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Posts posted by fayjo56

  1. I think you will find the headlamp surround rings are in back to front ;)


    Thanks Richard. They're actually not proper rings but my design to have easily removeable bridge plate and blackout in case I need to travel at night. With the blackout fitted it gives the impression of having the early large headlamp. (I hope).;)


    The MW you have just painted looks great, thanks for posting the pic. I am certainly leaning toward that colour.

  2. Still plodding on. I've made the toolbox and petrol can carrier, fitted a few pipes and bits on the engine and slapped some more paint about!




    I'm still messing about with colours too. I may go with a 'late war' finish and have a can of 298 Olive Drab, so may use this with mickey mouse camo. Not sure yet. Any strong opinions either way?

  3. I too have started to think about the final method I will use to paint my MW. I suppose it really comes down to facilities and 'skill' available, and also what finish you/I/we are after. My truck is 1940, but I am pondering whether to finish it in later war guise, when it will have had a bit of use and possibly a repaint. But that raises the question, would it be a 'proffessional' respray at a base workshop or a quick brush job to change the colour and camo scheme?


    Who can say?


    The only person that needs to be happy with your/my/our respective trucks is you/me/us, so go with what you are happy with.:thumbsup:

  4. For some reason I seem to remember reading that Marine Corps Jeeps had two towing loops on the front bumper, or am I just losing the plot ?:help:


    Anyway, its always nice to hear of someone finding their perfect vehicle. Pics Pics Pics please!!!!

  5. Only one day on her this weekend, built the rear wheel boxes. I haven't screwed the tops down yet, will take the advantage to paint under the arhces from the top first. :-D Oh, and the radiator arrived back from my friend, via a third party. Just got to fit it now!








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