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Posts posted by Runflat

  1. From Motor Traction January 29th, 1919.


    "Owing to the Germans having destroyed a considerable proportion of their rolling stock on the central Tanga railways in East Africa, as a temporary measure a number of lorries were fitted up with flanged wheels and utilised on the main lines to connect up the various bases with Dar-es-Salaam and Tanga. For this purpose, writes a correspondent, the Napiers were largely used, and with excellent results. In respect to the gearing no alteration was made, but alterations were effected on the front and rear axles so that the wheel track would conform to the railway gauge. Owing to the flanged wheels being considerably smaller in diameter than the original lorry wheels, the engines were subjected to heavy stressing, through drivers racing their engines, as, unfortunately, among many of them, their chief concern seemed to be to maintain as high a speed as possible, instead of adhering to the 15 m.p.h. intended as a maximum. These converted rail tractors, in addition to their own load, were coupled to an ordinary-sized railway truck, and the total load carried averaged between 15,000 lb. and 20,000 lb. Both B62 and B72 30 cwt. Napiers were used."


    Apologies for the quality of reproduction.



    Napier 004.jpg

  2. From Motor Traction September 4th, 1918.


    "It would seem, judging by the accounts which reach us from time to time, that Napier chassis have lent themselves particularly well for conversion to rail cars in East Africa. Accordingly, on this page we are able to give another view of a 30-45 cwt. Napier lorry converted into a staff railway car. The work was done, so we learn, by one of the A.S.C. workshop companies, and the body, hood, windscreen and luggage car were made of parts salved from the scrap-heap. Some interest attaches to the outfit by reason of the fact that it is fitted with captured German railway wheels. The old body was taken from a car which had been damaged by shell fire, the box at the rear being made of native wood sawn and put together on the spot. The car is proving very reliable and speedy."


    Apologies for the quality of reproduction. (A better copy appears in Windscreen #119.)



    Napier 003.jpg

  3. From Motor Traction June 19th, 1918:


    "We reproduce on this page a photograph of a Napier business vehicle adapted to rail traction. It is shown conveying twenty-seven men, and we are told that it was able to do so with ease and speed to any desired point on the railway system upon which it was employed in East Africa. In addition to being utilised for carrying passengers, the Napier draws three or four railway trucks with stores, and as the experiment has proved so successful it is only reasonable to suppose that there may be considerable application in this form of transport in the future. The following extract from a letter which accompanied the photograph will be of interest: "I was sent out from England with a convoy of Napier lorries, and should like to say that these lorries have done exceptionally good work, both as converted railway cars and road cars. The first six months of wear over the roughest country showed that not one bearing ran out, and all through I had no trouble with them.""


    Apologies for the quality of reproduction.



    Napier 002.jpg

  4. From Motor Traction January 23rd, 1918:


    "On this page we give two interesting photographs received from what was formerly German East Africa, showing Napier cars fitted with flanged wheels for railway service. The district locomotive superintendent, in forwarding these pictures, mentioned that, in the case of the first, the Napier is hauling a German coach taken by Belgians at Tabora. An interesting point in connection with this coach is that it was formerly used as the inspection car of Phillip Holtzman, who was the contractor and built the railway from Dar-es-salem to Kingoma. The coach weighs 25 tons, and was pulled by two Napier cars which had been converted to rail tractors. Quite a number of such vehicles were employed on other work. This gentleman reports that they were exceedingly handy, especially where blown bridges existed which would take tractors but could not take locomotives. Convoys of tractors were regularly run, each with one 10 ton goods waggon, until the bridges were ready for the usual type of train. The lower picture shows the Napier with a Hun 10 ton waggon, which the locomotive superintendent used as an inspection car, and it may be added that the superintendent (Maj. Arthur A, Cantor) is seen standing beside the combination."


    Apologies for the quality of reproduction.



    Napier 001.jpg

  5. "Resurrection: Salvaging the Battle Fleet at Pearl Harbour" by Daniel Madsen, a fascinating account of what was possibly the world's largest wreck recovery operation.


    It would be interesting to compare that with "The man who bought a Navy" - the story of the raising of the German battle fleet scuttled at Scapa Flow after the First World War.

  6. Thanks Richard.


    L Geary's book "Rootes Commercial Vehicles" lists a bewildering array of different models produced by Vulcan. The VSW is listed as a 30/40 cwt truck chassis (couldn't they make up their mind?), a six wheeler in both normal and semi-forward control variants. However, he goes on to say they were produced 1930/1931! That may explain why they're not on your 1927 list. You're probably right about not being listed if they were only made available to the War Department.


    Still, Bob will soon be the expert and be able to fill in the gaps.

  7. Thanks Richard. Does the CM article say what the normal control version is called?


    I seem to recall reading that Paul Bowyer had three Vulcan six-wheelers at one time; selling them on when he became more interested in his Morris Commercial D-types. From memory, half of the remains were sold in one direction and the remainder in another. I wish I could find where I read this. I've no idea whether the vehicle in this recent sale is connected to this story...

  8. What level of detail are you after? - Is it for a novel? Who are the audience?


    Are you after pictures of preserved vehicles or wartime pictures?



    For the AEC try these links for starters:




    There is also Steve Richards' book "AEC Matador" which covers the O854 six wheelers - several pictures of tankers in there.


    Robert Coates' book "Bedford to Berlin" covers the QL in detail.


    And here's a picture of one:


  9. I think the "1" indicates the first NZ Brigade of the NZ Division. Not sure what colour the leaf would be or the roundel. Any thoughts...


    Tim, the attached list of RASC symbols came from a document in the IWM via a friend of a fellow contributor: it suggests that the fern leaf on a dark background represents 1st New Zealand Division; a sun rise containing a fern leaf representing 2nd New Zealand Division. It is quite likely that the RASC continued on from the ASC. I don't think the circle is that important - unless it's a black background, in which case it's a way of contrasting with the OD on the vehicle.


    That said, have you see this month's MMI (Feb 2011), p.7 ?!


    (For those who study these things, I'm not sure what DSC and ASP mean.)




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