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Mrs Hardyferret

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Posts posted by Mrs Hardyferret

  1. PLEASE can anyone help :oops2:

    I have just tried to get my photos of Buckfastliegh 2005 (in an effort to show Jack what a good event it is) and when I tried to access the external hard drive they are stored on the whole hard drive has fallen over :argh: Tried all the usual things of restarting, plugging it into a different USB port. reinstaling the software etc and no joy.

    Does any one know if it is possible in any way to get to the stored data ie a rescue programme maybe or would a computer boffin be able to retrieve it. :cry: :cry:


    any suggestions gratefully received.

    a rather distraught Mrs Hardyferret :banghead: :argh:

  2. was Mr Hardyferret selling militaria in front on the tent? if so, I bought the 344 set off of him, turned out to be a right bargain.

    :-D Yup Ian That was him - glad you were pleased with the deal.


    Oakhampton sound like fun :goodidea: I will make a note for next season. would appreciate a contact name/number for the entry details when you have a mo.



  3. This jeep? It followed me on the convoy across the moors

    Yup :-D thats the one - amazing isn't it cos its so insy winsy and theres Jack and his big mans truck at home or should I say 'tucked up at home' :evil: :evil:.....................


    Just gone through my photos of last year and have now clocked you. you where set up opposite us under the trees. We had the Little grey jeep, our 101FC and a Dodge WC. There thats better ............. I know where I am now. :yay!:


    Just tried to insert a photo for last year but no joy..... I will have to go away and find out what to do. :rtfm: In the mean time Ian don't let up the pressure on Jack as I know he and the family would enjoy the event and we would like to know more about the September event.


  4. Buckfast............is that out of Dorset


    Jack Shape up :n00b: If Nigel & Cath can do it in their little grey Jeep surely a chap like you with a Big Mans truck can manage it :x Jerry an I would be their to make sure nothing nasty happened to you and once there you wouldn't have to get up early if thats whats worrying you :sleep: :sleep:

  5. do you do the Buckfastleigh event?


    We usually go down to Buckfast for War on the Line - great weekend :tup: so maybe see you there if not before. We must try to get Jack to drive his 'Man's Vehicle' down too. How about it Jack :? its a great weekend for all the family including visits to the pub and even Fish & Chips :beer: :-D


  6. Welcome :wave: to you young man - what a super job on the lightweight. If your son is at a loose end at any time he can always pop along to ours and give our new lightweight a coat of colour.

    Followed the link to you restoration - impressed. :bow:

    Have fun and hopefully meet up with you one day.


  7. you could try being a bunny boiler & donning a mini skirt & high heels & chatting up a squaddie


    Berni do you mean Jack or Hardyferret :? In either case the mental picture this idea brings to mind ................Ughhh :-o :shocking: Its not good :schocked:

  8. Some good pictures, looks like you had a good day out and the weather was good to Mrs Hardyferet sat up there in the elements,hope you had your thermals on.

    You bet :laughing: :tup:- thank heavens for a nice day. I was dreading waking up and seeing a frost :schocked:. Mrs Jack was sporting a very fine line in head gear............Jerry was feeding it carrots at lunch time :-D

  9. As known The Regiment was disbanded in Oct 1945 but due to continued interest in small commando type warfare Regiment reformed in 1947 as a Territorial unit attached to the rifle Brigade and merges with The Artists rifles a volunteer battalion raised in 1859 from London's artistic community hence 21 SAS(artists)

    Though volunteer not the the normal STAB correct Neil ???


    I wonder if thru Artists the poem 'the golden road' came to the regt


    The Golden Road


    We are pilgrims, master, we will shall go

    Always a little further, it may be

    Beyond that last blue mountain barred with snow

    Across that angry or that glimmering sea

    White on a throne or guarded in a cave

    There lives a prophet who can understand

    Why men were born, but surely we are brave

    Who take the Golden Road to Samarkand.


    James Elroy Flecker






  10. Morning Mark


    I have just been to the gallery - no probs.

    I was logged on the the site as normal and just used the gallery tab on the home page and bingo - don't know what to suggest

  11. Donna

    Have you seen in .Tell us about your next events..........' topic - New Group ??

    I'm sure you would be able to join us you have the necessary qualifications and the right attitude :yay!: :beer: :banana:- and you would help to keep up the proportion of girls to boys :naughty: :clap: :naughty:

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