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Ian L

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Posts posted by Ian L

  1. Ian, what is the plan with your front windscreen frame's, I just want to ask because if you have thees made new I still have some bits left of mine that can come handy (the hinges and bottom lock).

    Better to spare give thees parts to someone to can us thees bits, outer ways it will for scrap!

    I can bring this some stuff to war and peace.



    Hi Guy I have 3 new (n.o.s) Left Hand frames which I bought off John Morter last year and I am hoping that 'paulbrook' is still going to make some R/H QL frames. if not then I may have to cut up 2 L/H frames to make a R/H but that will be a last resort.

    Please bring your spare bits to W&P just incase.

  2. Hi Ian, yes you sometimes you can have some nasty surprises on the engine and gearbox work. So what's the plan with the gearbox, replace with second hand are rebuild? If it was my project I should be looking for a second hand gearbox as the cast lug will be difficult to repair.


    I always want to have a look in the engine after this thing has been standing for a long period. The things that I mostly do is to remove the sump to clean the inside and have look at the bearings. The cylinder head is the next think to check and recondition.

    Better to have a engine in tip top condition as ones the cabin is back over the engine it is a lot of work to replace engine bits because of the little space in the cabin and round the engine.


    But this is only my humble opinion on this subject, and have the full confidence that you will walk tow this problem.



    Hi Guy I'm now on the lookout for a replacement gearbox, we have decided to remove the sump and cylinder head to start with and go from there.


  3. Despite standing since the early 70s the engine ran very well with no smoke & good compression, clutch & gears worked fine.

    Messy job over paint stripping and pressure washing, first nasty suprise was a broken lug on the gearbox and a badly chipped gear.







  4. Thanks for that N.O.S, i'll have to give them a call and see what they think.


    Richard, that is interesting, I have a picture of the another Vulcan taken in the 1960's which shows a disc wheel with a solid tyre, I always assumed that it belonged to something else but maybe it was the spare?

    Some interesting clutter in the background too.....





    Hi Rob looks like an Austin K5 in the background ?

  5. I still looking for some wane that can make my canvas bits for the QL.


    Seat covers, roof hip ring cover, bellows on gear sticks and steering column, radiator funnel and blind and the parts under the cabin.

    I made al ready some enquiries with some well know canvas suppliers but without luck.


    The problem is that I dot have any samples of my canvas bits as most of thees bits fell apart.




    Hi Guy I enquired with Allied Canvus last year and they have all the patterns & will make then for you but not cheep.http://www.milweb.net/go/alliedforces/ keep up the good work mate, you should be finished years before me.:-(

  6. Thanks a lot for that, I have emailed them for a quote.


    I have a trailer to move it but sometimes it would be nice to take it on something that didn't have to be stored the other end.

    Cheers Steve


    Hi Steve I don't think they will make one for you mate ? it would be cheeper if you bought a second hand 'A' Frame & cable off ebay and we copied the brackets off my Jeep.


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