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Posts posted by minn200

  1. ### I don't know why the images are not linking I will sort them out tomorrow folks my laptop seems to be having a fit! ###



    Posted by min200 Mon, September 01, 2014 21:41:25


    You may recall in my last entry I was gloating that today was to be an extra day off for me to get covered up to my eyeballs in rust dirt and grease form the old Landy. We were to spend a wonderful day together just the two of us as Wifey was at work and the kids had buggered off somewhere else so a selfish self centred day was in install for me.

    I woke up and it was raining.


    Hey ho what the hell I decided to go swimming first to keep up my training for The outward Bound Trust week that's fast approaching ( a massive thanks to all that have donated toward it I smashed my target of £500 hitting £600 so thanks again folks) and nipping to the outdoorsy shop to buy a couple of thermal tops for the event.


    It was still raining. So I headed off to the local bike garage to give away another £100 for a new front tyre as winter is fast approaching and I don't fancy sliding around in the bad weather or ending up slab side down which with my luck wouldn't take long!


    Home it was and I had just taken out my landy work kit to put on when my youngest daughter rang informing me she was on the train heading home within the hour so would I pick her up from the station. I thought to tell her if she was big enough to get a train by herself then she can catch the bloody bus as well but realising what a world of hurt and noise that would end up giving me from the Wife I told the kid to "meet me in the drop off car park". Ha!! at least I had the pleasure of knowing she would have to lug her suitcase through the station and up two flights of stairs while fighting through the crowds of people that had just got off of the train before getting to me.


    I met her on platform 5.


    After a 20 minute car ride in which she didn't stop talking even to breathe, I swear my girls must breathe through their backsides, we arrived home where I ran upstairs put the mobile in flight mode so nothing could get through and skipped out to the Landy after giving instructions on the tea being made as payment for taxi services rendered.


    Todays aim was to check the brake system over from top to bottom. The wheels did not want to come off after god knows how many years stuck on but a 3 foot persuading bar on a socket soon put paid that idea and the wheels came off. It was a little dusty back there!






    Both the front drums came off easy enough and at first glance didn't look to be in too bad shape inside either.




    Exploring a bit more though and the callipers were full of muck old copper grease and dust




    I cleaned them up a touch and my youngest turned up with the tea then was accosted into helping out with pressing the foot pedal to check on calliper movement.




    The callipers on both of the front brakes worked well enough but the back drums did not want to give up their contents. Firstly the retaining screws were seized solid




    A bit of WD40 sorted the problem on one side but the other side wasn't going to play ball. I soaked it heated it and bashed it but it would not come free. In the end I had to drill it out.






    Quite frankly the contents of the back drums were a mess. Seized callipers rusty brake shoes and leaks galore so at this point I decided that I was going to do a brake system rebuild. These things are going to be responsible for making me stop both on and off road so for the price of replacement from front to back I am not going to be taking any risks.


    I cleaned the drums up a touch with a wire brush



    and popped the wheels back on.


    Whilst I had my now filthy kit on, it does amaze me how quickly I get dirty I really am like the kid who is dressed up smart to go out who's Mum turns away for a couple of seconds and when looks again the kid is covered in paint and mud, I decided to rub down and prime up the Jerry can I bought last week at the car boot.




    Yes I know the cap hasn't been primed but my dinner was ready and I have not had it open yet.

    Then online to order the brake drum rebuild kits to start and I will have to buy the new pipes and connections next month or sooner if I am allowed to hit the savings account before hand.


