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Mrs Hardyferret

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Posts posted by Mrs Hardyferret

  1. OK This time then....

    Shuffling of down the road last Sunday morning to take the dogs for a walk throught the woods at the edge of the old cordite factory and look what I found...............





    Had to call back home to himself and tell him to 'get here quick and bring our cameras....












    all going well so far... some interesting snaps and then...........







  2. Haven't been able to use the gallery at for th last 4 days. Have tried refreshing etc but no joy. Got some great Photos today of the filming of 'Relief of Belson' but can't get them on to the forum :argh: :banghead:

  3. To get away from the financial debate, how's about an HMVF meet-up one evening after hours in the arena? Anyone interested? Might be a good photo-op!


    :tup: :tup: Now your talking. Great idea. Him indoors can bumble about in his latest toy (what ever that Will be) and I'll have my camera ready. :-D




  4. Jack, at least you stayed away from wareham the chip shops in swanage offer a much better service and you dont have to wait an hour and then they loose your order :

    ehem :-( ...............I remember the last time I visited a Swanage chip shop with Mrs T20 We didn't get any chips as the chippy was surrounded by just about every fire engine in Dorset, roads closed, baby's crying, women swooning................ :|

  5. Insert Quote

    As it was a stormy day yesterday we decided that it would make sense to nipped down to Swanage to grab some chips then on over to Kimmeridge to walk the beach and cliff tops...........my god was that windy, the power of the sea is something awesome...nearly blew the dog through his collar


    JACK I'm surprised at your foolishness. :-o :shake: :eek:




    ..............................................visiting a Dorset chip shop with out proper back up :laughing:



    Nice pic's though. :-D


  6. An interesting reminisce, at the time a acquaintance?? of mine decided to walk into the Yachtsman pub next to SBS depot and R.M.Poole just after the Cadre had been 'returned by the Argies'.He thought it a good idea to spout off about how the Falklands belonged to Argentina and what a bunch of ----s the Marines etc were.

    Weeks later, he was able to come off drip feed, seems he never heard of R.M. morris team, and their fine display of clog dancing!!!

    He now is a fine member of society!!!!!


    Hardyferret :eek:


  7. Looks like you had a great time.

    Can offer next group a bulk discount on industrial strength KY jelly, helps you slip into those hard to get to places......


    Regards Hardyerret


    P.S. if the next trip is soon after Christmas I think Hardyferret had better hold hard on the mince pies. :red:

    Mrs Hardyferret


    P.P.S Any comment from you Jack :nono: , look out!! :box



  8. Jack


    I have come up with a product every women will be interested in.....





    Serry couldn't wait..




    [font=Verdana]PLEASE NOTE THE SIGNITURE AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST[/font] :nono: - I am sorry but this is another case of Hardyferret crossposting again :n00b: and the views and opinions stated are not necessarily the view and opinions of the owner of the title Mrs Hardyferret.


    (Unless of course he winns £1000) :naughty:

    The Real Mrs Hardyferret

  9. Welcome Tom


    Excelent choice of vehicles - SII Land Rovers & Ferrets that is. :tup:

    You share interests with my other half - Hardyferret - he has just bought SII lightweight to restore over the winter. Don't take any notice of Jack, he is a little delusional - he thinks a Jimmy is a 'Man's Vehicle'. :-D

    Be warned about the Ferrets its bl**dy cold perched on the commanders seat in winter :shake:

    Enjoy the site. :-D


    Mrs Hardyferret

  10. You'll never get away with king dick has got to be Britool don,t even contemplate the dark side I'll say it quietly (snap 0n)


    Britool 'the best british way to tighten your nuts'


    Hardyferret using Mrs Hardyferret's profile ... is this known as 'cross profiling'

  11. Just a bit bland


    And whats wrong with Bland - It reflects two members perfectly :box

    namely Mr & Mrs Hardyferret

    AKA Mr & Mrs J Bland


    Must be honest like the present logo just fine - as they say it does what it says on the label :tup:

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