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Hair Bear

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Posts posted by Hair Bear

  1. Thanks for the advice. I'm curoius about the 'commercial' side of this as although I took my class 1 in 1986 I've never used it commercially. It's only ever been borrowing a truck to move a vintage tractor and similar so I doubt I ever will go commercial. I don't even have a tacho card as I've never had a truck new enough! That said, what enquiries I have made have suggested that if I don't take it I will lose the hgv entitlement completely and have to start all over again. My renewal is due April '14.


  2. Hi,

    Not sure where to put this thread so if it needs moving - feel free!

    I was reading another thread and there was a mention of 'Outright Purchase' of bottles to save rental.

    How does it work, and can it be done with Oxygen / Acetelyne?


  3. Having watched the video again, yes I can see now that your beastie is much bigger than a 1500.

    Thanks Nick, I was aware of Slab being MOD and the accompanying restrictions, as part of a quad club we're always on the lookout for somewhere new, but we always seem to come up short when asking who to contact about aranging access. I've even tried going to an event as a spectator to see if I could find out what was involved in staging an event there and as soon as you start asking who, or what department to make first enquiry to I was either ignored or told to move on. Still, we live in hope...!

  4. Would I be right in thinking that the Belarus is an early model 1502? The 1502 was sold in the UK in the late '70s wearing a white/orange livery and a different cab. I suspect very few sold. Nice machine.


    How does Slab common work? Is it an 'all comers' event or are there light vehicle days and heavy days, or clubs? I'm asking as I'm reasonably local and always looking for somewhere to run quads.


  5. Many years ago my father brought home a barn find Onan generator. Definately ex-military and looked something like a w2c. I remember it being 2cyl, hand crank or 12v electric start, 240v and thought to be about 3kv(?). Although there are pics on the web of a w2c I'm sure this one was physicly bigger, and had a heavy, purpose built tubular cage/frame around it which had a tray for the battery that fitted crossways above the control box, two jerry can carriers, and a fitted heavy canvas cover. It'd been bolted to a couple of railway sleepers if it really needed any more weight, but ran almost silently and free of any vibration.

    It was sold some years ago through a auction in the New Forest as a non runner and a fault in the generator somewhere which meant it didn't operate at full capacity.

    I've never seen another one and was wondering how rare it was.

  6. These were available rhd in the U.K. in the late '70's/early '80's and exhibited at the Smithfield show. They were sold through 'Belarus' tractor dealerships. There was a van, minibus, and a dropside pickup truck but I seem to remember it was not Uaz, more something like Belaz. I did have all the sales brochures and road tests at one time but I've slept since then so little chance of finding them now.:(

  7. Hi, I'm sure the pics and video would be most welcome.

    So let's throw something else into the mix. Back in the late '80's or early 90's I remember going to a vintage tractor / vehicle rally, I'm sure either in the Wokingham area, or somewhere around Petersfield, and there was an identical wrecker there. If I didn't know better I'd say it was the same one, all white, and running. And I'm sure it lived at the site and it sat in the field ticking over for most of the day but I've no idea why.

  8. Don't know if anyone can shed light on this.

    Some years ago now (at least 10), we went out for an afternoon walk with some friends on Hazeley Heath near Hartley Wintney. At one point we came across some low level concrete forms which we were told were part of a WW2 tank proving ground. They are/were best described as on the heath, somewhere north of the shops on the A30 London road but south of the Bramshill police college.

    Also, there is/was (now going back 25+ years!) a lot of old concrete tracks in the woods on Buckleberry Common in Berkshire. Rumour says there were hidden buildings for ammunition storage in the area.

    Anyone know anything?


  9. x2 on the Detroit idea.

    We ran machines in the 80's with a supercharged 6V-92 under the bonnet, 12" dia silencer, 8" dia exhaust, and a sound you never get tired of!


    for example.

    Superb reliability, we had two machines - they ran at one speed (absolutely flat out!) fourteen hours a day, seven days a week, from April to October and over the three years I worked with them I'm not aware of one missed beat.

    From what I remember a very compact unit length wise, but I suspect you could finish up with a cylinder head sticking out each side.

  10. Does anyone know what the wrecker is on the M5 near Taunton? I'm no expert on these but I would say probably Leyland, with 'Holmes 750' style twin boom bodywork. Although at some point it's been painted white it has that ex-army look to it. Been there as long as I can remember.

    It can be seen on streetview, if you travel north on the M5 from J25 it is on the lh side as you approach the A361 overbridge.

    'bout time it was saved...

  11. That'll make a nice set. We've had vintage tractors and they always displayed better with a suitable piece of period equipment.

    I'm not familiar with the 450 (the newest Honda Atv in my shed is a 1986 250es), are the wheels/tyres interchangeable with the trailer ie one spare tyre fits all?

  12. My late Uncle always said there was one piece of ww2 kit he always looked out for at sales but never saw one.

    It is/was apparently a small suitcase that contained a type of steam boiler, generator and radio transmitter for use by spies and resistance. The idea being it was taken into a wooded area, the boiler was fired using twigs and moss ect. the steam ran the generator and powered the Tx.

    I can only imagine a 'Mamod' style unit but it'd be interesting to know if anything like it did exist and was used?

  13. x2 on the people and the place! We love La-Roche and the area around. It's difficult to comprehend the town was all but levelled during the war. Interesting museum there too. We found a self catering chalet site just outside town and it's ideal as a base for exploring the area. Lots for the rest of the family to do as well if they're not into military history.

    Somewhat off topic, last time we were there we headed east to see the Rhine. Only now do we realise how close we were to the Blockbuster UXB recently found in Koblenz!:shocked:

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