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les freathy

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Posts posted by les freathy

  1. I didn,t want to start a thread just for this so if OK i put it under one of the I.D threads. Im not sure if this is truley military but from what i can read on the side its a donation ambulance from the US rubber trade, the chassis looks to be a Rolls


  2. My father was on Motor Launches as a engineer on D Day at first they were off Dover acting as part of a decoy force that included bombers dropping windows they then were moved to the Normandy area to act as support against any possible German navy action. At one time they were floating between the Warspite and the shore when she let rip with a broadside, the skippers comments are unprintable and they buggered off as quickly as possible

  3. Not sure where to put this attachment so thought i would start a thread on this subject, it then leaves it open for all types the served in the R.F.C. Look at the size of the tilt on the modelT must have had room for standing patients as well:cool2: I always have a soft spot for the Crossley, many years back when the Family ran a off shore fishing business the boat winch was powered by a engine from one of these as a kid i had operated this many times and not known untill my old chap mentioned it years later. Sadly he is no longer with us so cannot ask where they aqquired it from


  4. Nice photos Mark, i missed the show this year first time since the old Tenterden rally days but i did get up to see the Reos rolling thunder on Thursday evening what a site that was when they lined them all up in convoy in the blue car park to get them all on the road a.s.a.p i managed to get some good photos, 31 trucks i think

  5. This one that should not have been allowed to slip away not only was it a good bit of kit it would have kept a British company afloat at the time, I have no gripe with the Oskosh but as one that has grown up from a kid with a major interest in military equipment i always felt proud of the equipment that we as a nation produced and the british forces for sticking as much as possible to home grown products. Unfortunatly over the past few years the MOD purchasing department seems to be employing morons with a bent to buy as much foreign stuff as possible, no problem with the kit but it should have been home produced, christ even Pinzgauer are deserting us and going to South Africa dont know if you guys agree but all the while these clowns are in the seat its Britain ever forwards and downwards regarding military gear they cant even get it right for the lads in Irag and Afghanistan can they. Right thats of my chest enjoy the photos



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