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Posts posted by jenkinov

  1. Horseman....how are you getting on with the welbike .please tell us more..where did you find it ...did it come as a basket case..how are e you getting on with the rebuild..



  2. The petrol tank has been returned and pleasingly looks very good ....in summary the tank was found to be in a very poor state with a failed seam ....that seam has been replaced a number of dents removed and the rust removed ..a tank liner has been applied and the tank painted in primer ....I have been very impressed the tank looks much better and the interior is excellent. I know need to 're install the bike with new petrol tap..unsure whether to get Coat of paint on the tank now...or wait.....?


    I won't star a new thread but the amal carb is flooding ....at this stage unclear if the float is sticking or if the various seals have failed with age......is this a clean.....rebuild .....or replace ..jenkinov

  3. Wolfe ....can't paste a link ok on but if you type in Harley Davidson liberato buried ..you will find a photo of a bike buried for 50 years ..if I remember the story the bloke crashed the bike and buried the remains in his garden....now after 50 years that has the sort of rust I expect....




    If they can survive as well as the first photos I know where there are quite a few buried..not ww2 ..but post war bikes from th e 60s and 70s...true story as my grandfather had a motorbike shop...I expect they will all be scrap

  4. Great looking bike ......but I am amazed at the low level of corrosion...I could understand this in part if it was in sand in a desert ......but in a conifer forest with lots of rain I am just amazed at how little rust there is....


    There is less rust on that petrol tank after 70 years than one I am having restored....I am always short of space at home so maybe I should bury mine in the back garden...lol...my wife certainly would approve...


    Sceptical jenkinov

  5. Oliver ..I understand your problem...in terms of quality getting spares from India is hit and miss .the issue you face is that a great number of the spares are hand crafted....I have seen welbikes copied in detail..the issue however is the parts are not tested in the same manner as modern parts ...or even old british ones,


    Hence you run a increased risk..fine when running on smooth tarmac but if you hit a pothole you want the fork to perform its job and not risk the fork folding or a joint fracturing....I would risk some components...I have a spare clutch on my shelf from India..but I would hesitate with buying a fork set .....


    I can also see the issue you have in identifying good alternatives ..I think we can help if we can supply a series of close up photos with rulers included to help you identify key components of the forks plus sizes...at best these will help identify new forks or you can send the photos to ebay sellers to check against any forks you see for sale.




  6. Not sure what that is ....but the tyre on the front looks quite wide ....so I suspect the forks have been modified..one to stay clear of.......


    I can appreciate that you are trying to avoid the Indian replacement forks on sound sound advice from Ron but if you have original forks have you considered sourcing a .top yoke from india ....your correspondence suggests you have most other fork components ...and if the key strength points are original ..I.e the forks I suspect you are ok with a copy yoke...


    Ron ..what's your opinion..



  7. Einbeck...the 3sw forks could turn up tomorrow ...or in many years time ..I have a list of parts I have been hunting since I got the bike...a rear rack.an original toolbox knob.....whilst hunting I found a spare engine..in terms of your forks I would use what's available and get the bike on the road and replace the spokes when you trace an original..



  8. Thanks for the frame and engine numbers ....I found you on the register and the entry lists you as having found forks...I would update it to list your wants as most owners keep an eye out for spares...

    Triumph engines and bikes appear to feature quite a number of stamps which can help greatly with dating ....if you look on the rear of the seat post you will find the year and month of the frames manufacture ..is will read TE ...triumph engineering .then month .8 or 08 ....I.e August and the year 40....the stamp is at the top of the frame ..lateral ...you either need the seat off or view it with a torch..


  9. Einbeck ..parts for triumphs and in particular the 3sw are hard to get if you want originals but they do surface...there have been 2 5sw engines surface in Ireland and I have seen 3x3sw engines for sale 1gearbox ..about 3 petrol tanks and 1 frame..interestingly the frame featured telescopic forks ...I suspect a post war addition.

    You may have detailed in in earlier e mails but can I ask what your frame number is ....also the engine and contract number..it's worth registering your bike at triumphwd.nl


  10. Low-fat ...thank you for the input ...I have used hydrochloric acid in solution to remove rust from a tank which has a similar impact to molasses but found that the flash rust which formed immediately afterwards was a big issue...I have tried most techniques to clean my tank over 3 years ..for tanks with light rust home techniques work but this tank is th e worst I have ever had and I feel that this is the best course of action.....


    I will post some picks when I get the tank back



  11. As I hope this thread will help others thought I would post an update on my fight with a heavily corrodedpetrol tank...I thought I had the issue resolved but riding the bike ....particularly off road resulted in petrol slap and debris from the tank soon fouled the carb.


    The rust reappeared and became active and I believe my decision to not add a yet? Bank liner was correct as I feel I simply would have had a worse problem in a few years time.


    The tank has been a major barrier and reduced my usage of the bike.....I found a petrol tank specialist in hartlepool and have put the tank into their hands......I will report shortly on the results




  12. Yolk.....I have checked the yoke on my bike and it's quite different to that shown in the photo..mine features bolts on the mounting points as well as the handlebar mounts......the issue I face is that mine may not be correct..those vehicles were military and to keep them in use available parts would be used.....


    I will check on a friend's 5s to see if they match mine......



    Certainly expensive at the price you say......





  13. Hi just read through this Thread ....There are 2 Morris Beatle backs in the leeds area and I am aware of a further 1 under construction ...


    The vehicles are part of


    E Troop, 444 Bty, 69th Fd Regt RA

    A Yorkshire based group that forms E Troop within the Garrison.





    The above link and unit section may help you in locating vehicles near you ...To obtain patterns from..


    Plus an opportunity to Join





    Gunner in the Garrison ..Plus owner Willys MB + Triumph 3sw

  14. A good friend has a Norton big four ...a civilian model C1938 but must admit I never considered it as an off road bike ...



    I see the military used it pre war and up to dunkirk , but Sdecars appear to disappear of the inventory in favour of 4wd jeeps and Bikes ...


    great looking kit though ...




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