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Posts posted by Minesweeper

  1. I have also inspected vehicles on behalf of the MVT, prior to their being registered. Also have registered vehicles with a MVT verification letter. The inspector still calls, all he is interested in, is physically checking the engine and chassis numbers and then he is off to the next one. What the club verifiction scheme does do, is to date the manufacture of the vehicle, from records on their database and/or evidence on the vehicle. Without this letter, you would have to go through hoops with the licensing office to get a date of manufacture accepted. So, the clubs verify the date and DVLA inspector checks vehicle has correct numbers.


    As I mentioned earlier, I am sure that the various DVLA Offices interpret the rules differently. The numbers on the engine and on the chassis of the Dennis are very visible and in our case the MVT Inspector made a point of verifying them against the information that I had previously supplied to him with the proof of manufacturing dates. This confirmation was then contained in the Letter of Verification supplied by the MVT and accepted by the DVLA Office without further question.



  2. Seems to be different procedures in each Office - depends on how each "Clerk" interprets the rules, I suppose. I thought that the whole point of having the vehicle verified by an Authorised Club/Society was that no inspection would be necessary by the DVLA because it had all all been done for them!


    When I did mine just 10 days ago, the MVT Verification was readily accepted and the Tax Disc and Numberplate authorisation form were given to me there and then. The V5C came through the post within 3 days.



  3. Anyone who left their shed/workshop early last night might have seen a rather stirring sight on the ITV drama 'Downton Abbey'. For half way through, bringing a lorry load of trouble makers, was an early Dennis lorry!






    See posting No. 511 dated the 11th December 2009 - Page 52 - Same Lorry!



  4. It was just assigned. The "BF" sequence seems to be the current sequence that the DVLA are using for the issue of "Age Related" Number Plates.


    Our other 3 Lorries are either "DS" or "SV" which again were the sequences in use by the DVLA when those were registered. I understand that the DVLA use sequences of numbers that were never issued all those years ago when they were the sort of numbers that were issued for common use at that time. So "Age Related Numbers" issued now have never been issued before.



  5. There does seem to be a bit of two-way traffic going on with old stuff moving between our two countries at the moment - I am thinking of all of the traction engines recently and in past years just to show and then returning to their respective homes again afterwards. I believe that other stuff is similarly changing hands to help complete restoration projects. We are starting to think ahead about our next project to start on when the Dennis is together and we are urgently looking for a "diff" for our Thornycroft "J". With the advent of shipping containers, it is certainly much easier to send stuff around the world. If you should come across anybody with a Thorny "J" diff, Doug, then do think of us!


    Is the NZ Leyland that you speak of yours, and what sort of order is it in?



  6. Great! So unusual to find the "diff" still in these old back axles - they are usually the first thing taken out when a chassis is used for other purposes. I can't identify that one but there are plenty of chaps on this forum who will! Watch this space!


    If only it was a Thorny "J"!

  7. When I was in the Army 50 years ago, it was always correct to have the cap badge in your beret over your left eye. Nowadays, most soldiers seem to wear their cap badges over their left ears - like a lot of French matelots. Why the change?



  8. I must say that all three of us are grateful to have such kind and generous comments from everybody - and it is doubly pleasing to us to read the note left by "Wildside" where we have, perhaps been especially helpful to him, in taking his mind off other things after his unfortunate recent experiences.


    When we started writing about this saga, we never expected there to be a lot of interest in it, and we have been quite overwhelmed with the response that it has attracted. "Number Crunchers" may have noticed that the number of "hits" on the site has now exceeded the 100,000 mark which really astonishes us. Thank you, everybody, for your interest.



  9. I

    That is an incredibly low idle speed, any idea what the rpm actually are?




    Thanks Norman!


    No, we don't know what the idle speed is - but as it is so slow, I think that we will probably be able to count! Will give it a go next time we start it!



  10. Thanks again for all your kind comments and wishes! At the moment, 2145 on Monday, we are all shattered after taking the three trucks to the Honiton Hill rally today. Problems with the FWD coming home where a woodruff key fell out of the magneto drive - and we could not find it! Quick improvisation - a temporary one cut out of a piece of mahogany with a a Stanley Knife and fitted - that did the trick and we were safely back to base at about 1930.


    So although there is work to be done on the FWD, we shall not attempt that tomorrow but give full attention to the Dennis. We look forward to hearing it go - but must admit that we are just a little apprehensive that there will be a problem that we have not thought of! Keep your fingers crossed for us!



  11. Thanks Micha - but no thank you! I guess that that one would be good for somebody who is already doing one of those - but just for spares. There is an awful lot missing if you want to use that one to start off with!


    We have been to a Show today with three trucks - and going again tomorrow - but in between, have started putting the final bits on the Dennis before we attempt to fire it up on Tuesday.


    Water now in the system for the first time - a couple of small "weeps" which we have mainly corrected - loose hose clips and fittings not bolted down tightly - but there is a pin hole in the top tank of the radiator which we did not spot before and although we can ignore that for the moment, it will want fixing properly in due course.


    Steve has been turning the engine over. just to see what the compression is like now that everything is on it - and it is "weighty" - so if it does not fire up quickly on Tuesday then there will be three "knackered" guys here at base! Will keep you informed!



  12. A wonderful idea - but perhaps we could leave that for the next Dennis that we do! That would be after the Thornycroft and the two Peerless' - and at the present rate, it would mean that we would be starting the project in about the year 2034! That would make me 95. Something to look forward to!



  13. Thanks for the pipe-bending tips! Tim and I have fitted the "trial" one this morning so that we have one to go on with - and will be ready for any possible event that we might have in mind - possibly on Tuesday morning after the Bank Holiday! A nicer one can be made up later on.


    We are taking the three "Runners" to the Honiton Hill Rally on Sunday and Monday and if any HMVF members are there, then please make yourselves known to us!



  14. Norman,


    Ohw no.... you're not the only one awaiting the moment of truth... i've been checking the forum on a more than daily bases...



    The time is approaching. What we ideally want is a weekend when everyone is down. A Bank Holiday is the ideal time for family get togethers.......

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