    Landy Project Costs

    Land Rover £375

    Sanding Discs £11.70

    Ignition Barrel £20

    Heritage letter £21.75

    2x Batteries and rear 1/4 light £35

    Pair Battery Terminal Clamps £3.99

    Floor pan nuts & bolts £6.50

    Grinding disc £2.25

    Under Seal £8.99

    Complete set of lights £85

    5 Litres Primer £24.99

    4 Discovery Wheels £10.20

    Rear Door £21.00

    Front Door £20.00

    Handbrake spring £1.50

    2 Discovery wheels

    Two seatbelts

    Wing Mirror

    2 Headlight surrounds

    2 headlight frames £60

    2 Front Doors £60

    Nato Green Paint £36

    Rear Window Seal and insert £9.99

    Wiring connectors £3.00

    2 tins of silver metal paint £7.00

    Fuses & Sandpaper £4.50


    5x tins black spray £5.00

    5x more tins black spray £5.00

    Clutch fluid

    Exhaust putty

    WD40 £8.49

    Car Boot Bits £13

    Front & rear shocks £59.45

    Front & rear brake rebuild kits £81.62


    TOTAL £999.92

  2. Finishing the clutch


    Posted by min200 Fri, August 29, 2014 10:51:54


    A change in work hours has put a stop to yet more of the pottering enjoyment of life but hey the plus side is that I get to see Wifey a bit more during the week...apparently.


    But today I arose from my slumber a little earlier so went and got the swimming training out of the way with all of the sporty set at the local pool rather than the old gits I normally have a paddle with. You wouldn't think that there would be a designer war on how to look good when walking along the poolside to get in but it seems there is. These "Sporty" clowns have the most expensive budgie smugglers that money can buy along with reflective tinted swimming goggles. I mean why would you need reflective bloody swimming goggles in an indoor pool?? I just smirked to myself and got my 40 lengths in and walked off in a strutting manor posing my £3.99 shorts form Tesco.


    So after getting home and dragging the dog out for a quick walk I set to getting the Landy started again to see if the clutch would engage seeing as there seemed to be so much play in it. Of course the old wreck wouldn't start and upon further inspection it seemed all of the fuel had run back into the tanks so I suppose there is a hole somewhere in the fuel lines or fuel pump gaskets that needs sorting but I am not going to bugger about with it for about £50 I am just going to replace the lot and be done with it!


    I have been toying with changing over to a single fuel tank instead of the twins ones so maybe its a sign to just get on with it.


    I managed to get the fuel back through and the engine running and to my happiness and amazement the clutch engages perfectly fine and the wheel spin nicely so that's a plus for the day. The axles will want a good service as well as the gear & transfer box but I will get to these eventually.

    I then set to the clutch pedal as there was about 3" of movement before pressure and I started with the Haynes manual for a quick read and it pointed me in the direction of a nut on the outside of the master cylinder cage.




    Literally a couple of turns in and it sorted the pedal play right out! So the clutch now works and the pedal feels like it should do.

    So for a spare hour not a bad amount done and with this coming Monday off and Wifey at work providing the weather holds it should be a playing day!

  3. [h=2]Selling bits.[/h]MainPosted by min200 Mon, August 25, 2014 20:34:15

    Digging around in my shed last week I came across the Military lights that I took off of the Landy as well as some old bike brake pads that I bought many moons ago so I thought I may as well chuck them on fleabay to see what happens.

    It amazes me that folk will pay more for second hand parts, the lights, because they are original than what they would cost to buy a newer replacement copy set. Those old rusty lights and I do not lie on my descriptions they were listed as rusty and replaced went for £41 to a chap in Italy who then had to pay £20 to have them posted!

    I know they are original and I do get the point of when restoring a vehicle you would like to use as many original bits as you can but bugger me its going to cost over £100 all in with the repairs that need doing to those light frames and bowls which is a price way to steep for a tight arse like me!

    The bike brake pads went for £15 as well so I put the money to good use buying replacement shocks for the old Landy. Cheaper end shocks admittedly but far better than the rusty crap that's already on the old girl and perfectly priced for a miserly git like me.

    Maybe I should pop them on Ebay when they are changed over to see if anyone wants to buy them?

