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Posts posted by ferretfixer

  1. They changed also. When I was first issued Trousers, Lightweight was the term for them.

    They differed slightly from your photo also, in the  flap of the leg side pocket. Was Squared off rather than rounded. The same with the belt loop ends, they were squared also.  Lightweights also did not have buttons inside the waist area for braces. OR those khaki strips of material for reinforcement / hanging up.

    The trousers you depict look very comfortable. & appear to reflect a thinner version of the 60 Pattern Trousers combat. Which were lined. & these above are not. As with a LOT of items in service, cost is involved!  And the much cheaper, simpler to manufacture. 'Trousers, Lightweight' replaced the above.  Lightweights did the job, but there were MUCH inferior in quality to anything preceding them in Service!

  2. 18 hours ago, philb said:

    It sounds like an empty limber would qualify as an unladen trailer but what about a 25 pounder? Serious question.

    Towed Artillery. It is a gun. Not a trailer capable of carrying a load I would say?...A trailer is designed in General to carry a load. IE: Cargo, Water Bowser, Cable drum carrier , Accommodation, Etc.

    A Gun is a dedicated item. IE: A Gun!.....Just my Thoughts! 😁

  3. 51 minutes ago, Pete Ashby said:

    Just come onto Milweb no connection with the seller https://www.milweb.net/classifieds/view_large.php?ad=97940&cat=13


    For that sort of money, I would expect it to come with Canvas Tilt & supporting framework!  Also has ONLY one Civy Windscreen wiper!...There is a chap called Robert Uren who buys & sells a LOT of Jeeps on Milweb. & has his own webpage. Realistic prices too. There is a contact phone number on his page. He offers to talk about anything you wish to. That is Jeep related.

    I have personally never had contact with this Gentleman. & no connection whatsoever. But it might be worth your while giving him a call perhaps? It will only cost you the cost of a call, & who knows? It may well yield the result you are looking for?

  4. Yes money!....a problem for a LOT of Us!

    I'm certain a small privately owned railway enthusiast museum / branch line set up.  Would be interested in acquiring it?

    It would have to be cheap. Probably reach it's value in weight for scrap weighing in? It wouldnt make much more I would suggest. Due to as you have said. The transportation costs involved.  Add that in, & a working privately run railway set up. Would most likely be the only party that it would be of use to?

  5. 1 hour ago, wally dugan said:

    The RAF museum at HENDON had  a complete Beverley which went for  scrap the  last Beverley's fate will lay in who wants it and who has the cash The Berlin dining carriage would need some one with funds to move it. To a lot of military personal the carriages were a symbol of the cold war

    Regarding the carriage move. That would provide a splendid Training Exercise for loading & Transportation. For a TA Reserve unit Perhaps?

    Shame about the Bev. I remember seeing loads of these in Bahrain as a Kid. When My Father was attached to 3 Para at Muharroq. The R.A,F base, which is still active today.

  6. There' a Hotcho on FB up for £15,000 done in US Navy Grey. It looks very clean & in decent condition. It's in Ashford, Kent. If you contact the vendor, he may haggle on the price? If you dont ask, you dont get! ;)   ( I have absolutely no connection )  M.

  7. It's a nice one. if you want a decent Jeep at sensible Money. I wouldnt 'Watch' it too long!....;) 

    As you have previously stated, you have missed out on a few occasions now. Attempting to acquire a Jeep.

    This should have alerted you that GOOD Jeeps at the right price are VERY far & few available. If you wait much longer, the Decent weather will arrive. & this ALWAYS pushes Jeep prices up!...

    Although I do not know, & have never met the Seller of this Jeep.  My Advice if your Serious about acquiring a decent example of a Jeep. Is to get in touch with the vendor & have a 'chat'/ Potentially do a Deal? ( Subject to you possibly inspecting the vehicle) 

    My Own lovely example was acquired with a few phone calls & establishing a good working relationship with the Vendor. Sensible questions revealed a lot, & Told Me about the History of my Jeep & the restoration process on it. The Chap realised after a few minutes I was not a tyre kicker & time waster. & I got a good impression of Him also. I did a deal & got my Jeep without even seeing it beforehand. this was due to GOOD & Clear Communication. Being Friendly (He should be a like minded soul the seller of this Jeep. As owning it you have a Parallel interest before you even start!) Will pay dividends, & help establish trust & assistance. I got a File packed with receipts & Print outs of Emails. Of the entire process of acquirement, research & History of My Jeep. This conformed entirely what my vendor had told Me beforehand!

    You have been waiting a long time now, this SHOULD tell you something. & the realistic prices of Jeeps!  There are many out there, & in my Opinion. Over priced!.....But this one has been looked after & appears to be a Good Example.

    Just my thoughts,! ;) I hope it Helps you?

  8. 9 hours ago, Chris Hall said:

    I can measure the diameter of my 42 GPWs Black Shellar steering wheel if it helps.

