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Everything posted by mikesteven

  1. thanks Iain for such a detailed and considered reply - I've learnt a lot! mike
  2. Hi I recently bought a penthouse lamp for my 1977 24v Lightweight FFR. Does anyone know how I can power this from within the car? I've attached an pic of the 3 pin power socket, one on either side thanks mike
  3. Hi, I recently bought a wing box/arial for my 1977 FFR 24V essentially for cosmetic purposes, but it also came with a TUAAM unit which I think works. However, I'm at a loss as to which cables I should buy to power it up. I've attached a couple pictures including one of the 7 pin socket which I assume is the power socket. Also, if I got it working, could I connect a CB to it? thanks mike
  4. Apologies if this is bluntly obvious. I'm looking to buy a sankey and wondered if I'd have to buy one with a 24V set up. Or could I buy any sankey but just put in 24V lights instead? thanks mike
  5. thank you! All sorted and it didn't cost me a penny. Appreciate all of your speedy advice, particularly to mike for spoon-feeding me exactly what to do! Can't thank you enough mike
  6. Hi My headlights stopped working a few weeks ago for no apparent reason. The full beam still works OK from the indicator stalk and all the other lights are fine. I think I've traced the fault to the relay box behind the dashboard switch panel. I've attached an example pic - it's the rectangular box on the right. Rather than pay £££ for a new panel (everything's fine apart from the relay box) I was wondering if I could DIY something similar that would do the same job. I'm no electrician - that's for sure! - but wondered if I could buy a modern relay that would do the same job? mike
  7. thanks guys for all of your help. I'm new to this and this forum is just fantastic It's a 1977 lightweight. From looking through some previous posts I think mid/late seventies was around the time the paint switched from DBG to Nato Green? Anyway, I'll go for DBG for the inside, probably the same for the outside too Had a look on the net for suppliers, seems quite variable in terms of price. Does anyone have experience or could recommend a supplier? mike
  8. Hi, I've Lightweight FFR Series 3 in need of a touch up. Outside is NATO green, inside is a more glossy dark green. I'm not sure however, if this was done by the previous owner or whether it is standard army colour. I've attached a picture. Any ideas? thanks mike
  9. The wonders of this forum indeed - thank you all for your help, the card was virtually unintelligible to a simple layman like me!
  10. The wonders of this forum indeed - thank you all for your help, the card was virtually unintelligible to a simple layman like me!
  11. Hi, I've attached my VHC and whilst I think I get the jist of it. However, I wondered if anyone could offer advice on some of the abbreviations e.g RRW, R/Pty, H/BVT etc that would be great. mike
  12. I'm a novice at pretty much everything relating to military vehicles - but I hope to change that in the months and years ahead. Just bought a Land Rover Series 3 Lightweight FFR, getting some gremlins fixed to get it through it's MOT. After that, it's over to me to do the fixing!
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