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Posts posted by rog8811

  1. In a previous life I designed and built hot vulcanising presses for making butyl vehicle bags for the military.


    The vehicle to be stored was driven onto rubber covered base with a "C" shaped channel all around the edge. The rubber cover, with bonded in inflatable edges, was hauled into place and once tucked into the channel the edge of the bag was inflated to seal it up then the air was evacuated around the vehicle.


    I have no idea if the idea took off as once I had delivered the machinery I heard no more about it.

  2. Ah, brakes!

    when I was getting my, at the time, recently acquired S2 land rover ready for MOT after 5 years off the road I discovered that the front, left hand brake back plate was on the right side hub and visa versa. I have no idea if they ever worked properly like that but the shoes were well worn.


    I purchased a single replacement back plate from ebay which I stove enameled and rebuilt with all new parts before swapping it for an incorrect one then rebuilt that one to finish the job.

  3. There was another vehicle on the low loader but what caught my eye was the very nice looking Morris quad with No 5 body. It was north bound M3 just before M25 junction at around 3:30, I was southbound on the M3 so the briefest of sightings.

  4. There is such satisfaction when an engine is returned to life for the first time in your ownership, a feeling that is hard to beat!


    Well done that man, I look forward to more pici's and video's, the beetle back has always had me fascinated.

  5. I remember them at Coltishall, scrambling for the Ruskie bears that were snooping about

    The only time I ever saw lightnings in the flesh, I was laid on my back on the bank on lake Windemere watching a pair flanking a Bear....I must have been about 12 years old, still fresh in my mind, fantastic sight.

  6. Thanks Hoseman, I hunted high and low for my thread gauges to no avail but I am pretty sure your suggestion is correct.


    I have an inquiry in with Tough torq USA to ask how to connect up or block off the ports, I hope they will confirm the threads as well, I may then be in the market for some bits.

  7. we need more info.

    Yes indeed, it does sound like I would be stopping everything from running but this is my mini Jeep project.

    sheetwork done01.jpg


    I have got hold of this transaxle.


    So the axle will still be driven, the hydraulics were I assume a pair for the front axle motors and a pair for the deck lift.

  8. There is a clue in the name then? :D Thanks hoseman, I will see if I have the means to measure it, could you tell me the TPI in case it isn't in Zeus?


    What I am aiming to do is to convert this 4WD box into 2WD which I am hoping is as simple as connecting up 2 flows with their returns....once I am absolutely sure which is which ...I am guessing male to female...:undecided:

  9. I know that many of you here regularly work with hydraulics, I have never done so but need to do a bit of plumbing on a hydrostatic gearbox.


    Here is what I am looking at, the male threads measure up in every way as 3/8 BSP so that appears to be no problem. The female thread on the other hand seems to be somewhere between 1/4 BSP and 3/8 BSP (1/4 winds in like a ***** in a shirt sleeve and the 3/8 won't even start. The core diameter is 1/2". Can anyone tell what the female fitting is likely to be please?

  10. I neither faceplant or twat, I do however read up on the social media accounts of anyone who applies for a job with us.

    The office assistant aplicant who had loads of photo's of her and her friends drunk as skunks every weekend did not get a second interview. Another office worker started down the road to dismissal when his faceplant account showed that the family funeral he was attending was a boys long weekend of drinking and whoring in Amsterdam.


    Remember the youth coordinator for the police who was forced to resign after her accounts were looked at by the press? Once on the web always on the web, people need to be more circumspect about what they put out there.

  11. only for the very brave
    question; how do you get out of this car to make the picture???


    I owned a Jeep wagoneer a few years ago, the tailgate window winds down so there is your passengers way out.

    I called mine the RAT (Ridiculous American Thingy) I used to drive it when my leg was in plaster and I was on crutches :-D

    I don't think I would have braved anything as narrow as that with it as visibility is not good.

  12. I can only add to the general consensus on this one, I spent many hours and many ££££ getting my old landie back on the road, at the end of it all I just about broke even when I sold it.

    I bought it as a non running project and sold it up and running but with plenty still to do for the next person to call it a project.... I did keep the numberplate though :-\

  13. You see these subjects come up on the forum and start thinking of things past.....

    Some ten years ago I was invited to a private showing of a car collection in Dorking Surrey, in one of the garages there was a shiney black drop head german staff car with the engine out. I chatted with the collections engineer, he said that he had advised against buying "the bl**dy thing" in the first place and had had his head under the bonnet ever since it arrived. I have Googled all sorts of searches and found nothing about the collection.

  14. Was it John Dodd who also built a "Lady Penelope" car round a Merlin?


    JD only did the transmissions and the body for his one. Paul Jameson built a reverse penelope:D 2 at the front and 4 at the back, I have posted a picture somewhere on the forum, I will see if I can find it....



    *EDIT* found it, half way down this page.


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