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Higgins kpt.

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Posts posted by Higgins kpt.

  1. Oh, its nice, thanks for interest!


    number is 36635830 from dash board plate,


    but doors is without Army numbers or unit markings.


    I every think, Rover is aluminum,


    but last year my bood fried buy one Minerva ane tell me, no, no, Minerva is all steel vehicle,


    and I like this "news".


    Own cats have new toy...




    Think about military version, but never see one picture military Rover series 1 or Minerva,


    (not think SAS, desert or other special version)


    mean 1950s era, yes with photos write "military" but where the weapon holders , shovels , pickaxes ?


    And have one interesting vintage photo 100% Minerva, but with series one fenders(?)


  2. very nice photo(!), Im happy becouse one QL is owner my my very good friend, I little help wit restoration, but mainly with transport QL to Normandy, it was happy time,


    think my friend "Ferbi" is only one owner with tin pedestal for chemical colour(!)


    thanks for this photo, I not see, i was out side, with Tilly ,close on road near Arromanchess,





    Tom Higgins

  3. Sorry I missed you also Tom. I rode up to Lonques several times but you were always out. I asked Franz with the BSA to pass on my regards. I'm on the case with the MW parts. Ron


    No, no -Bed QL, my jeep and Tilly was colect on trailer truck, its very long way cca 1500km,


    I am very sorry that we have not met! I believe that we meet in September in the Netherlands.

  4. Great pictures……….. thanks for posting!! Your Tilly looks superb!
    Hallo John.


    meeting was fine! im happy,


    thank you for photos!


    And why monument US 2nd Inf.div(?), becouse "Indian head" start fighting on Omaha beach and in end of war was in own Pilsen town.


    best regards to all



  5. Tillyes in Normandy, Im back from D- day celebration, drive my Tilly across Normandy seven days,

    talk with other owners and see few others Tillyes, it was very fine(!) , thanks for all peoples who like my Tilly(!),


    Think my Tilly have over 400miles on Normandy roads, very good drive, fine time !




    My photos from Normandy
  6. Tillyes in Normandy, Im back from D- day celebration, drive my Tilly across Normandy seven days,

    talk with other owners and see few others Tillyes, it was very fine(!) , thanks for all peoples who like my Tilly(!),


    Think my Tilly have over 400miles on Normandy roads, very good drive, fine time !




  7. Oh, its nice, thanks for interest!


    number is 36635830 from dash board plate,


    but doors is without Army numbers or unit markings.


    I every think, Rover is aluminum,


    but last year my bood fried buy one Minerva ane tell me, no, no, Minerva is all steel vehicle,


    and I like this "news".


    Own cats have new toy...



  8. my new project, many years ego, I wants buy series one, but very, very expensive vehicle...


    But last year , have luck, and buy Land Rover Minerva, series one for Belgium,


    I was very happy, all is steel, no aluminum, its good for my restoration.


    Rover need work, but start and running, have power, its strog engine!


    Project for hollyday in the summer.









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