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Posts posted by ian2b

  1. What a great day legs ache and I feel totally knacked. Thanks to Sir Paul and Tunnel rat for a great day - look forward to the next one. :-)

    Here are some pics of Rapier Rob climbing a barbed wire fence and catching the crown jewels, lucky enough richard rosser was close by and with his warm and steady hands was able to get Rob off which bought a smile to Rob's face.


    width=640 height=480http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/100_4214.jpg[/img]

    width=640 height=480http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/100_4215.jpg[/img]

    width=640 height=480http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/100_4216.jpg[/img]

  2. Hi Tugger.

    What we are trying to get across is shows put on by the Military Vehicle Trust (MVT) should allow ALL its members that pay there yearly subs to attend these shows with there vehicles be it WW2 or Post War.

    If a show is themed around a WW2 period then fine make the main area of that show for WW2 but spare a little thought for the MVT members that dont have a vehicle to suit that era and if an area could be set aside someway for them they to can enjoy the show as there fellow MVT members are doing.

    Regards War & Peace show that is a private show put on by Rex Cadman and the Hop Farm and the same with Military Odyssey by Gary Howard so they decide who can attend NOT the MVT.

    The problem is that alot of PW owners would like to attend WW2 events but are pushed aside because of the age of there vehicles which is not very nice as we are ALL members of the same MVT club and should act as a club.

    Again this topic is solely aimed at the MVT club.




  3. Hi Clive,


    Thanks for the insight on how an MVT Area Secretary thinks.

    With people like you running MVT areas is there any wonder post war owners are Pee'ed off. If you organised your OWN show then you can say who comes but when you use the MVT you should include ALL members not just your WW2 friends and sod anyone else. Maybe every area should have a post war owner as secreatary and organising post war events and we will see how long it takes for the ww2 owners to become peeved. No doubt you are only using the MVT banner for this event so you can have the use of the insurance which is paid for by all mvt members in there subscription. When i joined the MVT i thought it was for all mv owners to get together as a group, display there vehicles and enjoy events as a club.

    Your Comment - "In my experience and generally speaking the WWII vehicle owners are more proactive, spend less time grizzling about the PW members and just get on and achieve things" - Is it any wonder post war owners grizzle given your attitude to them.

    As for 2nd armour they are there own group and dont advertise as mvt when doing there events. Maybe if you had organised your own event and not done it with the mvt and excluded other area members there would not be such a problem.



  4. Hi Jack, I think when you first did your banner there was only ww2 vehicles on there untill someone made a comment and after that it changed.

    As for events i dont think any event should be ww2 or post war. Most vehicles are post war it just depends on which war they served in and i think people should realise that ww2 is not the only war that our country has lost servicemen and women in. I can understand that sometimes organisers like to depict a certain era at events but not at the expense of other mv owners and club members and friends. If their vehicle is not of the era maybe they can be asked to follow at the back of a convoy or have an area within the show for their vehicles so they can still take part and be part of the group be it mvt / imps or anyother group out there.


    As for the calender Commander why again is an MVT area club not catering for all vehicle owners. I would be surprised if there are only ww2 vehicles in that area. Still cant just pick on the mvt as the imps only have ww2 vehicles on their main page.

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