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Catch 22 LBDR

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Posts posted by Catch 22 LBDR

  1. This week I fitted the front hitch, had to cut off the old flattened out wash board hinges first then prime the area and fit the already sandblasted and painted part.Then I had to cut off and weld on new rear light drain pipes.


    I also spent a full day getting the rear door to open and close properly:mad:.


    Started fitting the swim steering linkages but got stumped by the one under the left pillar, it is fouling on the header tank pipes. Its not hard to fix, just a lot of work, will prob have to remove the tool bin off the left pillar.


    Would also like to replace two parts: One Fork end, 99-866-0396. Bell crank, 99-865-9013. anyone got one?

  2. Removed the brake master cylinder ready for its overhaul, Cant get the parts through the regular military supplyers so I'm going to try giving the part number to some civilian company's and see if they can come up with anything.:-\. Anyone got any other ideas, (other than getting a new unit)?

  3. Welcome back people, hope all was well over the festive season.


    It was back to the grind stone and knee deep in Stolly guts again this week for me.


    First off was the exhaust fitment, needless to say this didnt go on without a fight. The exhaust has to be fitted in 3 parts, 1 the silencers, 2 the curved section that exit's through the hull, 3 a short part that joins them together. The first prob i had was once the curved section was connected to the engine the 4 bolt holes didn't line up. Even if it did line up it was still a good 1/4 inch out from the hull and all 4 bolt holes had been helly-coile before. I didn't fancy making up a new exhaust section or trusting the botched holes so the decision was made to weld it in place, (not the first Stolly i saw done this way). The rest was more awkward and time consuming than anything else.


    Also done this week was the clutch Master and slave cylinder refurbishment and re-fitment, sounds easy but when you see where Alvis put the master cylinder you will know its not. The pipe joining the two is in 3 parts, two steel lengths with a short rubber bit at the gearbox end, one of the steel lengths had to be replaced as it was damaged when removing the master cylinder, I got a flexible hose made up for the job, it was much easer to fit than a steel one. I wish I had got the hole thing made in flexible hose because the steel end took me 3hrs to wriggle into place. But its all back in place now, ready for OIL (not brake fluid) and bleeding.


    Also done this week was the removal and refurbishment of the swim gear linkages at the rear of the vehicle.


    Pics to follow:D

  4. Hi Shaun, yes i used the drawings you sent me to make the cover but i made a few small changes. first i went for canvas instead of PVC. I find PVC tends to go brittle with age where canvas can be treated, and i love the smell of canvas:nut:. The company i used didnt have the right size eyes so i had to go a bit smaller but i dont see that as a big prob. It was also made from 3 sections instead of 4, this was due to the width of the roles and was cheaper to make due to less labour. I haven't had a chance to fit it yet so i dont know how how it fits or looks so watch this space:-D


    As for the seals, I had to replace lots of bits of the steel clamps and I am going to pack the ends of the seals with black silicon to stop the water getting in. The seals are in good condition, they are just badly misshapen. The vasaline is a good idea, thanks Shaun.

  5. Lots of small things going on since my last post, not much point in taking pics as its hard to see the changes, 4 of the 5 windows have bean replaced, just one left to make and fit. refitted the cab back, header tank and left tower top (tool bin). Had lots of trouble fitting the seal's.

    Can anyone tell me what's the purpose of the inside seal on the inner double seal (hull seal). because the old seal's were so badly miss-shapen i couldn't get them back on. in the end i left out the inner part, the seal seams to work fine without it, of course i wont know for sure till she goes in the water:whistle: .

    I just got my new cargo canvas cover for the load bay, cant wait to fit it. Does anyone know what the lip's are for that are on the tower inner walls and inside of the tail gate, I'm guessing they are for some sort of cover but i cant be sure.

  6. get a jolly engineering upgrade to the points, will improve running massively...I would look at all the pipes and check for integrity, certainly I would consider changing the brake rubber hoses, body to wheel, they fail without warning, two went on one of mine last week...so I had no brakes...check your air packs for integrity, if they fail parts are getting very hard to find...I have recovered my throttle remote cylinder by soaking the parts in seal restorer, how long it lasts we will see but it has gone from a massive leak to no leak and working perfectly...


    now my clutch is slipping and need to find if its gone or just needs adjusting,...


    O there is lots of work still to do, she doesn't build air so i have no brakes, the fuel system needs to be overhauled too. She runs on a jerry-rigged fuel tank. But the cab welding has to be done first. She needs to be made water tight before i move it back outside, i also have ordered a canvas cover for the load space. At least when the clutch is fixed i can move it around.

  7. Finally got the left side welded up and primed, now all i have to do is refit the spiller tops, door seals and doors and that's the load bay finished, O and finish it off in a top coat of desert yellow.


    Then its onto the cab, I have also removed the clutch master and slave cylinders ready for overhauling. Part of the clutch pipe has to be replaced too.


  8. Hi, I'm restoring an alvis stalwart ( follow my progress on Alvis stalwart 18 ET 29 ).


    I am looking for any info on fitting clansman radios in to my stolly, diagrams and pictures would be great.


    Thanks for your time and input.



  9. Last week just went from bad to worse, after I lost my phone (yes its still in the belly of the beast) my other half lost hers. (not in the Stolly I might add). Then I had to go to hospital to get a steel shard removed from my eye complements of my baby grinder:beatenup:.


    So this week was mostly spent unbolting bits around the cab, and its not looking good. I have removed 3 of the 5 front windows only to discover the rot around them is a lot worse than previously thought (pics to follow). The left hatch is in a bad way too, and some idiot has welded in the passenger seat:banghead:. Still, The floors, drivers seat, heater, heater pipes, two top hatches, sun visor thing,ect have all bean removed.


    I have yet to decide the best way to repair the window frames. I'm thinking of making up a sort of 'Z' cross section and shaping it to the out line of each window, then cutting out the window hole and welding this in, or maybe on top of the old steel. What do you think???

  10. The short ans is no.The hub houses a reduction gear system that consists of of a sun wheel and a number of planetary gears. I havent taken one apart yet but i have done all 4 hubs on my Ferret, which is similar. The hub cap is held on by a ring of bolts visible in your pic, and is made in such a way that the sun wheel gear is part of this. I am guessing now but judging by the shape of the hub cap there will be a stub axle with some sort of retaining nut sitting right out in the centre of the cap. so you couldnt even make one up without the flange.

    Next time im at the workshop i will take a look in the Manuel's for a diagram that i can scan and post up hear.


    As a lorry driver i have never driven an oversized vehicle in the UK, but if you check with VOSA it might only be a case of putting on extra warning plates or flashing orange lights, or maybe an escort.


    I hope this helps.



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