    Hi Chris, Is it a Thin Spoked WARTIME variant at all? I have a Black Hotcho Wheel on Mine at present. (Thick Spoked)

  9. 3 hours ago, Nick Johns said:

    All types of Jeep steering wheels are similar diameter

    So could you explain why there is a roumer that the Wartime Wheels are smaller at all Nick? I have heard this a few times in the past. & it is only NOW that I need to know the exact diameter! 😏

  10. 13 hours ago, Maurice said:

    there are 3 basic ww2 versions , first the black bakelite version , 2nd  olive drab plastic one , third  tin spoked olive drab version , post war Hotchkiss is fatter in the center , but then there is an olive drab M38 version as well .

    Yes, but WHICH is the SMALLEST diameter!

  11. 13 hours ago, Richard Farrant said:

    I think the question relates to the distance between outside of the steering wheel to the seat back !!


    Sort of Richard. I would very much like to know the width of a Thin Spoked wheel Diameter. IE: Edge to edge External Diameter.

  12. Jeep aficionados! There are two 'Standard' steering wheels available for Jeeps as far as I am aware!

    The thin spoked wartime pattern, & the thick Postwar Hotchkiss pattern.

    Can anyone tell me please. Are the diameters different at all? IE: Is a Wartime wheel slightly smaller,

    Than a Hotcho version?  If so, by how much?

    Thanks in advance.


  13. Chris, Your Pension will be enable you to manage. A 'simple job' will keep you occupied & 'Happy'! ;) ( & Hopefully Sane! )

    The job these days is run by 'Laptop Kings' bent on as you  say.  Statistics & Targets. MORE Pressure on Officers to attain those levels.

    Fast Tracked Uni Grads who have no idea of reality on the Streets. Out of touch & THINK they know it all!

    No wonder that a LOT of officers leave the service after approx. 6 years!.....Society these days makes Me quite sad at times!.....☹️



    BASC Guidance on changes to Firearms Legislation 12th December 2019

    A further explanation with the appropriate contact details etc.

    Also contains links to the various regs defining "deactivation"

    No Fruit I'm afraid

    yes I have just seen this. It would seem they are applying a similar implementation on D/Acts as a Live F/Arm regarding sales & transfers?   The two subjects are Poles apart!...

    You would think that you might as well apply for a Certificate for Live weapon's as Chris has stated. As have to Notify lumps of inert metal transfers?..  If they are Inundated with live Cert applications. They might bring pressure to have this dropped perhaps?  Just a thought?

    The workload would be ENOURMOUS!!! & indeed, Unmanageable I would think?

    There is also no provision for notification for a change of address. Should the Transferee Move from his Notified address? The work involved in this. Does not bear thinking about!!!.....I'm sure there will be many other shortcomings with this legislation? It is ill thought out, difficult to enforce. & Unwanted by FEOs & collectors alike I would say?  I'm sure thier valuable time could be utilised in Better areas of a Practical Nature?....

    Perhaps it's easier to collect fruit, than Deacts I would venture? Lol.

  15. Qoute:

    Well you are perfectly at leave to test your theory in court, but the EU have pressurized the Goverment into stating that its deactivation specifications were defective, and ALL current de-acts will have to be brought up to the new spec' when they leave your possession either by sale, transfer or death. 

    The Goverment didn't make a mistake, it standards just weren't up to the panic stricken thrashings of the EU, post Paris shootings.  Intially they wanted to scrap everything.

    There is little chance these laws will be repealed even if we leave the EU because the aim of the UK Goverment is standardization with EU law where ever possible.

    What is a kick, as I understand it, you cannot do the work yourself, it has to be through an approved company/person and it has been estimate that it may take up to 35 years to get the work done, let alone through the proof houses.


    Not down to Me thanks!  The question was about Registration. If you read the specification for a live Firearm & a Deactivated F/Arm. They are worlds apart. I have talked with sec.5 dealers about this. Who have consulted with F.E.O's. Who are very concerned at all the extra work they would not be able to handle!..

    They say they can barely cope with Live Certificate renewals as it is! A live F/A is obviously registered & accountable.

    A D/Act is a Nothing. unrestricted & does NOT fit the criteria or indeed the DESCRIPTION of a F/Arm.

    These people are aware that some sales of Deacts. not of upto date specs. are going on. they are not interested I am informed?.

    If it is D/A properly, & is certified it is Harmless. they do not have to time or resources to waste on D/A's as such. It would never have been inspected, passed & certified as such. if it was not properly Deactivated would it?

    I assume There are far more serious topics they need to enforce I would guess? The reason that No one to date has been taken to court on Non Compliant D/A Sales I am told. Is that: 1, if they were officially certified & passed as a D/A originally. They are harmless. & 2, If they did decide to take the chance to pursue a case of a sale on a D/Act & lost.  This would set a case precedent & all owners could then pretty much do what they liked!...They really wouldnt want THAT!  Would they?

    Not my Thoughts. Just what I was told by some Sec.5 Dealers

    As an aside, I used to be a Police Officer myself. as a secondary Career. After leaving the Army. I have been out now over 29 years. I received a letter recently, inviting Me back to 'The Job'. As a Civilian employee. Doing a similar job, but in a Civy role using my Skills & knowledge. Acquired in that Profession. It just shows how under resourced the Force is!....

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