    Landy Project Costs


    Land Rover £375


    Sanding Discs £11.70


    Ignition Barrel £20


    Heritage letter £21.75


    2x Batteries and rear 1/4 light £35


    Pair Battery Terminal Clamps £3.99


    Floor pan nuts & bolts £6.50


    Grinding disc £2.25

    Under Seal £8.99

    Complete set of lights £85

    5 Litres Primer £24.99

    4 Discovery Wheels £10.20

    Rear Door £21.00

    Front Door £20.00

    Handbrake spring £1.50

    2 Discovery wheels

    Two seatbelts

    Wing Mirror

    2 Headlight surrounds

    2 headlight frames £60

    2 Front Doors £60

    Nato Green Paint £36

    Rear Window Seal and insert £9.99

    Wiring connectors £3.00

    2 tins of silver metal paint £7.00

    Fuses & Sandpaper £4.50

    5x tins black spray £5.00

    5x more tins black spray £5.00

    Clutch fluid

    Exhaust putty

    WD40 £8.49

    Car Boot Bits £13

    Front & rear shocks £59.45

    TOTAL £918.30

  4. Hey Terry as long as I make someone smile or not make the same cock ups as me then its worth doing!


    It's good to see whats been done for me! There will be something else afterwards as Wifey has got the off roading bug so I expect she will want a Landy buiding as well. Bet she wont want to bloody help though.

  5. Car Boot.


    Posted by min200 Sun, August 24, 2014 18:22:26


    I like a car boot sale I have to admit. I love wandering around looking at what tat folk are selling and I love it even more when its tat I want to buy.

    After a day off roading yesterday with the Nottingham Land Rover Club, who are a rather nice bunch of people that all have a laugh and took me and Wifey around the course all day, I realised there were to be many bits I needed to pick up for when my Landy is finally on the road.

    With these and other bits in mind myself and Wifey wandered off to Tansley car boot in Derbyshire as we had wanted to before but never had the time. With it being a Bank holiday weekend the site was massive with loads of sellers so I thought there must be some pickings for me here. I was right! As I meandered about I came across a Jerry can that needs a bit of a refurb but still in great condition, a D ring, two snatch straps, around 18 metal grinding discs, cable ties, two small straps to hold the jerry can in place and a brand new padlock and keys to put on the Landy front spare wheel.

    Now I like to haggle for a bargain but the prices started off reasonable so of course I haggled harder! The grand total for this collection of very useful bits...



    £13 quid.

    I know £13! Man I have had a good day today :)

    Landy Project Costs

    Land Rover £375

    Sanding Discs £11.70

    Ignition Barrel £20

    Heritage letter £21.75

    2x Batteries and rear 1/4 light £35

    Pair Battery Terminal Clamps £3.99

    Floor pan nuts & bolts £6.50

    Grinding disc £2.25

    Under Seal £8.99

    Complete set of lights £85

    5 Litres Primer £24.99

    4 Discovery Wheels £10.20

    Rear Door £21.00

    Front Door £20.00

    Handbrake spring £1.50

    2 Discovery wheels

    Two seatbelts

    Wing Mirror

    2 Headlight surrounds

    2 headlight frames £60

    2 Front Doors £60

    Nato Green Paint £36

    Rear Window Seal and insert £9.99

    Wiring connectors £3.00

    2 tins of silver metal paint £7.00

    Fuses & Sandpaper £4.50


    5x tins black spray £5.00

    5x more tins black spray £5.00

    Clutch fluid

    Exhaust putty

    WD40 £8.49

    Car Boot Bits £13


    TOTAL £858.85

  6. Leaks and Clutch


    Posted by min200 Thu, August 21, 2014 20:02:33


    I awoke this morning feeling bloody great as it is yet another day off and Wifey then walked in with a cup of tea informing me both she and my daughters were off to her sisters for dinner this evening, apparently its a weekly thing they do, so I would be by myself doing as I please...heaven!

    Well I didn't get off that easily as my youngest wanted to go swimming this morning but hey ho life is about memories eh so we jumped on our mountain bikes and went off for a couple of hours.

    When I returned it was straight into shabby work gear and into the shed digging out the clutch master and slave cylinders and off to the Landy were I found this rather large leak...




    It's coming from straight above it were the shaft goes into the transfer box...I think? Would one of you knowledgeable please tell me what it is and what seal needs replacing please and how to do it, in fact you may as well just pop over and fix it for me. yea a long shot I know so just the info would be a big help ;)

    So I chucked some sand over it and popped an oil tray under it and left it to its own devices for now.

