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Posts posted by rog8811

  1. Nice bunch of pictures, I like seeing these jobs progress, couple of things though.


    Some parts after the sand blasting and galvanised


    That looks a lot like Cadmium plate/passivate that I used to get done years ago, I am intrigued as I have not seem galv look like that.



    ...will post new pictures if you want.



  2. When I first saw the picture I thought I had missed an event at the HMVF clubhouse...I then realised that, though similar, it is not our car park but one that was obviously designed by Heineken.

    (not sure if that joke works anywhere other than the UK)


    That is a very nice collection! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Not quite the same thing but we had a pack of small sized reverse rotation fluted drill bits. There was a particular job that required that size hole. The newest sprog was given the job and the drill, we would let them try sharpening it twice before going to the drill press, starting it in reverse (they never notice) and drilling a hole! Simple things.....:D

  4. Here we are 2 weeks later and....


    Ploughman asked

    Are the tippers to the bottom left of the square anything special?


    This is the only view of the area so no idea of what they are I am afraid.


    The other one I left here before my holiday, the vehicle can be picked out in a few photo's taken of the area as it moves through the town, it is only this photo that shows what it is.


    Amersham scam01.jpg

  5. I am off for some R & R in sunnier climes for a couple of weeks so I will leave you with Amersham, There are a series of photo's of the town taken in 1948 where this item can be seen but it is only in this one that its identity is revealed.


    Amersham 1948.jpg




    As no one seemed to be interested in the GT Yarmouth one, here is what I saw.


    gt yar tank.jpg


    See you in 2 weeks.

  6. My experience goes something like this.


    Road/show ready vehicle I purchased a Gaz 69 all up and running, found a couple of jobs to do on it but sold it for what I had paid when it was not keeping me occupied.


    Barn find project Ser 2A Land rover purchased as an abandoned project, spent many hours and lots of money getting it rebuilt and back on the road for the first time in years. Sold it on as a well sorted vehicle for less than I had paid out... not by much but still a loss, this is of course ignoring the hours I put into it.


    Out of the above the Landie was the best one for me as it fulfilled my need to tinker.:-D

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