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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Crossed in the post again I expect it costs a lot to get the IT contractor to come & change it & anyone who cares what it is knows what it is meant to mean. I thought of making a FOI request concerning the entries I wasn't sure about! I have a RN stores catalogue in xls & that is full of howlers eg sewage disposal equipment appears as "sew edge"
  2. Well this is my theory. Perhaps ERN is Export Reference Number if vehicle is to be exported to comply with CHIEF (Customs Handling of Import & Export Freight) It fits in immediately above "Cast: YES" & there is no other provision on the form for export of the vehicle. But might it still be something to do still will BARBAS & that sort of thing? I think not because we have it separated by "Comments: N" If there are comments it is on page RP10504 & the main RP105 is marked "COMMENTS: Y"
  3. Yes we cross posts. Although I see there is a typo in that one even. They say Equipment Registration Numbers (ERMs) !!
  4. Yes well done Wally excellent that's two prizes then:D I wrestled with "Barbus" for quite a while myself until I happened to be reading a logistics JSP & realised what MERLIN was trying to say to me! I should have asked you! I wonder what your take is on ERN further down? There are obvious ones like Equipment Reference Number but means nothing because ERM, Asset Code, NSN, chassis no etc are already taken care of. I do have one theory but I'll see if you have an explanation before I make a fool of myself..
  5. Yes Wally very very good! Even googling the correct answer didn't give the correct answer of what I could see but there were 2.1 million responses though! "Ind" I take to mean "Indicate" as with many other answers needs only a YES or NO entry. So who can explain BARBAS?
  6. No it doesn't Andy.:-) But good try, the word order BARBUS is correct but one letter is wrong.
  7. Clue: There is a spelling mistake But the spoken word sounds the same. The IT programmer perhaps knew nothing about the parameters of the individual items that were being programmed into the search. So perhaps what was said was misheard or was misread. Or maybe the person giving the programmer the information verbally or written couldn't spell or was a dyslexic (sorry must be PC, mustn't say that. The person was blessed with the gift of dyslexia - absolute tosh! It isn't I do know, which is why I have had to rewrite this simple post several times) So once the error is corrected it reveals the true meaning.
  8. Igneous Lauren I think you are working along the lines of "Piston broke" but its not that.
  9. Hmm well I better refrain from commenting on the fish's feeding habits, sounds none too savoury. Not to do with drinking water Wally, The printout relates to a vehicle (my Wolf actually) at a vehicle storage depot although units were required to make annual returns into MERLIN on the vehicles they hold.
  10. Ah yes Richard the Barbus barbus fish seems a good indicator of that. Good thinking, for some while I thought it might be a discrete way to indicate if the vehicle was contaminated by NBC or other toxic things. But it ain't that at all :-D
  11. Well Wally you have obviously volunteered for another battering of minds. I hadn't come across the Barbell fish, that wasn't the one I had in mind, but I think Richard is onto it as I type.
  12. Not so much of a mystery object but a mystery entry. Many owners of postwar British military vehicles have made use of the Freedom of Information Act to obtain a basic history from a MERLIN printout. Of all the entries of their various kinds, it seems by looking at forums, that the entry below is something that nobody has yet found the answer to. I am pleased to say that I believe I have found the answer. I just wonder if anyway else can? Google is you wish but I don't think it will help. You may get some fishy answers that don't seem be in the swim of the vehicle's history. :-D
  13. Its just that I used to own 61 KF 70 Aircraft Armament Support, I think from RAF Conisby
  14. All quiet this morning & electricity back on. After the last storm when the phones lines stayed down for nearly 3 weeks & people down the lane without electricity for 3 days triggered some emergency planning here. I have a professionally wired double isolator for our electricity circuits & have input connector for the generator. Full dress rehearsal two weeks ago & ran boiler, deep freeze, kettle & PC for 30 mins. Cooking dinner last night with the rain & the wind outside said to wife I almost wish we had a power cut now that I'm ready, then the lights went out! But doing a trial run on a nice day in daylight is not the same as going out in the dark with a storm & getting soaked dragging the generator to its operating position. So it was an early night & power back this morning.
  15. Storm in New Forest. Now electricity gone. Glad I bought a 2kw generator last month. So can now run boiler and deep freezer which is now completely full having done Christmas shopping today!
  16. Perhaps the alternator is "in it" but not actually fitted to it?
  17. Agreed. I'll go to a show if it suits me whether or not it has the "National" status, the status makes no difference to me.
  18. Not uncommon for it to be done in service as I believe there was no demandable rear cross member other than the Rover civilian one. The military rear cross members available now are repro.
  19. Eryk that green vinyl stuff shrinks & most I have seen no longer fits the trays or if they did fit the trays the shrinkage has caused them to be split by the tray. It is very much like the material used for vehicle CP tents & shelters. Three years ago we threw a lot away because nobody wanted it. About 5 years ago I'm sure I saw some NOS covers at a show & remembered thinking what a pity they weren't around when I had my ambulance. I don't know if your straps & buckles are still there but be very careful. I once jumped/slithered off the roof & caught my hand on the rusted pointy bit of the buckle. It ripped some flesh out & yellow stringy stuff. To this day I still have a 2cm patch of numbness in the palm of my hand. Do you get any water coming in through the rear roof ventilators? The problem with these is that the edges have slits to allow water to drain out if it has entered through the top slats. What stops the water entering inside is an upwards facing collar that is punched out from the lower base plate. The trouble is that this collar rusts inside & water is free to trickle in. By now any ambulance of that age will have rims that have or must be very close to rusting out. If you keep it under cover & only go out on sunny days no worry, but you would be well advised to take the ventilators off & renew the circular collars. About ten years ago these vents turned up on the market. I bought some & put them on a horsebox. Although I did note that they were painted with red oxide but the inside of it was bare metal.
  20. Robin it still has the 5C10 screened coil, CH26 filter box & 24v battery box between the front seats.
  21. fv1609


    I don't know what has been going on with FJ. Wife's Hilux Surf (sorry) has been insured with FJ for 8 years then last year they said they were no longer interested & certain improvements were now being offered by way of being pushed onto Equity. Of course there was a big increase in premium so went to Adrian Flux & got it insured for cheaper than the original FJ premium! What you have to watch with Adrian Flux is that they like to sign you up on the phone & "can't guarantee to hold the quote open". So I went with that only to find a series errors on the documents when they came through in an email (they seem to save by being totally paperless) We also have a horsebox that was insured with NFU that was getting increasingly more expensive even when we got a horsebox that cost less! Tried Adrian Flux & got a much better price. But no I did not sign up on the phone but waited to read the policy pdfs. Having spotted the errors I then rang & signed up. Despite checking through the details on the phone, get your quote & terms etc in writing first, check it carefully & then ring up to sign on.
  22. Just to give a balance, I am with Premium Choice & had no difficulties in communicating the differing specifications of the vehicles with them. The MV policy itself is with KGM & includes the £5 million liability required at most shows nowadays. So three to choose from now :-D
  23. Sorry just re-read that Tim. At the first reading I took it to mean that Wicksted had not been allocated the National Show title. But re-reading it perhaps you meant that no show will have that title? On the MVT site the section for National Show just says "To be populated"
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