    Onto the clutch I headed and the first job was to get the clutch pedal and master cylinder housing out.


    I unscrewed the pipe work that goes to the slave cylinder first using the 1/2 spanner.


    Then I had to undo the six bolts from inside the Landy running along the bulkhead next to the clutch pedal to release the framework.



    After a bit of twisting around wiring brake pipes and the such the whole thing came out with the usual Land Rover sacrifice of some skin blood and choice language.


    I then undid the two bolts holding the master cylinder onto the framework and it was ready for the new one to be fitted. I nearly forgot to remove the pipework coupling housing to put on the new one but noticed it was still on just as I was throwing it into the wheely bin so that saved a scramble through week old food to find it again!

    As you can see the old master was well past its best!



    While the framework was out I gave it a quick rub down and a spray up in the handy black paint.

    The I refitted it all and went onto the slave cylinder.




    If you have never had to fit a clutch slave cylinder to your motor be thankful to whatever god you pray to! What a ballache of a job it is! The best way was to jack up the front onto axle stands then try to get yourself and tools into the tiny gap on the passenger side behind the exhaust and on top of the chassis. Sounds easy eh!

    I first took off the pipework whilst trying to keep the falling rust out of my eyes and the clutch fluid from running too far up my arms! Then I removed the bottom bolt holding the slave in...BIG mistake. Because the slave was seized it then pushed up on the top bolt whilst you were trying to remove that making it impossible to keep the socket in place so I attached some thin rope and pulled the cylinder back down refitting the bottom bolt.

    Then I removed the top bolt first followed by the bottom with no problems. Whilst doing my Houdini impression I fitted the slave but then the pipe coupling would not screw into it for love nor money so after ten minutes I crawled out and made a brew. I decided it had to be a thread issue of course and took a torch back with me and a very thin screwdriver. Sure enough the thread on the coupling was ever so slightly bent just after the first turn so I carefully straightened it out with the screwdriver and it popped straight in first time.




    Then came the bleeding. Well long story short it didn't really want to so after an hour of pumping pedals I remembered someone saying about reverse bleeding from the slave up with the old fashioned oil cans so I gave that a go with my eldest daughter watching the reservoir for bubbles and levels. She says there was air and I managed to stop it from overflowing as well which was nice.

    There is now pressure on the clutch pedal but also some play and no amount of fannying about seems to change it But the gears do now engage. I havnt had the engine running but the wheels are off of the ground and they lock nicely when a gear is selected.

    The exhaust was also retightened because I really want to get the engine running again this weekend to see if the clutch is working properly and the last time I started it it sounded like a Lancaster bomber!

    So again another good day on the Landy and if it drives I think I may just pee myself with excitement just a little.

    Landy Project Costs

    Land Rover £375

    Sanding Discs £11.70

    Ignition Barrel £20

    Heritage letter £21.75

    2x Batteries and rear 1/4 light £35

    Pair Battery Terminal Clamps £3.99

    Floor pan nuts & bolts £6.50

    Grinding disc £2.25

    Under Seal £8.99

    Complete set of lights £85

    5 Litres Primer £24.99

    4 Discovery Wheels £10.20

    Rear Door £21.00

    Front Door £20.00

    Handbrake spring £1.50

    2 Discovery wheels

    Two seatbelts

    Wing Mirror

    2 Headlight surrounds

    2 headlight frames £60

    2 Front Doors £60

    Nato Green Paint £36

    Rear Window Seal and insert £9.99

    Wiring connectors £3.00

    2 tins of silver metal paint £7.00

    Fuses & Sandpaper £4.50


    5x tins black spray £5.00

    5x more tins black spray £5.00

    Clutch fluid

    Exhaust putty

    WD40 £8.49


    TOTAL £845.85

  7. Bumpers & Brakes


    Posted by min200 Wed, August 20, 2014 17:59:40


    Today is the first day of six days off and I don't have to go on holiday with the Wife and kids or do anything in particular in fact I am just going to please my bloody self until I am told to do differently. The best thing is Wifey is at work until the weekend so I really do have a few days to myself!

