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Simon Daymond

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Posts posted by Simon Daymond

  1. that news took a long time to reach you! It was 3years ago! We were collecting for the Poppy Appeal, and the Militant had flat batteries at the ed of the day. So we had to squeeze a Ferret alongside, whilst filling the local freezer shop with fumes, and use the 'inter vehicle jump lead'. That was when the batteries were too big for the militant, they were ok when fully charged, but if they were flattened, the militant took a long time to charge them back up, so I put a pair of smaller ones one, and the problem went away.

  2. and just to add to that, yes there is the facility to counter-rotate the wheels on the same axle, but what many overlook is the fact that both axles are connected and militants don't have diff locks, so unless you have a double rolling road or remove the prop etc, all that will happen is that the militant will try to drive itself out of the rollers :)


    Glad you got Vosa to amend the regs for the militant, with a bit of luck that info will now be on file, and others in the same boat should be able to get future testers to refer to it, if the problem arises again.

  3. You want something a bit harsher than a good polish, so best use a rubbing compound such as Farecla, if you think it's too harsh, make a mix up with some turtle wax. Don't use T-Cut it contains ammonia (or did the last time I used it) which will take a small amount of paint off. There are diferent grades of Farecla, we use G6 which is quite harsh, but G3 is kinder. Best to ask at a car paint retailer when you buy it.

    There is a prduct available called 'Restore' it has a mix of compound and Canuba wax which is bought by people who trade cars etc.

  4. I don't know if it's relevant... some of the headlights we buy for coaches can be set for either driving on the right or the left. The headlights can be set at the back by slackening screws and moving the reflector to either L or R. Don't know if this is the same with your RB, but take one off and have a look.

  5. re gunge: I think it's going to be quicker to clean the system again, it's probably a bit more that's worked loose. Going to order some biocide this week. What filter did you use, and do you have a part number?


    I put the 5.5 back on the wagon to test it under real load, and on hills etc it lacks power, it feels as though someone is knocking the accelerator back sharply, then slamming it back down, almost as though I'd filled up with kangaroo fuel.

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