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Bodge Deep

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Posts posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Wow... all we get in the playgrounds round here is dog poo!


    how complete is the M10? any internals... looks tidy

    has the carrier suffered much for its exposure to the elements? (and more importantly) exposure to little fingers who could probably strip it to its component parts give half a chance!

  2. Dunno about anyone else but i'd like to see the silly sod done for dangerous driving...

    Just to abandon your car and let it run off on its own like that I think is criminally stupid

    "it's not my responsability, look I'm not in it" is not a good enough excuse and they were sharpish enough to bail out which leads me to think they had probably decided thats what they'd do if it got out of hand


    The worse case senario would probably be a bent wing or two if they'd attempted to control the car...

    ...or let your car run off down the road COMPLETELY out of control and potentially kill someone/people


    Morons... the only shred of comfort being that they did both nearly die doing something so unutterably dim its funny... Darwin was right!

  3. I tried (un sucessfully) to find that bit of film of a sherman in the Ardennes sliding slowly out of control on an icy cobbled road during the war... you wouldn't imagine anything that bit losing traction but there y'go

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