    Following on from blacking up the wheels I thought I would spray the bumpers black as well. So after a trip to the shops to buy some more paint I set to cleaning down and spraying up the front bumper....and it rained.

    Not to be put off or have a bit of water ruin my good holiday mood I thought outside of the box...



    and painted it in the greenhouse! The veg might taste a bit well paintish but that's just the new type of veg I am growing.

    As I looked at the rear bumperettes I decided that spraying them in situ was a bad idea as there was a bit of a breeze and quite frankly I couldn't be arsed to take them off just to change the colour so I headed for a nose around in the shed. I came up with some black hammerite that was abandoned at the back of a shelf and there was just enough to give three good coats.


    They have come out quite well. I did look at the Nato hitch but I am pretty sure that I am going to change it for a ball so I can drag a shed behind me when we go away for off road weekends so it was given a miss this time around.

    By now the front bumper had dried so I set to digging out the new bolts and offering it up to the Landy. I remember it being a pain to get off and because it has a bit of a bend in it the nearside did take some "adjusting" with a hammer and pair of grips to get it on right. Then of course the bolts wouldn't drop down but after a couple of scuffed knuckles and some choice language from me they went in.

    Then came fitting the washers and the nuts. For this may I recommend bribing a small child to put them on because if you have fingers the size of sausages like myself you have no hope! In the end, and I am being serious here, I had to balance the nut and washer on the end of the ring spanner then feed t into the gap and try to get the threads to bite. So back to choice words and more blood but they all eventually went on and the results look better than I thought they would.


    At this point in the proceedings I decided I wanted a roast dinner and a cup of tea so I took half an hour off to get all of that in motion because I AM on holiday and whats wrong with a Wednesday roast?

    Then onto the brake system. If you remember I had some luck with the transmission brake but I didn't hold my breath on that luck lasting. Todays job was just to free off all of the brake adjusters so in I went with the WD40 and to my surprise I had the right imperial spanner for the adjuster 1/2.

    On the front drums the adjuster was toward the bottom of the back plate and they both just freed off and started moving winding the pads back nicely.




    On the back drums the adjuster is toward the upper part of the back plate



    I jacked up each end to make sure the wheels/drums moved freely enough ready for a strip down inspection.

    The inspection will be later on as there is also a problem with the servo or master cylinder.

    I then changed a few of the old fuses for new ones



    and I have a few spares if you need any!!


    That will do for today because the roast is nearly done and it smells gorgeous!!

  8. Going for black wheels


    Posted by min200 Fri, August 15, 2014 12:13:55


    After some deliberation I have decided to go with black wheels. I had to nip into town this morning to pick up some new work boots so I bought a few cans of black spray from pound land of all places!

    After getting back I tried it on the wheel on the Landy and was impressed with the way it looked!


    I then got the rest of the wheels out and gave them all a couple of coats.


    Im am going to go with a black bumper front and back but that will have to be next week when I get the chance to get back to town on some errand Im sure the wife will have for me and buy some more spray!

    Landy Project Costs

    Land Rover £375

    Sanding Discs £11.70

    Ignition Barrel £20

    Heritage letter £21.75

    2x Batteries and rear 1/4 light £35

    Pair Battery Terminal Clamps £3.99

    Floor pan nuts & bolts £6.50

    Grinding disc £2.25

    Under Seal £8.99

    Complete set of lights £85

    5 Litres Primer £24.99

    4 Discovery Wheels £10.20

    Rear Door £21.00

    Front Door £20.00

    Handbrake spring £1.50

    2 Discovery wheels

    Two seatbelts

    Wing Mirror

    2 Headlight surrounds

    2 headlight frames £60

    2 Front Doors £60

    Nato Green Paint £36

    Rear Window Seal and insert £9.99

    Wiring connectors £3.00

    2 tins of silver metal paint £7.00

    Fuses & Sandpaper £4.50


    5x tins black spray £5.00


    TOTAL £832.36

  9. Thank you again to everyone that has donated it really is much appreciated!!!!!! Looks like I will hit my target now which is fantastic news :) Now onto the blog...





