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Posts posted by bigduke6

  1. I've only managed to watch part on catchup tv, but was impressed with what I've seen so far, I would say its far more fitting to take it back to where it was used rather than built, to be fair to Guy Martin he does have an engineering background, so not just a TV personality as for Fred, same meat different gravy.

    Seeing the modern process of cutting etc is something I've been looking at for a very future project I'd like to do, I'm just looking for plans etc for the project. 

    Looking forward to getting home and watching the rest....... 




  2. Does anyone know a good source of Drawings/blueprints of the Universal carriers 

    I've been looking for the plans for the hull with sizes and gauge of the steel etc, 

    I,ve seen 3 books by Nigel Watson and the 3rd Volume looks like it has what I'm looking for just wonder if anyone has the book and if it has the detailed plans of the hull.


  3. Outstanding work, strange how wives don't get excited by such things, mine just asked, what you looking at and I showed her the pics "what is it" she asked "a work of art" I said......

    "yes but what is it" was her reply

    " A Panzer tank turret"  got that look and the head shake and she left the room.....


    BRDM Driver   There was a guy at The War and Peace with a stall with  new made replica GPMG's 


  4. How do we edit our old posts on the new forum? I was trying to remove some photo bucket pics and replace them and tidy up some posts were `i don't have the pics anymore? the edit icon is missing on all of them.

  5. Nice to see the forum back and a credit to all involved, only thing I'm having trouble is going from one page to another, example is I have a thread in the Motorcycle forum and am replacing some pics from time to time that were stolen by photo bucket, I can open the thread ok but when I try to go to the next page it just  seems to be stuck on loading ? anyone have the same ? 

    Normally I use the private browsing and this does cause problems with some websites so tried it without and still the same, use a Mac book also.

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  6. Wasn't there an Army, Civvy competion to build two 88 series 3 from the spares bins in 24 hours? I seem to remember two Mini Metros under going the same treatment.



    Spares bins ?? the bins are still there but no spares, the last LAD I was in had next to nothing not even a few spare nuts and bolts etc. All spares are for jobs in hand or ordered in when required.


    Can't say what the district and base workshops have now but they were similar.

  7. Just a load of hot air, The little half of the Krankie's just can't stop herself, not content with downing street wanting to do it by 2040 she wants Scotland ahead of the race by 8 years....... guess there will be a good trade in Blackmarket petrol and Diesel on the border.


    Many years ago, one of the ships I was on was charted to cover a few weeks form Cairnryan to Larne, I was unaware of the change and found out a few days before I was due back, I phoned ( no computer or internet then) the Rail enquiries.........


    I lived in South Cumbria at the time and looking at the road atlas didn't think it would take too long to get there, how wrong I was, it would take just under 9 hours on the train and even then this was to Stranraer.........


    I went on my GSXR 750 in the end, what a Journey....... still a lot quicker than the train, but one things for sure regarding Billy Connolly's statement, Scotland is a lovely place put no body lives there...... I would think its the last place you want to be traveling around in an Electric car.

  8. Struck lucky on ebay regarding a petrol tank or petrol tanks...... one for £13.50 and another for £35.00 both look good and are the pie crust and bayonet fit cap.


    a lot better than the one I started with, will clean up and see what is what. Slow progress on everything else, something out of the blue come along and has eaten a lot of my time but hope to get some bits done this weekend and try and replace some of the photo bucket pics in the thread.


    Imjur is working quite well.........

  9. Bigduke: And you had the 'Bonus' of meeting up with Me as well! ;) Lol


    FF good to meet up, if only for a quick chat, after I picked up the .38 holster, headed over to the vehicles.......... going back to work full time in November, so will have to juggle time off for events like this and the ADE......

  10. Got back an hour ago after two days, Stayed in a B&B in Ashford certainly not as many bikes as there used to be and as someone pointed out very little heavy Armour (which I can understand due to the logistics etc) trade stands seem to be fewer than previous years?? I get the impression a few have held back and just did a recce to see what its like before they commit, did the trade stands yesterday and whizzed around a few early this morning before venturing over to see the vehicles.


    The shuttle bus........ as most who went to the previous years at Hop farm we all went to the wrong side of the station, lack of signs etc, I phoned the office to ask which side it was and they didn't know, I asked what kind of bus it was and they didn't know.....


