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Posts posted by ferretfixer

  1. I am looking for an M2 60mm Mortar Bipod assembly.

    U.S is ideal, but am more than happy to have a post war variant. & also manufactured by another Nation.

    Can anybody help at all please?

    Thank You Kindly,


  2. 13 hours ago, johann morris said:

    Someone else in the same predicament posted a letter in CMV March edition, Page 15 but this Person is from New Zealand.

    It looks like this Nelz bloke has been a very naughty boy.

    I hope that someone soon, takes legal action to stop him soon.




    Jon, I dont take CMV. Is it possible to scan just that section from the Mag & post on here? Or PM it to Me at all Please?

    Many Thanks.  Kind regards: Mike.

  3. Just awaiting some more information from a very helpful member. & I will make a judgement on proceeding down the small claims route.

    I would like to thank everyone on here. Who has contributed help & support thus far.

    Obviously, as much as wanting to get my Money back, I will be doing this for other's in spirit also. I would really not like it for other's to 'Catch a Cold' with involvement from this 'Man'!......

  4. 4 hours ago, Nick Johns said:

    Good basis to start on. But for the asking price you could easily get a restored one for what it is listed for!..There is a LOT missing. & It need a fair bit of work doing. But not as bad as some I have seen!

    To be fair, the vendor has stated make an offer.  But I suspect He probably wouldnt accept a realistic offer?...

  5. 44 minutes ago, Surveyor said:

    If i go in and he's not there will mention this thread which may help, I don't know how many people on he forum but that figure may help

    His wife ( So He informed Me previously ) Allegedly, Used to work on the computer. & USED to pass on Phone messages....

    Whether this is still the case, I doubt it. As I also Doubt He has told Her how He is Severely letting  People down either!..

  6. 1 minute ago, Surveyor said:

    I will make a judgement call if i am going in but thanks for the back up


    I have no concern's whatsoever of Nelz being a violent Man at all. In Fact when I lambasted Him on the Phone. On the last occasion I was actually able to speak to him! He was most flustered & embarrassed! Let's just hope IF he is present. That the Statement of Legal action being directed against Him. Will 'Galvanise' him into doig the right thing?....

  7. 1 minute ago, Niceonetidy said:

    Lets hope you get a refund, this is not good news for anyone in our hobby,

    Indeed! They had a reputation of producing VERY good products. But I have always has the feeling that it was run haphazardly & not as efficiently as it Could have been! I mentioned to the 'Proprietor' in the initial phone conversations we had. That How come an established bussiness so apparantly successful. Was run from a MOBILE Phone & not a Landline?..... The usual semi Plausible excuses Etc..... I cant be help but be left with the impression it was run on a shoestring & most certainly NOT 'Efficiently'!.....It Transpires I am not the only one this 'Person' has taken Money from. & Not delivered!...….Acting like this sounds the death Knell for this Bussiness in my Opinion? Such a shame, as this circle of affectionardo's in the Military Vehicle & Re-enacting World. Is quite close, & it dosent take long for band news to circulate!....I have started making in roads along this Route already! I REALLY do not wish to hear of another unfortunate Member / Person getting fleeced like I have Been!....

  8. You can get canvas gun covers that will cover the gun & mount.

    This is the route I would take in your position. There are a LOT of Police officers who do not understand the Laws they are supposed to enforce. & in some cases that is not entirely thier own fault. If you drive along with a mounted weapon that can be clearly been seen to LOOK like a gun. They could not be blamed for pulling you over & question you. This COULD take a long time!.....As Most Officer's are not properly trained in Firearms in General. They would have to get specialist Firearms Trained Officers in to check your item out! This could cause you much Unessacary hassle, & waste time they could be more gainfully employed on.  One of the unfortunate 'things' to come out of Police manpower reduction. Is more pressure upon Officers to get things done quickly as possible. So to save them time & acting in the mode of 'Protecting the Public'. The 'Policy' that has been enacted for a long time now is:

    'Arrest the individual, & sort it all out down at the station'!......Now you REALLY dont want the stress, hassle & uncertainty of THAT scenario hanging over you!.... Do You?

    The BEST Policy when traveling on Public Roads / Highways is:  To completely cover the weapon. Or indeed, dismount it from its. Mounting. & stow safely in the vehicle. You can fit it back in the Mount. When you deploy at what ever show you will be attending.  Just my Opinion of course. But, isn't it better to be safe. Than Sorry?.....

  9. 1 minute ago, Surveyor said:

    looked at diary will be Tuesday

    Good Man yourself.

    In the unlikely event of Nelz being in his unit. If He is, you might mention to him. That the net is closing in on Him. & that unless He comes up with the goods or a full refund as He has offered in the past.

    Then there will be no option but legal proceeding to be served upon him.....

    Thanks for your kind assistance Sir! 😉 

  10. Just now, tankdiver said:

    My heart goes out to you . When your wife is so ill the only thing that keeps US going is to actually repair something. It take s a lot of stress away

    Best regards hope all goes well

    Thank you for your kind words. Sadly, in my personal situation. Time is always in short supply! I would love More time on the bench. But caring precludes this. I am lucky to get 3 hours to myself on a Monday Afternoon. & even then, there is shopping to do. Going to post items in the P/Office Etc/ but by the time I get back I am lucky to have an hour to myself to do repairs / make things. 😞 Not feeling sorry for myself, it's just how it is. All the grizzling in the World wont fix it. I am a stubborn / Proud Ex Military Man. Our Training makes us simply 'get on with it' & 'Adapt & overcome'!  Well, We try!... I am certain there are people out there in worse situations than Myself?

