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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Can't help you on that one RS But bloomin well done on your attitude, exactly the sort of attitude that is needed to ensure that historic MV's are cared for.
  2. Wonderful experience Steve. Bastoqne is episode six I think.........now I am going to have to watch that tonight, rude not to! Anything else you have been involved in?
  3. If you haven't then that's because they are all here! .
  4. Lloyd has sent over these pictures to me to post up..............looks a dam fine truck. . . . .
  5. Now Karoshi............you haven't had any help from Oddball, have you?
  6. OK Steve.........more information is required! 8)
  7. Will post some more tomorrow but everyone have a look through your collection of images. .
  8. Matt, bet you have some on some images that you have taken.......... .
  9. Hi Mark. .............welcome to the other side :shock: looks like you have come across them?
  10. Check your images and I guarantee that you would off picked these up................if you are in 'touch' that is :shock:
  11. One more for now. . .
  12. .................want some more? .
  13. Take a look at this one of Eliza............ . .
  14. One I have been wanting to share this one for a while................. Upottery Airfiled. Taken in late winter. There is a story behind this picture, take a closer look................ [/img] .
  15. VCR Very Costly........now I run out of ideas for R
  16. Good point Steve. I think they are now turning their attention to spud guns :roll: .
  17. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200506/cmbills/010/amend/51013m07.htm Don't ask me if this is the news that we have been waiting for but............. (9A) In relation to subsections (2), (3) and (8), the following should be included in the exceptions and exemptions from what constitutes a realistic imitation firearm— (a) deactivated firearms, (b) deactivated weapons manufactured before 1983, © deactivated weapons of .50" calibre and over, (d) large machine guns, armoured vehicles and field guns and military equipment where the deactivated weaponry is intrinsic to the equipment, (e) realistic imitation firearms used in security dog training and security guard training, (f) realistic imitation firearms used in hunt dog training, (g) realistic and deactivated firearms used by educators, colleges and schools, (h) reproduction components for weapons of .50" calibre and over, (i) starting pistols, (j) weapons intended for use in "Airsoft" with a muzzle energy of less that 4 joules including BB guns, air guns and paint balls, (k) realistic imitation firearms for use in theatre, cinema, museums, castles and historic houses, television and sporting events, (l) parts of weapons required in relation to the weapons listed in paragraphs (a) to (k), (m) specialist suppliers and armourers relating to the weapons listed in paragraphs (a) to (k).'.
  18. LOL! Tim you are just to clever for your own good :twisted: .
  19. Not sure Oddball. Think we need something pictorial as oppossed to a bunch of letters.............any thoughts?
  20. Thanks for that Tim, were up there last year on June 6th, wonderful place. Karoshi is right, I have things about lots of things and crates being one of them :oops: The GMC looks nice but I am surprised that the IWM has got so wrong with the colour, green I ask you............everyone knows that they were red 8) Cheers. Jack. P.S. Karoshi is looking his usual male model self :cry:
  21. Jack


    Haven't had the time to sort out the painting for this weekend so the GMC will be going in red oxide :shock: ............I have been told not to worry as they would make sure that I was parked out of the way :roll: The last time people saw it was Yellow, it is now Red and hopefully the next time that they see it it will be GREEN, I said GREEN. My winters project is to put the GMC in the barn, strip of everything that I can, wings, bonnet, mud guards, fuel tank etc etc, bring them home and prepare them and spray them in the garage. I need to find, beg, borrow, steal a generator as I have no power in the barn.
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