    I picked up a few items to display with the Matchless for when its finished, bits of webbing etc from the junk piles, and did well on two Holsters for the Webley .455 and the .38


    Next year I'm working so will be another two for me before I return, all in all a good two days of rummaging and viewing.

  11. Yep some of us regular posters on the WD M20 site have had years worth of information pictures blocked by Photobucket. It's quite a disaster really! I'm not going to spend hours trying to reinstate 10 years worth of pictures, so that information is lost unless it's asked for again. I've tried an experimental picture with this site. https://imgbb.com/




    I looked at imgbb, when looking around, imjur was mentioned a few times so tried one pic like yourself, seemed ok and no adverts.


    Its a disgrace what they did, When you think of others like yourself Ron, who have gone to great lengths to supply info and images to benefit others..... and the time and it takes uploading, downloading etc etc then pulled beneath you in seconds.......


    I'm only on this forum and Milsurps, one account with PB I still have and will try remove the albums to imjur or similar. Milsurps have image capture software, so if anyone does pull a stunt like Photo Bucket, the image remains regardless. until you edit your post and remove images.

  12. I deleted all the pics I had in the account and closed the account, I had kept all of these on my mac so no worries there, another account I have I used a lot of the pictures on another forum, who have image capture software, so regardless of what happens the picture you post remains.


    All I need to do now is get my head around imjur and upload the lost pics (if I can remember what was what) in my thread.


    Cancelling the photo bucket account did allow me to say what I thought of them which left a smile on my face :-).

  13. I have a thread in the motorcycle forum, regarding a Matchless WD I'm restoring, I was browsing over it today as I was going to add a few pics and all the pics in the thread have gone and been replaced with something that looks like a speedo and states 3rd party hosting has been temporally blocked.......


    Bit disappointed as another forum I frequent all the pictures are saved once posted, I would of thought the same with the HMVF ?? It takes a lot of time sorting through pictures to post and uploading them etc and then to find they have gone. nyone else have this or is it just my bad luck.

  14. It seems all my pics have gone !!!! can't say I'm too impressed with Photo Bucket, as I've used this for many years then this with no warning......reading on the web its happened to a few.


    Luckily I saved most pics on my Mac, but will try and and save my files from Photobucket and move to another image hosting site.


    when I recover the pics will repost them. Not much of an update as other things have stopped play, all the frame is ready now for a final coat of Service Brown. But will wait till all the tin ware is ready and do it in one hit.

  15. Progress..... not much but its a start, I managed to source some NOS cams, plust the remainder of parts arrived from Les at Russel Motors (big thanks to him).





    With the last spell of good weather managed to strip the main frame, probably not a minute too soon, as the paint just flaked off with a lot of rust and corrosion underneath, not too bad but it showed what lies underneath, after the initial strip, it went through the electrolysis method to get into all the nooks and crannies remove the rust etc, I've used this on many things and can't fault it, cheap and takes about 24 hrs, all it needs is a regular check and to wire brush the oxide off, once dried off and cleaned of all the visible oxide etc, it went into the blast cabinet, as soon as this was done it was cleansed down with thinners and its first coat of red oxide primer. the 4th pic below shows the dark areas of what were rust and corrosion.....













    Managed to clean up the crank cases I got on ebay, and have come up ok, and to build up the bottom end with the new bearing, with it in the lathe and set up in various ways it was running within .0001









  16. Ron, There is not much between the two apart from the original is need of some repairs and I'm half way through making a jacking rig for the tappets, 26801 is probably the better choice just needs the bronze bush's renewed, this has had a repair on the bottom web (you can see it on the pic) just needs tidying up, there are some scars inside the oil pump plunger housing but no worse than the original.


    To be honest I've never been a matching numbers person, being a collector of Enfield rifles (Sniper and .22 trainers) there are some who get anal not just about numbers but the parts manufacturer...... mainly Long branch No4 collectors though.


    Just making the most of the weather and getting some tin ware done.........

  17. Morning Ron, well spotted and my mistake, I took the 6 as a 3 when I first got them so had written it down as 23801 !!!!

    all down to My number dyslexia.


    The repair to the second as you say is just the 3 bolts that would hold it together, its suffered some damage to around the 7 o'clock area, which is not a good repair but could be redone.

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