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Everything posted by champman

  1. Hi Gordon, ".. or at least not be able to sue them for not seeing it, ..", reminds me of a true story in America, a woman pulled out in front of an ordinary army truck and her defence was that the vehicle was designed not to be seen so she didn't see, she got off. Just love the Champ going on holiday!!!
  2. Thanks Gordon If military vehicles had blackout white edging I guess that this would be in a friendly country because white edging is the opposite of camouflage. So, apart from RMP white markings, did the military ever carry on white edging in the 1950's for any reason? (excluding, 'I want to be able to find my vehicle in the car park.)
  3. Hi, thanks for replies. My thoughts are the same, that white edgings were probably only for civi vehicles but having seen the 1955 photo of the Champ with what looked like white edged wing and cill markings I did wonder. White tipped bumpers: these are standard RMP markings. Looking at a lot of in-service pics of Champs it always amazes me how different Units did things - Bridge Plates are another example. White edging all around a Champ today?, I never say any markings are wrong, I just say I haven't seen them before. Thanks again.
  4. Hi all. As I understand it in WW2 vehicles had their wing edges and cills painted white so as to be seen during the black out. Does anyone know if these markings were ever used post war? I have seen a Champ photo of 1955 with what appears to be these black out markings but they may just be for embelishment. Thanks for any help on this.
  5. Hi, thanks for posts. I now know that these are not Tracta seals, I just thought that with the section of these they could be another form of Tracta seal but they are not. Are MIS 50 seals still available today? Thanks for all your help.
  6. Hi Chris, wow!, thanks for the great info. Now I can see the triangular section at dimension 'S'. So there is some vehicle that uses the same type of Tracta drive as the Champ but much bigger. Thanks again. Can anyone suggest a vehicle? or look in their parts book for bigger mv's? It's a shame to waste these seals, and, if I sell them, I will donate half to an mv charity. On Champ Tracta housing seals, the book gives, LV6/MT1/GO/B15081, 4 3\4" x 5.449 x 1\2". As far as I know these are no longer available, are these seals in the GACO book? - one mv spares dealer is selling standard shaft seals with the wrong internal profile and the wrong outer diameter as Champ Tracta housing seals, be warned. If genuine seals are no longer available I can let anyone know where to get repros, and correctly made ones.
  7. Hi Chris, "rotary shaft seal", excuse my ignorance here. "shaft" I would take to mean a parallel shaft like the mainshaft on a gearbox? The seals I have have a triangular profile on the inside and, as in the Tracta housing joint seals on the Champ, one angular side bears on the housing of the Tracta joint. Help appreciated.
  8. Hello Clive. Thanks for reply. You are right, it is GAC0, on the first one I looked at the bottom half of the G was missing, hence CACO. So it seems the only way of identifying them is from an idividual vehicle parts book.
  9. I have a few tracta joint seals and I don't know what they fit and it seems a pity to let them go to waste -I think they are tracta joint seals because of the 45 degree angles on the inside. On the seal is, 'CACO MIS50', on the wrapping, MT1 5330.99.801.4847. Size, 6" od, 4.9" id, .49" thick. They are bigger than Austin Champ ones. I tried Googling 'CACO', but no luck, is the firm still going or? Any help much appreciated. Regards to all.
  10. Hi, is it possible to know where the Champ is? who would I ask for permission to see it?, do you know if it's for sale? Thanks
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