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Posts posted by fv1609

  1. Has it anything to do with insect control. Seen something similar used inside tents and buildings to repel mosquitos etc think it worked on sound/vibration waves


    I like it Gary. Sounds a splendid idea but its not that. One British idea for insect control was for men to get soapy hands & go round clapping at insects. The idea was that teams from huts would see who could catch the most mosquitoes. This served three functions.


    1. Insect control

    2. Stop boredom

    3. Increase moral for the winning team


    I AM being perfectly serious!


    Not being British rules it out then - as far as I'm aware it is only the British who have an obsession with nasal hair.
    Yes we grow & other nations like to harvest it. A major export you know ;)


  3. Andy I do nasal irrigation, anti-histamines, steroids, eye drops, nasal spray, side covered shades. But sooner or later the eyes get it. Only thing that saved me on Saturday was to wear a S6 respirator for most of the day :D

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