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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Nope, although I suppose it could double up as that.
  2. Nope, although I suppose it could double up as that.
  3. Yes they couldn't make it to the top ;-)
  4. A sort of limbless prototype? Probably not ;-)
  5. Yes Robert you are correct, but I was looking for a more comprehensive answer. A rusty what?
  6. Whats this? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/NBC-shelter.jpg[/img]
  7. What was this modification & where was it seen? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/missile-nerve-gas.jpg[/img]
  8. What is this & what did it fit on? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/sight-NBC.jpg[/img]
  9. The wheels, wheel nuts, tow hitch, bumpers, manufacturers badges, knobbly bits, ancilleries, hub drive flange nuts, etc should all the the same colour as the vehicle. The only exception to this is that in divided rim wheels the retaining nuts should be painted red and nothing else. This is repeatedly laid down in, Equipment Regulations, Joint Service Road Transport Regulations, AESPs. There is no requirement to paint anything else red or white even. But some units will embellish some vehicles with all sorts of silly bits painted. I remember being taken round a camp by the chief vehicle inspector & asked him why about a third of the vehicles on camp have these unauthorised bits of paintwork. He just shook his head in despair & sighed that he can't stop them doing it whenever his back is turned!
  10. Much as I would like to, it is copyright. It was a damn good film, not because the Hornet was in it, but a lot of footage of GWs including German X-7 & Hs293. Also introduced TRIGAT & touched on Orange William, Vigilant etc. It was a very professionally made film for introducing RAC AT crews into the history of GWs. I gather my experience is much like filming anywhere, be on set at 0800 then don't actually need you to do your bit until 1600. It was a half hour film made in 1995.
  11. Yes you are right, that is the giveaway. The Bovy one has a spare wheel there indicating that is just a 2/3 with a 2/6 turret popped on. I took part in a film made by SSCV for the RAC on the history of guided weapons. I got them to change the script as this Ferret was being used in the filming. I got it changed to say that this represented a Vigilant Ferret, in the real one there would have been two spare missiles where the tyre was. There were one or two other points I wanted them to change but, the script had all been cleared by MOD as being technically correct...so what do I know? Anyway it was a good day out, I got a nice lunch, the Hornet pranced around & I got a nice video of the film.
  12. Mick, the Regulations do not specify a particular shade of red. Most red markings on vehicles tend to be Signal Red BSC537. I'm sure pillar box red, officially called PO Red BSC538, would not look out of place. BTW PO Red was renamed Cherry in 1988. Land Rover green was not quite the same as Army DBG, but I have used it & it looks ok. But even with the proper MOD stuff there is variation, some seems to have a brown-red base, others more of a bottle green. So touching up with a different make or even batch can look awful, although that's what would have happened in service!
  13. Good man! That's the spirit, keep up the good work :-)
  14. Ah but in general people just won't belief a condenser can go duff so easily & if one is kept as a spare then it must be good, no possibility of that one being duff as well. But as you know my free condenser testing service has a very limited uptake :cry: & as for being suspicious about a rotor arm & testing that seems taboo unless it has a visible crack. But by then its obvious its not likely to be much good. Ah another lost cause.
  15. Yes well done Richard you are correct You might be surprised that one of the regulars on here wasn't joining in this as he owns such a vehicle & surprised he didn't join in & spot it. I can now reveal that the pictures were kindly supplied by Robert Davey, who tells me this is the waterproofing of a Lucas distributor on a Ford V8 in a WOT2. To prove the point here are some chaps busy waterproofing one. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/clive002.jpg[/img]
  16. Yes well done Richard it is indeed. It is a distributor cap being waterproofed. I had to trim the picture a bit so as to not make it too obvious. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/clive001.jpg[/img] So the second part of the question is, what is the vehicle?
  17. 99 without a flake makes it a normal ice cream I suppose? As you mentioned it, apparently the big thing than annoys ice cream vendors is that most of the public get annoyed that a 99 cost more than 99p. Anyway the answer is nope.
  18. Nope, I think you're thinking of a frozen beard ;-)
  19. Let's hope none of hers look like that.
  20. What's happened here? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/RE--cemtex.jpg[/img]
  21. Tony, I have several dozen pictures from all sorts of angles of the Bovy Ferret. But bear in mind the Bovy one is not a 2/6 it is a 2/3 with a 2/6 turret dropped on. I have some pics but of a genuine 2/6. Also decide what Vigilants you want to display. Bovy has a 889 on one & a 897 on the other which is a bit incongruous. Furthermore one of the launch bins is an early type that is not compatable with the 2/6 set up. Watch out because there are some FVRDE pics of Vigilant on Ferret that predate the 2/6. The FVRDE one had struts welded onto the turret & could not be elevated.
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