    But my Hobby is my 'Escape' if you like? & I was VERY much looking forward to receiving the items I paid for. To complete two projects. Life is hard enough, without having Unessacary Agro like this being thrown at Me!...

    I am heartened at times, by the camaraderie & assistance given ( & Contributed by myself when able ) by Fellow Members here on the Forum. I have friends on here I have never actually met. & some I have at shows, all via the medium of HMVF!

    At times it has renewed my Faith in People. Especially those of us who are like minded! For THAT I am especially grateful.... 

  11. Update!

    Just got off the phone to a helpful Lady involved in the YWE. She is going to get in touch with this 'Gentleman' on my Behalf. He is known to Her, & appreciates My situation & position on this!

    I underlined the my 'Concerns' On Herself & others involved in the YWE. Being 'Associated' with this 'Person'!....

    It takes years to build a good reputation. But not very long to trash it!...….

  12. 2 minutes ago, wally dugan said:

    MIKE lam sorry to hear this his name is paul nelson and l believe he is involved in the Yorkshire wartime experience  if l can help let me know 

    Hello Wally. Yes it is a shame. Scandalous way to 'run' a company, that once turned out what appear to be excellent products! 😞   If you have any info on how to track this person down, I would very much appreciate that!

    He is uncontactable via email or Mobile phone!.... What is also important to Me. is that No One else gets caught out by this fraudulent behaviour!!!.. I am unable to work for a wage. Due to my role as a Fulltime Carer for my Wife. Who is now sadly, in the 'End Stage' of MS. 😞 

    £600 is a LOT of Money to Me, & a sum I can Ill afford to lose!.   Any Help on this would be most welcome! 👌


    Well, Since posting on here in June 2019. I have made numerous Phone Calls to this 'Company'!...

    Also Emails, result?...NOT A SINGLE RESPONSE!!!

    The 'Proprietors' Name is 'Nelz'. It is apparent He couldn't give a Toss. & how a firm survives with an Attitude like this beats Me?  He has accepted over £600 Pounds from me for an order. Which I have had no sign of whatsoever!

    The Man exudes weak excuses & is a LIAR!...it is not just Me, there is a Page on FB named 'Elite Militaria Concerns'.

    I am not the only victim who has been treated this way!...   The owner only responded due to another member on the HMVF making a statement of non delivery here.   LET'S HOPE HE ALSO SEE'S THIS?....



  14. 7 hours ago, Richard Farrant said:

    I can see big issues there, you come home to park your car and someone is sitting on your drive charging theirs, very likely yellow lines outside home, so you find somewhere to park, walk home and someone else is now charging their vehicle. Not well thought out, probably from the same person who dreamed up the "Smart Motorway" idea ......

    Would be even worse to find a van there. & they are filling it up with the valuables they have Burgled from your Home!.....😆

  15. There are plastic covered Bowden cable Alarm systems about. I think they are used on Motorbikes Etc?

    I have one, It is an oval hard plastic case. With a Special Key lock, that secures a stud that is hydraulically crimped on one end of the cable.  You fit batteries inside & screw together. IF 'Someone' attempts to remove the cable from the assembly without unlocking it first. It has a very loud in built alarm that SCREAMS & gets INSTANT attention from anyone in the vicinity!...

    This has the advantage of being able to tuck & bend the cable from the gun. To anywhere you can route the cable on your vehicle. To hide it & prevent visually spoiling the set up.

    Unless you have wirecutters, Which you would also need to cut a chain. They are VERY strong indeed! ;)

    Your .30" cal BMG would be VERY easy to secure in this way. Cable through the belt feed port on the LHS. & down through the ejection opening underneath. 

  16. Your time to be a Jeep Owner may well come soon?......

    After the PMs announcement to ban New Car Sales in the near Future. A lot of People will panic & Dump classic & restored Ex Military Vehicles on the Market.

    I experienced this recently myself. I was in the Middle of negotiations with a seller over an Iltis. It came down Two & a Half Grand from his original asking price. The deal was verbally (Email) agreed upon. But when I asked for photo's of the vehicle underneath. Which I felt was entirely reasonable for a 4X4 Vehicle. Which picks up Mud etc underneath. & flings it into nooks & crannies that could hide rust etc.  He later came back to Me & cancelled the deal. As He couldn't be bothered to do this!....

    The vehicle ended up for a while on 'That' auction site & the price came down twice to a VERY ,VERY reasonable level! it was also on Make me an offer, which I was just going to do. & He panicked! The auction suddenly ended, as another interested party got in before Me. Made him an offer which He accepted, But marked it down as withdrawn from Auction. 'As there was an 'Error' in the Listing'!...…..Greed cost Him a small fortune!.....

    So you may very well pick up a Jeep in the not too distant? Just Hang in there! ;)

  17. I would say you have a case there Paul. You said it yourself, proven when He was away, that things get done properly. You could perhaps ask for another Planner, as you feel discriminated against. & His attitude is a conflict of interest....An appointment with His Boss, & Cite everything you have stated above. & there is a 'Trail' of the Man not doing His job in an unbiased Fashion. When He is under investigation, He might change his 'Attitude' if his job is at risk perhaps?....Just a thought.

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