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Posts posted by Chrisg

  1. Back in and running sweetly. Batteries behaving. The regulator is cooked, but everything else is sorted. New bearings and the thing re-bored. Cost me £140.00 which I think is fair. I've got a full breakdown diagram of how it goes together and a parts replacement list for the unit, should anyone need help. The thing goes on most AMG, Ford, Kaiser Jeep types by the look of it. Plus Caterpillar vehicles and ....some military aircraft. Fascinating.


    Happy days. I am knackered....must be an age thing.




    Be Brave...Go by Mutt!


    It is :rofl::rofl:

  2. Cheers my friends. I don't actually need the Viagra...and as I already rattle from brain balancing drugs; I can never take them. Roll on eBay!


    The alternator came out after one hell of a struggle. Bloody bolts in impossible places. But she has to get fixed this weekend cos I'm supposed to be driving her round the Somme next week. Magical....we hope!


    Party on my brothers..




    Should have bought a ......................

  3. Well done to Ian and Lee - enjoyed every minute of it! Good vibes all round and enjoyed sleeping with Its Me..........


    Fed up that I missed so many folks and would like to of caught up with some but understand sometimes it wasn't that easy! It was worth the trip alone to go down into the bunker. Scared the hell out me - a really really strange feeling. I was walking around on my own scared, freaked out then bumped in to CW and Chris G......which scared me even more!! Such an ery place, body bags, hospital, dorms, kitchen and a BBC studio which was to be used by the PM to broadcast to country after the 'bomb' went off. The saddest thing of all is that we (the public) would be left to die..........


    Now to the gossip - you may remember that we have often talked about what went on in the Beloro Mess Tent?! Forget that - you want to see what went on in the Bunker Bash Mess Tent :sweat::sweat::sweat::sweat: I have pictures....


    I am not saying to much but Dave Ives was last seen going in there at midnight with a bottle of spirit - then the pictures kept coming to my phone..........! The re-enacting camps throughout the woods was perfect and so too were the trenches - one guy on Friday night slept on the firing step:shocked:


    Thank you to Mark Heliops for dinner Saturday night at Restaurant Heliops - the waitress was rather fine too.....


    Roll on next year and hopefully Chrisg will turn up with biscuits this time!


    Just imagine how much more scarey if the lights had been dimmer :cool2:


    Half a crate of Blue Bird bitter, more than a fair share of chocolate brownies & biscuits and still wants more suppose thats management for you :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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