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Posts posted by Toner

  1. [quote name=


    I hope all goes well, though I have no idea how one goes about preserving something so huge!


    With an awful lot of paint! ;)


    At the moment there is something going on regarding the tug and her position. I'm not sure about the details at present. But things do appear to be moving.

  2. The latest update is that the trust cannot provide any updates for now due


    "As much as I would like to update you I cannot as this would be to show our hand to the other side. I myself am hoping to give you an update by this evening or in the morning at the latest. All I can say is that phone lines are ringing hot between the UK and Turkey and everywhere in between. Sorry I can not allow any more information out at present. The Gibraltar ETA is important and is needed "




    However things are starting to get mentioned in the media now


    There is also fundraising efforts now in place. Everything from Tshirts to rather nice pictures. The vendors are donating a portion of the price to the trust. (I believe in the case of the pictures, £20 from every purchase of goes to the campaign)




    Naval pictures:


  3. Hi, I'd have posted updates but it seemed by the quiet that no one was interested in her plight.


    The latest update is that she was taken early, allegedly to prevent the organisation trying to save her from serving the warrants to prevent her depature. A representative of the HMS Plymouth Trust was prevented from gaining access to her to serve the warrants.


    She is currently being towed to Turkey but the Trust's barrister has indicated that this is not a major problem as she could be towed back if the courts order her returned.


    The trust was shown to have a legitimate claim to her, so now it's in the hands of the lawyers.


    PS The £5000 target was met in 18 hours.

  4. At present, there is a 'clear and present danger' of the type 12 frigate HMS Plymouth being taken away for scrap.

    There is a campaign to save her, at present they are trying to raise £5000 to pay for a barrister to challenge Peel Ports.


    As of an hour or two ago, the people who want to save her have managed to raise approximately £3300 in less than 24 hours.


    Links to the Facebook page and HMS Plymouth's website are below.





  5. I believe Clive did an article about ignition boosters.

    The short version is that they are not worth the money. They are cheaply made (sometimes consisting of nothing more than a pair of screws with a gap inside a plastic case. It's a like the 'fuel conditioners' and 'magnetic fuel molecule alignment' gizmos that are popular on the internet.


    I'm sure people will be better able to advise you on how to get the best out of you 6v system without that sort of thing.


    Here is a thread discussing them on a bike forum


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