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Posts posted by TooTallMike

  1. I second the above -


    Mark can make the tea - whilst Mike changes the wheels. :-D


    Vince can supervise and I can supervise Vince - (management being my area of expertise).


    Mark, if you park the Jimmy in the sun, chances are Mikes knees will get some colour. :goodidea:


    See ya there.






  2. If you don't fancy paying for balancing you could just try swapping tyres around and see how the problem changes or if it goes away. Just keep an eye on the rolling circumferences on the rears and don't let them get too far apart.

  3. Not a problem Mike - hit is everytime a page is viewed - visitor is everytime someone visited the site.......some folks like to talk about 'hits' as it sounds better but I like to be transparent :-D


    Ok, so a 'visit' is by a logged-in member, but a 'hit' would be someone casually browsing via a search engine?

  4. Shame on you Grasshopper, as spokes person for the TooTallMikeKnobblyKneesFanClub I must protest vehemntly, there is nothing wrong with those knobbles in the middle of those pins.


    Sir :-(


    :banana: :banana: :banana: It's great having a fan club 8-). Just gotta get the dancing girls on my side now :dancinggirls: :dancinggirls:
  5. We saw one in the process of being converted while cruising upstream on the Thames last year.


    Yup, it was a little way upstream of Richmond, Windsor etc. moored off a semi-derelict boat workshop on an island. They appeared to be trying to mate the streamlined hull of an MTB with a small block of flats. I hope the finished article will look better than the work-in-progress did :|

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