    Posted by min200 Thu, August 14, 2014 11:33:10


    Remember how I was bragging a few posts ago about how I found a nice cheap Wilkinson alternative to Hammerite? Well ignore because the Wilko stuff is utter crap! It's like trying to paint water onto metal with the colour of cold tea regardless of what the colour is supposed to be on the tin.

    So that was a waste of money but hey ho at least it didn't rain on me whilst I was playing with the stuff. Luckily I had a tin of silver spray kicking about and being the impatient bugger I am I decided to blow over the spare wheel I had with it before fitting it to the Landy to A) see what it looked like and B) actually get the poor old girl up on four wheels that had air in them giving me a little more room to get underneath etc.

    Now that its on the Landy I don't know whether I want silver wheels at all. Maybe its because I have got used to the dirty mixed coulours of they existing wheels or maybe this wheel is just too silver. Maybe a darker matt silver would look better or maybe black? But Black might be too dark....bloody hell listen to me its only a set of wheels colour and most of the time they should be covered up in mud if I use it right!

    What do you lot think then?





    Maybe they will grow on me and they will look a lot better with chunkier tyres on. Doesn't really matter for now as I don't have any more spray so I can take some time to think about it.

  10. [h=2]Im Cursed[/h]MainPosted by min200 Wed, August 13, 2014 13:22:38

    Over the last couple of days I am sure someone has been hiding in the trees opposite my house just waiting for me to start doing anything that is linked to the Land Rover and when I do he turns on the water.

    Yesterday I got out the clutch master cylinder and just had time to check that it was the correct part before it started to rain.

    Today I decided to get on with painting the replacement wheels. Having been caught out yesterday I had a look up into the sky and thought to myself "ok it's cloudy but doesn't look dark enough for rain". I proceeded to go and get changed into some old kit that I can get paint on without Wifey giving an earful on how I always manage to wreck my clothing and grabbed the key to my shed to get the paint out.

    All good so far! So I rummaged around to find an old paint brush and after a few minutes had the brush and paint in hand just in time to hear the start of loud patters on the shed roof!

    That was the end of that idea because there is no way I can paint six Land Rover wheels in my 8x6 shed.

    So I came indoors and ordered some sand paper and new fuses for the old girl online instead. Hopefully a bit more luck tomorrow or maybe I can sneak out without that chap in the bushes noticing me.

    Landy Project Costs


    Land Rover £375


    Sanding Discs £11.70


    Ignition Barrel £20


    Heritage letter £21.75


    2x Batteries and rear 1/4 light £35


    Pair Battery Terminal Clamps £3.99


    Floor pan nuts & bolts £6.50


    Grinding disc £2.25

    Under Seal £8.99

    Complete set of lights £85

    5 Litres Primer £24.99

    4 Discovery Wheels £10.20

    Rear Door £21.00

    Front Door £20.00

    Handbrake spring £1.50

    2 Discovery wheels

    Two seatbelts

    Wing Mirror

    2 Headlight surrounds

    2 headlight frames £60

    2 Front Doors £60

    Nato Green Paint £36

    Rear Window Seal and insert £9.99

    Wiring connectors £3.00

    2 tins of silver metal paint £7.00

    Fuses & Sandpaper £4.50


    TOTAL £827.36

  11. A Massive thank you to those folks who have donated! It makes me smile knowing that there are still more folk out there that give a damn than don't.

    You people don't shout it from the roof tops just quietly help out and it restores your faith in humanity.


    Enough of the sloppy nonsense if anyone else would be happy to part with a pound or two it would be much appreciated!


    Now this is the last begging post I will post but I will post a thank you to anymore donations so thanks again folks it will make a difference to these kids

  12. [h=2]Fundraising[/h]MainPosted by min200 Sun, August 10, 2014 18:26:36

    I am fundraising for The Outward Bound Trust. These guys do great work with kids who live under the poverty line and try to install some new skills into them and show what you can achieve in life.

