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Posts posted by SebBrady

  1. Hi all, so my CVRT project is nearly in motion and is nearly ready to come back to crewe, however the guy whos workshop im renting has suddenly upsticks and left, no where to be seen until the farmer comes along and tells me he has sold up and gone... bummer. Now im back to square one i need somewhere to put it and work on it, if any of you know anyone who would let me keep it there please put me in touch, obviously willing to pay etc.


    Let me know



  2. Is it just me thinking with all the things happening in the Ukraine at the moment and some military dressed people starting an IS3 is kind of alarming... we about to see IS3s rolling down a street while Dan Snow reports for the BBC? ;)

  3. Hi all as you can tell i ask a lot of questions but thats the fun of coming into a hobby you know nothing about, this question has always been burning in my mind but ive just never asked it, you see it all the time with vehicles with machine guns etc and obviously tanks with their main guns deactivated but some have them live, (mine of which is a de-ac) but im just interested in how do you go about getting the license to own a live firing gun? what license do you even need, sorry to sound so stupid but this is something that has certainly never been discussed in our house and im sure a lot of you on here will know. And also again sorry if this sounds stupid but this is more an interest than anything but what are the laws with blank firing weapons, i do re enacting and we have a blank firing maxim, and im thinking for my WW2 renacting are you allowed blank firing machine guns? say a .30 cal.

    Anyway any information is most appreciated.


  4. Depends on the client really, it was a foreign loco from the outset as it doesnt have any UK couplings on it or air supply, so who knows... ive passed the picture to a friend and hes pretty good with his trains so well see....

  5. Okay thats the first thing to be doing then, it still turns the gearbox so it leads me to believe it isnt too bad inside, but well never know until we get it moving freely and put back in, going to be two weeks before i can get back down to my yard but ill keep you all in the know.



  6. When you say narrow gauge to what gauge are you referring? There's a lot of things defined as narrow, Singapore is metre gauge mostly and looking by the pictures it looks like the gauge is close to that, which waves off any use by us, seems as the last metre gauge went at the end of world war one, the use of a buck eye coupling too makes you think its some industrial shunter and the definite lack of any serious pictures online leads me to believe this isn't seriously old as it simply doesn't fit the style of anything pre 1960. (ish). However if you know the owners what you'll find on the locomotive is a brass plate, that will have everything you need to know, usually its on the drivers side of the cab on the outside at head level, or it could have been removed but there will be something in the cab to give you an idea but if it is there, that will give you the locomotive class weights and importantly build year and manufacture and number, with this information you will be able to get in touch with Hudswell Archives and they pretty much could tell you everything about it, including powerplant details which you can then chase so you can get her running.


    Have fun!:D

  7. @Timbo I managed to pick up a spare clutch however I think the top selector may need replacing as well so just trying to weigh up the options of saving for a replacement or risk rebuild of mine,

    @Sidewinder yeah I was down at his yard the other day picking up some other parts and was talking with him about getting something sorted,

    Sorry for the late replies been stuck away at work.


  8. Hi all, so after looking about today just general parts availability there doesn't seem to be TN15 gearboxes for CVR(T)s. So am I looking in the wrong place or are they rare to get hold of? Any help appreciated so I know what to expect if I want to source parts for spares....


  9. Hi, use real time trains, I'll drop you a pm if you need to but I'm train crew and usually that's the best way to figure it out, signalman won't usually give you information about passage of trains off the level crossing phone and I feel if you emailed network rail the reply you wait for could a long time... What level crossing is it your on about? Anyway if you need to know more drop me a pm.


  10. Hi all just a quick question for people with CVRTs. Everyone likes show casing their vehicle but how do you get yours to a show?

    Is it a case of like a 43X on an articulated low loader or can you use other vehicles like a Bedford with the drop bed? (I think its called that) the one with the arm that can hook up any platforms. Would just like to know.



  11. Okay so i work on the railways as a Traincrew which means i get about a lot on the lovely rail network, and ive been travelling to the lovely south west a lot and i keep seeing a field on the way down there, (and way back) near Cam and Dursley station and theres this field and it looks like whoever has a bit of an off road track around the garden and they have some landies and a CET, well thats all i see when i trundle past every day, cant complain as it what i look forward to on the trip, just wondering if anyone knows more about this?


    Also, now the other way, wed just left barrow and only discovered this today but went past a holding and again whoever had a lot of nato green looking lorries, could only make out the crusader which looked in great nick, again if anyone knows more.





  12. Hi all,


    To start i've had a quick scoot down the page to see what i can find but my head just slowly seized, lack of oil and too many night shifts with the work so i gave up and thought id take the plunge and ask again.....


    Im undertaking a CVRT project and wanted to get it registered to get one job out of the way, however i'm wondering what needs to be done, i remember asking on here before for advice and it was this V55 form, however i whack that onto google and there's nothing that came up,


    so am i searching the wrong thing?


    or is the V55 not the right thing. I do however have a dating letter for the vehicle from IMPS. Do i need a form to sorn the vehicle or insurance document?


    Sorry if this is a repeat please do call me a fool and point me in the right direction ;) if not ill attempt to engage the brain and actually get somewhere, also to point out ive never filled anything like this in, the most ive done is the V5 for a new car...


    Thanks very much in advance.




  13. That's an excellent photo of one in the snow i must admit, sadly my 434 has been passed along now however i really did enjoy it, one day maybe should more cash flow my way i can indulge in another... who knows. :)

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