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les freathy

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Posts posted by les freathy

  1. A few thoughts on your railway model, i have been a keen 1/76 scale modeller since 1970 and have over these years become very critical and precise on the way the vehicles should look and believe me the cheapest sources are not always the best for results and satisfaction these days i build and cast a lot of my own parts to achieve the desired result. You mention use ing the QL cab which to be honest would not work as the QL is a 3 ton truck and the Matador a 7 ton heavy tractor it would be like a pea on a drum plus both the QL and Matador wheels from airfix should be consigned to the bin as both are to small and the wrong pattern. the Airfix Bedford OX tractor cab again totally useless to small in the cab area. There is a polish company that have just produced a Bedford QL and also A radio truck in plastic, i will come back to you with the name but they should be on general release at good model shops. As for the Bedford OY Transport Images form Whitstable produce a proper OY cab in resin and also in white metal BW models have started to produce WW2 vehicles including a Bedford OY and AustinK3 3 tonners and can also supply a proper set of wheels for the Mat. MMS have also in the past couple of years turned there attention to British WW2 trucks and include super 3 ton Austins and Commers plus a fine range of Morris 15 cwts. I hope this info is helpful to you and not to discouraging if you require address,s etc i will put these up for you, i like your idea for the layout and trust these pointers will help you achieve a better result



  2. A couple of in service photos as requested the first in the Suez crisis the second on a mexifloat i believe in aden, note the large boots on the K9 and the Cent BARV on the right. I went after a K9 GS a few monthe back but missed it by a few days what was most annoying was that it was local to me ah well



  3. Thought you guys might appreciate this, its a painting i commisioned Keith Hudson to complete for me about 8 years ago, its a large piece of art work and hangs in my entrance hall. Keith was well known for his fairground and circus artwork but was happy to undertake this for me, sad to relate he is no longer with us but he certainly left a legacy with all the paintings he produced which i add included a lot of ex military items in showman use


  4. Rather than create a load of different threads i thought it would be more economic to put Dutch heavies into one thread and propose to do the same with some German and Scandinavian items unless anyone is not happy with that arrangement. So to start a shot of the Dutch produced FTF MS4050 6x4 tractor of which 39 were purchased as a replacement for the ageing Antars during 1972. The FTF built trailer is loaded with a leopard 2 MBT, winches were supplied by both Tulsa and Rotzer


  5. Tim, Its one of those old postcards that were printed during and after WWI, as you are indeed well up on WW1 trucks one thing i noticed whilst mulling over the photo was the name Stevens was embossed on the radiator and is also painted across the top of the scuttle so was this range a Stevens using Dennis parts or the other way round if you PM me with your e mail i will send you a enlarged shot of the photo

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