    Basically its your life and you can achieve just about what you want to.

    We are off for a week where there will be hiking and wild camping along with sailing and climbing. A lot of these kids have never been away before.

    BUT before this turns into a bad TV begging advert which lets face it we are all numb to and sick to the back teeth of if you have enjoyed keeping up with my blog and if I have made you smile would you just give a pound or two please as I have to hit a target of £500 and this is what pays for the kids.

    You can donate directly on this link https://www.justgiving.com/Nick-Smith29/

    Go on give us a quid it will take less time to do than reading all of this has!

  13. [h=2]More Paint.[/h]MainPosted by min200 Fri, August 08, 2014 11:52:56

    Just picked up two tins of metallic paint from Wilkinsons. This stuff is basically the cheap version of Hammerite so all good. silver in colour it will be used for the windscreen frame and the wheels I have already primed.

    I scraped the paint off of the windows on the landy so at least you can see out of them. Not enough tome to do anything else at the moment so the first dry day next week will see some more colour on the project!

    Landy Project Costs


    Land Rover £375


    Sanding Discs £11.70


    Ignition Barrel £20


    Heritage letter £21.75


    2x Batteries and rear 1/4 light £35


    Pair Battery Terminal Clamps £3.99


    Floor pan nuts & bolts £6.50


    Grinding disc £2.25

    Under Seal £8.99

    Complete set of lights £85

    5 Litres Primer £24.99

    4 Discovery Wheels £10.20

    Rear Door £21.00

    Front Door £20.00

    Handbrake spring £1.50

    2 Discovery wheels

    Two seatbelts

    Wing Mirror

    2 Headlight surrounds

    2 headlight frames £60

    2 Front Doors £60

    Nato Green Paint £36

    Rear Window Seal and insert £9.99

    Wiring connectors £3.00

    2 tins of silver metal paint £7.00


    TOTAL £822.86

  14. Hand Brake


    Posted by min200 Thu, August 07, 2014 19:12:31


    Ended up with an extra day off of work today because I foolishly ate a pizza at lunchtime which triggered my IBS off big style. I got to work to happily find 5 spare drivers kicking their heels so I managed to bag the day off as a holiday which was great because I really didn't think I would have made it the distance between service station toilets on the motorway without ****ting myself!

    So I got home and had to potter about as it eases the pain. After sorting the imperial from the metric spanners out in the shed I went to the toilet again. After this horror I decided to have a nose at the hand/transmission brake on the Landy.

    I didn't have the correct imperial size spanner for the adjusting nut as loads of my tools seem to have done a bunk but I found that the ring end of a 7mm spanner worked perfectly on it with no play. I sprayed on some WD40 and slowly worked the adjusting nut forwards and backwards a bit at a time adding more WD40 as needed until it freed up.




    Then I started on removing the nuts holding the drum on and of one of these had been rounded off before but hey theres always a buggered nut isn't there!



    Luckily I have a tool box full of odd old sockets so I grabbed a slightly undersized one 1/2 and hammered it into place.



    This brought the knackered nut off nicely. At this point I realised that the next fart was going to be more than that and rushed to get out from under the landy smacking my head then running for the toilet wondering whether to clutch my stomach, my arse or my now banging head.

    After some considerable time had passed I got back under the Landy and gave the drum a good whacking with a hammer to loosen the contents up a bit shift some muck and free off the brake pads.

    Then I used a flat ended screwdriver inserted into the edge between the back plate and the drum to see if it would gently free off. Much to my surprise it came off easily and then I was very happy to see the brake pads and components where all in good condition!



    So a quick clean up and the drum was put back on.



    After a quick adjustment up the hand brake now works perfectly! The only component I have had to replace is the spring on the handbrake itself. Now what a bloody job that was as I was trying to force it up and over the place it was supposed to fit into whilst trying not to **** myself in the process.


    So another job marked off of the list and only at the cost of a new nut, handbrake spring and a lump on my head...which is nice!

