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Posts posted by fadedsun

  1. The m578 was built to change the barrels on the 203mm arty peices...as the arty was taken out of service it was found suitable for doing other ARV work, such as changing packs and what not.

  2. I can sell you a t-55 if you want one, two actually....I am just negotiating the purchase of one of those sp2 122 mm self proplelled guns from Russia nice machine....will float too...unbelievable that..


    I want a t-55.


    I'm getting a ferret soon..the t-55 would be next, once I get my commission.


    If an illiterate Russian/afghan can maintain it, so can a trained AFV crewman.

  3. Some nice pics of the Amtracs there. Just one question?. Are you a reserve corp unit??. As i thought all front line units had converted to the M4??. By the way have you seen that great but very sad documentary on the 3rd Battallion 25 Marine divisions time in Iraq??.


    Any more pics would be most appreciated:thumbsup:


    We have m4s, but for the purposes of this AT we just needed weapons to carry around to get used to having it with you at all times. There weren't enough m4s, but there were plenty of m16s.


    My typical weapon if I don't have an m4 is the m249 LMG.


    What documentary are you talking about? 3rd AAV BN?


    Great pics I love Armour, and I'd give my right arm for some Jelapeno cheese spread, awesome.


    Cheese spread with bacon (Yes, it exists) is better..Plain cheese spread is best. There's also apple butter, chocolate butter, chunky peanut butter, regular PB, salsa verde....


    I brought home 2 cases of MREs, so I know. The US government is insanely wasteful..they'll throw out good, unopened MREs in the trash.


    When deployed the vehicles will have potato chip "EAAK" armor on the side, which is what those little square brackets are for. Stops 14.5mm rounds and RPGs.




    great pics any more :-D


    That's it....

  4. Part two

    (still at the range)





    That's a fire HIGH up in the mountains started by a tracer. It died off..eventually.




    As we are leaving the range, one of the Corpsmen taking a photo.


    Quick dinner before we left. MMMMMMM steak.


    Leaving the range. headlights on



    Back at the ramp


    Leaving the ramps, on the beach heading towards red beach for our amphib ops




    A happy comm guy..nothing to fix!



    Cheese and crackers..always a delicious snack!


    3 Tracks go off to investigate an intruder into our area..an Lcac


  5. Rolling up i-5 to Pendleton from San diego


    Almost at 3rd tracks


    My issued m16a2 rifle



    Armaments to be mounted in AAV..extras were in case one system went down, or we were swarmed by civilians on the way to the range....


    A pair of m16a2s! One is mine and the other the Crewcheif's (Sgt).


    Tracks getting ready for the field


    The beast and I


    Heading out to the range, just crossing the "marguerita"


    Stop to make sure everyone is briefed about the next few miles through the canyon



    My station during the drive to the range. My primary toys-m2hb, mk19, plus my backup-m16 is also visible. The turret is a very tight squeeze..if you have mag pouches on, good luck. They're going to get snagged on something.




    Through the canyons, almost at the range. Unloading 4 7 tons full of ammo




    My mk19


    my m2hb


  6. Spent 2 weeks in the field living inside an AAV. Did nearly 15 splashes, one live infantry beach assault, saw an amphib assault ship drop 20 tracks off and attack the beach, lots of live-fire gunnery w/ 50 cal heavy machine guns and 40mm GLs, driving, night shoots, field maintenance..you name it we did it.


    A) I nearly sank a 3 million$ AAV after the engine died in 10 foot waves. After putting it in N to start the cummins again, it wouldn't start, so the senior enlisted on the vehicle whacked it back into N via a trick I didn't know and the vehicle made it back to shore, safely, but not after the radio came alive with "BEACH RESCUE BEACH RESCUE WE ARE SINKING" and water going in through the crew fan vents into the back.


    B) Had an AAV catch fire and the crew abandon ship (batteries short circuited) only to watch the waves push the smoking AAV back to shore (engine was running, water tight still), 2 houras later the vehicle was put back into service with new batteries and wiring.


    C) Qualified as an advanced machine gunner with the .50 and mk19, learned I'm capable of first shot hits up to 2000 yards.


    D) Started several range fires at range 221


    E) Schooled the rest of the battalion on the Abrams tank and had a Lt Colonel call me "Pickle", which was then and is my radio call sign now smiley_abused.gif


    F) Had 60,000 rounds of .50 cal and 30,000 of 40mm HEDP plus 10,000 7.62 and 5.56 (SAW/m240) delivered to the range, and managed to blow through most of them


    G) Did an actual beach assault with infantry on Red beach


    H) Carried around an m16a2 (Sheesh, I miss my m4) and got some good dinner/MRE pics I'll post later


    I) Took a shower twice the entire two weeks-the first night I was there and the 2nd to last night-we did surf swim qualifications (Dumped in the ocean 500 yards from shore and told to swim). I still smell bad!


    J) I took quite a few pictures of the night shooting (tracers+m2hb+mk19=awesomeness) and my m16a2, plus s/ns so you colt afficionados can tell me the pedigree of my rifle (Plus videos)


    K) Got to play with an m1a2 abrams on Red beach..it's smaller inside than you think.


    L) My body is still rejecting the fancy mexican food my grandad took me out to thursday. I've been eating MREs for 2 weeks and so now that I'm in the rear all this civy food is making chili and bean farts seem like a warm tropical breeze.

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