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No Signals

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Posts posted by No Signals

  1. Some years back a pal of mine didn't have the above info (pre internet days) and was restoring what he found out had been a Police patrol car. He wrote to the local force asking for advice on the above point, and regarding the fitting of a bell or siren. The gist of the reply was that if fitting, or using, such items was done with intent to deceive then he would get done. Where it was obvious that the vehicle was an old one then the Force didn't consider that it would be an issue as it was obvious to anyone that the vehicle was not a current in service item; and when he had finished the restoration could they bring along a modern patrol car and have a photo shoot alongside it? Which they did and he doesn't have any problems with the local law at all. They all know the vehicle and are more interested in finding out about it than giving him any grief. Obviously this may not apply to any other area of the country.

  2. Trying again with these as a thread I posted yesterday seem to have vanished or been moved. (Mods. -any ideas?).


    Anyhow a few tasters here but the full sets will be on the links, added to as time allows.






    more pics added to next folder



    arromanchessat (28).jpg

    arromanchessat (33).jpg

    portebessat (3).jpg

    portebessat (5).jpg

  3. This seems as good a place to put this as any- how about this from a French Government spokesman today in response to the suggested snub of the Queen attending the forthcoming commemorations-


    A spokesman for the French government, Luc Chatel, said France had invited Britain to attend the ceremony and that it was up to Brown's government to decide who was to represent it.

    "The Queen of England, as British head of state, is naturally welcome," he said, briefing reporters after a French cabinet meeting. "It's not up to France to decide who will represent Britain.

    "Our contacts on this ceremony were members of the British government who wanted to take part in a ceremony which was from the start Franco-American," he said.

    "June 6, 2009 is primarily a Franco-American ceremony," Chatel added, noting that the US president traditionally came to Normandy in his first year of office.


    So now we have even the French as well as the Americans erasing from history the contribution of British and Canadian forces on the 6th June 1944. Jeez!! We should have left them to continue as a nation of collaborators and serfs.

  4. Anyone know of any dealers (or individuals) who sell the 9 inch feather edge type blades as fitted to WW2 Brit stuff? I'm obviously looking in the wrong places as I've had no luck. Thanks for any input.

  5. Steady now, there are two types of Officers -the sensible Late Entry Officer who has gone through the ranks and the Direct Entry one who left school or uni and straight to RMA Sandhurst to remove any ounce of common sense that they might have had before being set amongst the sweaty hordes as a leader of men.... groan




    I suspect you are suggesting that our top rank Public Schools do not produce the kind of chap who is competent with a map, compass, radio and whose bright ideas are somewhat lacking? Rank insubordination I say. Take him out and shoot him.





    (Assuming Rupert can find the weapon, the ammunition, the right hole to put it in, the right hole to send it out through etc etc etc)

  6. Coming down the M1 yesterday I caught up with and overtook a pickup, one of the big Japanese type things. Painted boldly across the back was the company name 'A - Z Maps', or something to that effect. As I passed him what did I see on his dashboard - yeh, a satnav! So much confidence in their own products :-D






    I own a Matador, but I am still not 100% what the vehicle is. Something doesn't look quite right??? Looks a bit Crossley to me????


    I'd agree with that it looks more Crossley. Dont have your range of pics to refer to, or your experience of the marque but the cab appears to have that cuving out fillet bracket above the mirrors leading up to the cab top which Crossleys seem to have but does not appear to be seen on any of the Matador pics that I have got access to. Windows seem to be shallower too, as is the case in the Crossley pics I have.

  8. I think you will find that the manual says use one hand on the end of the spanner, .


    And I always thought that with two hands and both feet wedged against the engine was the only approved method.:-D If you saw the punyness of my hands you'd understand why I want a torque setting.:-)

  9. Cheers gents!

    I know about the special spanner ( have one) only thing there is it depends upon the strength of the user as well as its length. I'm happier knowing a quoted figure. As ever, the forum comes up with useful answers within no time at all.

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