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Posts posted by terrierman

  1. Both Lancs flew together today three times, they have just completed an evening practise with Spitfire & Hurricane in tow, ready for the Authority display tomorrow and onto Biggin Hill for the weekend.

    The sight & sound of two Lancs landing in the low evening sun was spine chilling!

    Just one teaser pic from earlier:



    Wow how great is that, Hope to see them at Bournemouth and Sally B



  2. Yes, that would have been the second guess. Your list has the DIS for mine correctly, at any rate. Why would it have 1951 / 2 for John's; is it an estimated list? That's a tidy truck, Scott, restored presumably?


    It says Manufactured 1952 on my Registration Document,

    First Registered 2000 Sean.


    Have you any service history for my truck on your list Scott



  3. 32BG48 DIS (date in service) 1951 Austin K9 1 Ton Wireless 4x4

    61BG80 DIS 1951/2 Austin K9 1 Ton GS 4x4


    Haven't you heard of Sheppys? .,...... and I think you've seen ours before John, didn't we meet at Haselbury earlier this year?


    Yeah your right Scott I Have seen your Lorry, Number Plate through m

    Sheppys Cider Farm.




  4. Not sure they're a feature of an early K9 though!


    Is that FFR quite an old photo, Scott? So if you have an early vehicle, the one in the photo can't be yours. I think we need a photo of yours.




    I'm starting to wonder if they are that rare. That's four we know of in just a short discussion on this thread; mine, Scott's, the one in the photos above, and the one in Gloucester. Still only a 1% survival though!


    And they are All fairly Local to us Sean

  5. Correct with your observations. Ours doesn't have a roof hatch or opening screens either. You didn't note the rear wheels though! They're off a Morris MRA1 with very shallow J section. This obviously reduces the rear track even more ...... must make road handling interesting. Picture below of K9 with FFR body -- the give away is the radio battery stowage box on the nearside, same as the van type signals bodied version[ATTACH=CONFIG]95168[/ATTACH]


    Very Nice looking Lorry Scott,

    What area of Somerset are you from



  6. Full marks! Given the lack of a hatch, the fixed screens and one or two other points this may well be a very early K9, one of the first 400-odd to be built.


    Very Rare then Sean, its a wonder it hasn't been seen before,

    Id like to have a look around it

  7. I refer the honourable gentleman to my previous answer.


    Anyone else got a photo? I remember it as a wooden body and fairly sound but with the paint very faded.


    Sorry Sean

    Forgot id already asked that Question, must be an age thing:)



  8. I See this pick axe for sale early today and it says its a WW2 Axe Head for a Lorry,

    Would this be the same Axe Head that would have hung on a K9.

    What other tools would have hung on the K9,

    Shovel, Pick Axe, etc

    He was asking £25 for it


    <a href="http://s391.photobucket.com/user/terrierman_2009/media/pickaxe.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i391.photobucket.com/albums/oo355/terrierman_2009/pickaxe.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo pickaxe.jpg"/></a>




    don't know why the picture doesn't show

  9. Indeed Dad bought two K9 Cargoes from Houseman in Pateley bridge in 1966/67. The first cost £100 and the second £120 (you could have had an MRA1 for £75)

    They were both brand new (less than 100 miles on either of them).

    Both were cargo but one was FFW with screened ignition (that didnt last long!!)

    They had steel bodies but both were cut for the work they did (collecting landscaping Limestone from the Cumbrian fells)

    We used to put about 4 ton on them and drive them across country!!

    The chassis used to break just in front of the front rear spring hanger but flitch plates soon solved that. Also a bit prone to dropping valves

    First lorry I ever drove (at around 11 years old!!!)


    Wow that must have been fun Brooky driving a big lorry aged 11.

  10. The original hatch was canvas with a flap at the back screwed to the rear of the hatch, it had a spring cord around the rim (a bit like a net curtain wire) and an aluminium stiffening bar which ran from side to side.

    Unfortunately we lost ours returning from a show back in the eighties.

    When the truck was owned by the Scouts they fitted an aluminium sheet on the the hatch underneath the canvas for security and to stop the kids sticking their heads out!

    Been meaning to see about getting a replacement made for years!


    Thanks for Reply,

    I Just wondered what they looked like, has anyone got a picture of the original hatch



    il post a picture of my truck from a few weeks ago

  11. I have somewhere John, but they'll take a lot of finding so don't hold your breath!


    Chris, I can't quite see, that's a steel body on that isn't it?


    Thanks Sean

  12. Hi


    I've posted a couple of times but completely forgot that I needed to introduce myself. Well, I'm Paul from Somerset and I'm have a the disease that many of us suffer from - I'm drawn to WWII vehicles and restorations. For the last year I have been restoring a 1942 Ford GPW. It's almost complete and I am now looking for a White M3A1 Scout car.


    Welcome to the group Big Dog

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