ones around Easter. You can get around this by having all season tyres which you can use all year, but these do have to display the 'M+S' logo on the sidewall - that is Mud & Snow, not Marks & Spencers. From September 2024 a new law comes into play that tyres with M+S must also display the three peaks with snowflake logo, as seen below.

    Here is my issue as a Land Rover owner - what tyres feature this logo currently? (G90s, XZLs, etc) that look correct on a military Land Rover? As I would really not like to add tyres that put the vehicle out of character and look more like a Range Rover with road tyres.

    Any ideas?


  10. Hello,

    I am still trying to find a LHD 90 Wolf, with not much luck so far, but that is another story. When I do locate one I will be registering it in Germany, which may require a Certificate of Conformity.

    Would this exist for the Wolf being that it was not a direct production line vehicle as such? Or would the MOD cast form work for this?

    Any leads on a Wolf 90 LHD would be much appreciated - ideally in the EU, as I am now subject to VAT on import plus 10% which makes UK vehicles less viable, especially when you then add the collection or haulage of the vehicle.


    Many thanks



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