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polecat paul

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Everything posted by polecat paul

  1. 14th April Argentine fleet leaves Puerto Belgrano; Haig returns to Washington to brief Reagan; Squadron of ships carrying Royal Marines and special forces sent to retake South Georgia rendezvous with Endurance; Expatriate Chief Secretary Dick Baker is deported by the Argentines
  2. 12th April 200 mile maritime exclusion zone around the Islands declared by Britain to prevent Argentine reinforcements and supplies reaching the Islands from the mainland; British submarine Spartan arrives on station off Stanley; Haig returns to London The destroyer ‘Antrim’, the frigate ‘Plymouth’ with M Company, 42 Commando, sailed from Ascension to recapture South Georgia.
  3. I,m pleased to hear that your hooked ,i will carry on to the end i promise!
  4. April 11th: ‘HMS Spartan’ and ‘HMS Splendid’ (submarines) arrived off of the Falkland Islands.
  5. 10th April Haig arrives in Buenos Aires; EEC sanctions against Argentina come into effect (against wishes of Italy and Ireland)
  6. 9th April 3 Commando Brigade sail from Southampton aboard Canberra; European Economic Community approve economic sanctions against Argentina (Ireland and Italy veto)
  7. 8th April Haig and his team arrive in London
  8. 7th April Reagan approves Haig peace mission; British Government announces it will impose a 200-mile exclusion zone around the Islands on 26 April; Liner Canberra is requisitioned at Southampton upon her return from a world cruise; Britain freezes $1.4 billion in Argentine assets held in British banks
  9. Still got around 7" here, had to cancel my cllimbing group today because of it!!
  10. 5th April Aircraft carriers Hermes and Invincible sail from Portsmouth with other ships; Carrington resigns and is replaced as Foreign Secretary by Francis Pym; Junior Foreign Office Ministers Richard Luce and Humphrey Atkins resign
  11. We have got around 7" so far, has been coming down quite thick since i got up at 5 this morning, and it was white over then!
  12. 4th April British submarine Conqueror sails from Faslane; Argentines occupy Goose Green and Darwin; Lighthousekeeper and radio ham Reg Silvey makes radio contact with the UK and continues clandestine broadcasts throughout the occupation
  13. Hot off the Press!!, Shropshire Yeomanry have confirmed there attendance on both days!!
  14. April 2, 1982: Argentine forces invade Falkland Islands, entering capital Port Stanley and forcing Governor Rex Hunt to surrender. Day Late Sorry!! April 3, 1982: Invasion condemned by UN Security Council
  15. Well have asked the other commitee members and you would be more than welcome to come along
  16. We are looking at 40 vehicles so far, we are only taking bookings for ex military vehicles i,m afraid, we have got several tracked vehicles booked in so far, this show is also to see if there is enough interest to start up War Wheels agin.
  17. More news regarding the show! We have now changed to a bigger more secure site which is next to the old Park Hall camp in oswestry, There were a few concerns on the old site regarding security and the fact that we couldnt charge the public to come in (public park!), where as the new site the public will be charged a few quid and all money made is being donated to SAMA Wales, who's chairman will be visiting over the weekend!. We have now got conformation that the Shropshire yeomanry will be bringing a stand and 3 vehicles(2 landys 1 scorpian kindly donated by Donnington) we are waiting to hear if the Welsh guards recruitment team will be in attendance also a request has gone in to RAF Shawbury for a helicopter to be on site. We are hoping that this has got the makings to be a good show, any Militaria trader who wants to book a stand please pm me (very cheap rates)...............so if you havent got your booking forms in be quick!! the Powys and Mid Wales club will be in attendence at Hack Green this sunday promoting the event so please pop over to say hi
  18. When i was serving we found that the neck of the jumpers did sag slightly hence why alot of us fitted an old lace to pull it tightup to the shirt collars
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