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Posts posted by jdmcm

  1. Mark they used the 3 piece differential you see in the video and a single Detroit 6046 engine, the same power plant they used to re-power the Canadian Forces monument Sherman they subsequently stripped bare...but that is another story. Once they had the drivetrain installed they realized the differential turned the wrong direction giving them 5 reverse gears and only one forward gear. Instead of changing direction of the differential, which is relatively easy on the later one piece units or changing the rotation if the engine, which is even easier given Detroits ability to run either way by changing the timing gears, they instead added a remote mounted truck transmission and placed this transmission in reverse. As you can see hilarity ensued. Looks good on this group....

  2. Yes Robin, that is the same one...they are shameless when it comes to the outright lies they offer as to the "replicas" heritage...normally I don't get involved with commenting on others vehicles unless I have something positive to offer, but what this group did to the monument Sherman from CFB Chilliwack, who's care they were entrusted with, is nothing short of disgusting. One fellow MV'r likened it to robbing a fallen soldiers grave...

  3. We have a group here in Canada that has built a replica M10 Achilles. They started with Sherman bogeys and differential recovered from a scrap forestry yarder. Not one genuine M10 part on the whole vehicle, complete replica hull turret and gun made from scrap steel...but a very convincing job. Problem being they have concocted a story about finding the vehicle abandoned in a Canadian scrap yard and have kept pushing the narrative that it us a "restoration" not a replica...in my opinion replicas are great, good way to get into what has become a incredibly expensive hobby...but misrepresenting replicas as genuine is simply deception and should not be tolerated

  4. I used to eagerly await my subscription every month...but now, it usually gets a quick skim and on to the pile...all these buyers guides and general articles about who had what vehicles in WW2...seems like page fillers...I to am armour biased but seriously how many jeep and landrovers articles do we need? So much interesting stuff going on, especially in the UK...can't we get some shop visits? Or drone photos from Kevin Wheatcrofts? Or anything exciting? Please!

  5. Rick, If you need the bazooka plates for one of your Centurion restorations you can collect them from Carl's if you go down and pay him a visit, no use shipping them to Canada, I had hoped they were similar enough to Chieftain...boy was I wrong!

    Oddly not the first time either...



  6. Rick


    Carl scrapped a rather scruffy Centurion ARV a while back, I don't think there is too much left. If you need Centurion Bazooka plates for either tank, I bought those from Carl and they are sitting at his place, I would trade them for a set of Chieftain ones if the opportunity arose



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