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Bodge Deep

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Posts posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Welcome to the gradually thawing out HMVF... Parking is either in the landrover section (follow the trail of broken spanners) or the Norwegian section (follow the dodge tracks or look for the snowchain mountain in the corner) :drive:

  2. Fortunately my duties don't extend much beyond the keys to the biscuit barrel and turfing out drunks from the clubhouse bar past bed time... But there's an awfull lot of frantic paddling that keeps the erm graceful swan of HMVF moving. Joris Lee and the Boss are constantly firefighting... I rarely make it to the engine room as i don't have the keys and apparently drinking coolant is not becomming of an NCO :angel:

  3. No, we didn't have to change we thought we'd do it just to annoy everyone...


    And I'm pretty sure Joris enjoys time away from his family trying to keep the forum stable and all the work that entails:n00b:

  4. Gotta say if i owned a zil I'd be tempted to take a geiger counter with me when buying spares!

    Given that the Russian government apparently recommended vodka to counter the effects of radiation sickness at the time I wouldn't hold out too much faith in the scruples of russian based spares dealers :cool2:

  5. From the North East, but PLEASE, not a 'geordie' :shocked: Get your facts right, I was born a 'sand-dancer', and now live in Washington. There's plenty goes on in this area so keep your eyes open for future events posts from me.


    No I said you're "one of them"... which I stand by... I didn't say what! ;)

  6. it seems quite ironic that these 2 vehicles are going to be restored in France by an obviously dedicated enthusiast yet the French authorities can allow 2 similar vehicles plus an m8 armoured car on the Le Clerc memorial on Utah Beach to fall into disrepair and crumble to dust due to a lack of a simple coat of paint



    yes but i'd imagine that the authorities would make money on the sale of 2 vehicles they have never maintained

    as opposed to spending money on vehicles they have to

  7. That looks fairly solid in there to me. Is the transmission block at the front okay?

    will it be an addition to the Barrell armoured column...

    Oh and how big are the access hatches ... and when can i have a go in it?

    and can i have it cause its rusty an' that and you don't really want it


    swop you it for a pug 406... erm dodge... erm 5 year old kid (keeps her room tidy)

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