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robin craig

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Posts posted by robin craig

  1. Dear Diana and Jackie and Richard,


    I am interested to understand how from the photos the status of the bands can be determined.


    My friend Al has a Ferret with gears one and two that slip horribly. I am but a mere neophyte in the world of brake band adjustment and am struggling to see what you see.


    Anything you can point out is knowledge to us.


    Thank you in advance



  2. I would suggest the handwriting is being mistaken for 42 RM CDO as the RM stands for Royal Marines


    Sloppy handwriting or typographical errors are not confined to civvy street.



  3. What Robin was meaning is simple.


    If you look at the collection, what pieces wouldn't make it to the new home?


    Simple, anything not American. Like vultures around a dying corpse the big boys with the big money will be there will the age old line, "well, its gong to be a tough sell, but we will give you a job lot price on everything and then your worries are over".


    There a number of modern (post second war) vehicles that will be a good seller once you find a buyer. It is only dealers who have speculating money.


    Time will tell, I know which ones I would go for.



  4. It is very interesting when one exists in a parallel dimension separated by time as we do following your world by 5 hours.


    So here I am home from work with a cup of tea and some cookies (biscuits to you) reading the back and forth on this.


    The Ferret gearbox I would say is around 18 inches tall at the most. I can go measure one easily as C/S 31 is on a pallet in a dry shop right now.


    There will be zero wind up once the gearbox is removed. The Ferret will roll very easily on concrete. We have always found that griping the lugs of the tyres works well to get leverage.


    I agree with others that a weight up high is daunting, caution is obvious.


    No one has mentioned making extra height by removing the wheels and lowering the Ferret itself.


    If you are on a rough floor with a shop gantry or crane then some carefully cut plywood of a decent thickness ie 3/4" laid in strips ahead and under the path will ease your life. If you are really lucky steel plating is better.


    I'm wondering why the gearbox is coming out and when the engine last came out and is there an utility in taking the whole pack out the other way.


    Your first post on this is a little unclear as there appears to be a typo that makes things unclear "and there's only 2ft clearance between the top if the turret and the bottom of an 8ft gantry." The word "if" is what is messing my mind.


    The gearbox should occupy the same height or less than the turret did. If you use good common sense and a few good slings you will with cunning and guile be able to get the hook of the lifting device very close down to the gearbox. I wont tell you that it will happen the first time as it never happens that way, you will have to cheat every inch as you go.


    Others might take issue but we often use our heavy highway ratchet straps that have been binned from road use for nicks in the fabric in the shop. We often cut the defective part off and if enough remains it spends a few lifts in the shop until it gets too soiled or beat up. The ratchet strap allows you to draw the lift point right against the object.


    Would you like me to go measure our gearbox?


    That's my 2 cents worth, supper is up so "laters"





  5. Dear Mike,


    I had not seen your last two posts into this thread. Thank you for taking the time and confirming the legend that the place exists.


    No doubt nothing will get out of there of any value to us armour people.


    One day we should really meet!



  6. I am glad to hear that your kerfuffle with the authorities has had a positive conclusion.


    I have had to lend a hand to others up here going through the same fiasco.


    I even know one lad who drove on public roads fully legal like and was bagged by the Mounties (RCMP). It made the news for a week or so until the horsemen finally conceded that while a little out of context and perhaps a minor oversight of judgement was involved neither the vehicle owner or the commander had committed any offences. They did however set the Ministry of Transport of Ontario on the poor gent but that backfired when the MTO insector saw the vehicle and quizzed the owner and saw how everything on the vehicle is designed for road use.



  7. While i'm sure its aggro to do so, but if you can post the blog directly into this forum it will please others;)


    The 434 is not a tank in case no one has pointed that out to you yet.


    I assume you are the one driving it.


    Do you have a recovery plan and the kit to achieve that?


    Looks like a nice late model spec unit.



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