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Posts posted by N.O.S.

  1. Sorry N.O.S. but if you like you can comment on the choice of spark plug wires ?

    Why thank you kindly, abn. Yes, they are exactly the same flavour as those on my Norwegian jimmy :) And the N.O.S. set I got for the Chev M6 are the same (so quite possibly Norwegian stock?), now they all match!

  2. Hi Marty, we're all slowly turning green too (with envy :-D ). Well done so far.


    Your photo of the engine shows a red block in the water hose between pump and radiator bottom connection - is this anything to do with water pre-heating or some another Norwegian modification?




    The Illustrated Poetry of the First World War


    ISBN 978-0-9545267-8-8 / 0-9545267-8-3

    Published by Transatlantic Press 2007 £14.99 but available for £9.99


    This 180 page book is far more than the title suggests - it a very evocative and varied selection of photographs of WW1, with matching poems. The two media combine well to paint a very graphic and realistic picture of the conditions endured by troops in the Great War, in a way in which stuffy historical analysis simply cannot do.


    If detailed written histories are not your cup of tea, this book might be the best way to get an insight into the war. Highly recommended.

  4. This is shaping up well to be another of those "lifetime experiences" :)

    Accepting that in Oz they don't have quite the same bureaucratic rubbish that we have to content with (can you just imagine trying to organise a similar train the length of the UK?:shocked:), this trip must still have taken some serious planning and organisation!!! Great that some folk are prepared to do this out of sheer enthusiasm. More, more!

  5. Well, thanks to Bodge Formby I've just spent the entire day humming (and occasionally singing very quietly) the Tank Transporter song. Couldn't get the bl**dy tune out of my head.


    A load of us went walking this morning and over lunch in the pub they all joined in too (loudly), with my wife surprising everyone with a good impression of a ukelele. Anyone else had similar problems today?

  6. Have you anymore pics of your Constructor mate ? Any work been done to get her mobile yet?


    Erm, err, well, on the conservation side I've just put a better tarpaulin on her (over the heavy old one, so didn't get chance to take body pics for 6x6,).


    However when time allows I'll free off a stuck rear brake and get her out for some fresh air and a proper photoshoot - maybe put a couple of batteries on her too? Will let you know. For what it's worth I've already rebuilt the air tanks :-D

  7. That (BKH 905X)is a pic of the RAF Constructor I bought from Peter. It should be yellow, not orange - typical film processing!!


    A funny thing happened when I went to look at it (it had stood for several years). Peter backed his Fiat Allis loader up to it and I put a set of jump leads across the Scammell batteries - then the positive onto the loader battery terminal and the negative I just "touched" momentarily on the towing jaw of the loader out of habit to make sure it was safe to clamp on without a load of sparks.


    I got a shock when the bl**dy thing fired up and just sat there ticking sweetly away :shocked: As mentioned in another thread, that Scammell decided it wanted me!! :)

  8. Andy, I think you'll find these photos were taken in Peter Court's yard - the second pic shows the Explorer next to 'Avonhill' with the large red anchor spade, and I think that was my RAF Constructor to the left (going by stripes on bumper and the position indicator stalk and target). The blue Contractor survives I'm sure.

  9. I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street

    In case a certain tank transporter passes by.



    Jack, do you remember that idea of a prize for the best post each month? Think we have the first nomination :coffee:

  10. Anyone else getting fed up with the constant knocking nosie coming from upstairs in the Clubhouse? It's been going on for days now.


    Had a look today and it turns out to be Catweazle, he's been tapping away at the 1,000 Poster Club Room door, but there's such a party going on in there nobody can hear him - can someone help please?

  11. Anyone know how much clobber was lost at sea during the war? I've seen figures in the past somewhere for total shipping weight losses, but that includes the ships and I've never seen a breakdown of what went down. Any figures for number of vehicles for example? Must have been countless liberty ship loads of trucks, armour etc sunk in N.Atlantic.


    Some fascinating finds to be had for divers, perhaps it'd be nice to leave them down there for them to enjoy. When you think about it, these two tanks are but a drop in the ocean compared to all the gear lost (well ok, two drops....)

  12. This one runs and drives Andy, and is cared for by an enthusiastic member of the British Army.


    Without these enthusiastic soldiers a lot of stuff would have gone by now. At the time of the Scamell Register visit the Diamond T 'Old Joe' and the Antar were also made available for driving - do you know if they are still at Bulford, and still runners, ekawrecker?

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