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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Nope Tony not an artillery related flag.
  2. Disabled & on fire! Gosh that's sounds nasty Tony. But its not for that & not an umpiring flag.
  3. Yes Wally it is indeed a flag. It looks as if it could be that sort of thing but it has quite a different meaning.
  4. I know what you mean but its not that.
  5. Lauren looks as it might be that sort thing, but nope.
  6. On occasions I suppose it might be Roy, but perhaps not in the way you were thinking. It is not a specific indication of that though.
  7. I might have to cover that one later Andy
  8. Neil thinking about it somewhere I have a leather binocular case that I used fit in the holder on the Hornet. I'll see if I can find it.
  9. It could be Roy, but this is not specific to that.
  10. Very close Richard but we've had ordnance stores already
  11. Ok this is an easy one to get before Richard gets here & solves it Now with correct image!
  12. Do you want a difficult one then? BTW the trials were at Monegeeta in 1966.
  13. Yes well done Richard I knew I could rely on you! Absolutely spot on that was what I was waiting to hear!
  14. This about the only other useful picture. Sorry about the quality. There is something special about one of the Saracens.
  15. Was he not pulled through the mud then Gordon? (I'm not a tennis watcher)
  16. Gordon the trials aren't quite what they seem, it was to test the Saracens
  17. Um well Gordon a Saracen actually. Two of them but taking it in turns.
  18. Yes well done Gordon the thing under the number plate is indeed an Amsler Load Cell Ok that is the apparatus. What might be on the other end?
  19. I know what you are getting at Lauren but its not quite that.
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