  15. I have been rather quiet of late for two reasons. The first is that I ran out of cash early last month to spend on the Landy and the second is we had to go on holiday with the kids to Spain for the pleasures of an all inclusive poolside holiday in Benidorm.

    Now I know that sounds like me moaning and being ungrateful but I can think of more interesting things to do than sit beside a pool for a week trying not to get up and give other peoples obnoxious kids a good clout around the ear hole but seeing as I don't really drink now getting pissed daily isn't an option and my god it's amazing how quickly you get fed up of eating! Still I am lucky enough to be able to go away and for that I am grateful so here isn't the place to go on about my holiday...just pop over to my blog site to hear me do that lol.

    So after doing all of the fun things that you have to do when you get back from a family holiday like picking up two carrier bags of dog **** because the dog sitter "Forgot", cleaning out three different sorts of other **** from the various pets dotted around the house and fuelling up the motorbike ready for work in the morning I had an hour spare so I snuck off to see the Landy. I had ordered some wire connectors so I spent some happy quiet time fitting those to the nearside indicator, side and headlights. I connected the batteries and let there be light!



    The indicators only work on the offside if you hold the indicator stalk in just the right place and there are no hazard or fog lights working but at least the new headlights I fitted work!

    I will plod along with the light wiring as and when I get a chance in between bigger jobs. I have just been paid so I best prioritise what to fix mechanically first so all ideas are welcome!

    Landy Project Costs

    Land Rover £375

    Sanding Discs £11.70

    Ignition Barrel £20

    Heritage letter £21.75

    2x Batteries and rear 1/4 light £35

    Pair Battery Terminal Clamps £3.99

    Floor pan nuts & bolts £6.50

    Grinding disc £2.25

    Under Seal £8.99

    Complete set of lights £85

    5 Litres Primer £24.99

    4 Discovery Wheels £10.20

    Rear Door £21.00

    Front Door £20.00

    Handbrake spring £1.50

    2 Discovery wheels

    Two seatbelts

    Wing Mirror

    2 Headlight surrounds

    2 headlight frames £60

    2 Front Doors £60

    Nato Green Paint £36

    Rear Window Seal and insert £9.99

    Wiring connectors £3.00

    TOTAL £815.86

  16. Gardening


    Posted by min200 Thu, July 17, 2014 14:24:59


    Well the back garden got to the point where I couldn't ignore the mess anymore and the constant nagging about it was getting tiresome so first job of the day was to tidy that up.

    This involved lots of sweating because its a sun trap out there and loading up the junk into the Dacia Sandero for the dump run.

    It amazes me how much crap you can fit in a small car when you stack it right well that and the determination I was only going to make one trip!

    Whilst tidying up I came across something that had come with my Land Rover so I put it to one side so I could finally find out what it is.




    As it turns out it is a "Snow Blind" which makes sense seeing as the Landy has the Artic heater in it. Its of no use to me at all but a search on Ebay showed up nothing similar so I suppose there is either no call for these at all or they are difficult to come by. Either way I shall throw it up for sale to try and get some more funds together for the project.

    So after the big tidy up and lawn mowing session I wondered what to do with the rest of my day off. As you may have noticed its bloody hot so nothing else too strenuous was ever on the cards and after a wander around the Landy I noticed I needed to refit the rear door strap. So I drilled a couple of new holes and hey presto strap fitted.




    Then I decided it's too damned hot to do bugger all else and am now hiding indoors with a packet of ice poles :)

  17. Rusty Wheels


    Posted by min200 Tue, July 15, 2014 10:53:26


    Funds are running a little low this month now so I had to look for a job I could do with what I had to hand today and the options were rather limited.

    In all honestly I couldn't be bothered with the idea of painting six wheels on both sides with anti rust primer so I took the dog for a walk.

    After a gentle stroll around the park I got back and no other options had miraculous presented themselves so I got the paint out.

    They looked like rusty crap to start...



    but with a little time they soon looked alright....




    In all fairness it only took an hour to do all six.



    as soon as they are dry I best be putting them away as Wifey wont think they are very nice as garden ornaments. I'm thinking of matt silver as the colour rather than anything shiny.

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